Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 201 Slaughter the Heavenly Dragon People

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"The time is finally up, we can start." Meng Haoran stood up and began to walk outside, but behind him were the 12-star guardian and Nami and others.

At this time, everyone was on the square built specifically for this conference, and Meng Haoran hadn't come yet when everyone was there.

"What's the matter, is he kidding us? He's not here yet at this time."

"That said, I can't stand it anymore. I really don't take us seriously."

At this time, only the real leaders would calm down, because they knew that Meng Haoran was qualified to let them wait, and besides, it didn't take long to wait.

"Wow, here, here, here, the God Emperor is here." A young man who saw Meng Haoran's arrival quickly shouted.

"It's really here, it's the deity of God Emperor Meng Haoran! And behind him is the 12-star guardian? Looks so handsome!"

"Hey, isn't that Luo? I said why he disappeared. It turned out that he joined the cult and became a protector."

"There is also Drake, the traitor of the Navy, and the big pirate green pepper, and..." More and more law protectors were revealed, causing waves of exclamation.

But some caring people, such as the white beard, dragon, and red dog, are concerned about the armor worn by the 12-star guardian. "That is the armor that can increase the strength of people in the legend. It is said that as long as you wear that, you will be completely immune to attacks below the general. , And the general's attack is also half immune, which is incredible."

"Hawkeye, it's a lot stronger!" The red hair looked at his good friend, Hawkeye. It was obvious that Hawkeye had changed a lot, and it was more simple than before, and it seemed to have gained a lot.

As soon as Meng Haoran arrived, he felt a few strong auras. Compared to the white beard, it was not much more than that, and he quickly locked some people.

In the southeast, a huge woman is eating sweets without anyone else, and is surrounded by a group of not weak men. She is the only female nickname "BIGMOM" among the four emperors, which is the aunt's Charlotte Lingling, and in the real world Like all of the aunts, they have extremely powerful combat power.She is extremely addicted to sweets and is a terrible figure who can mobilize to conquer a country for snacks.

In the West, a very strange-looking guy quietly closed his eyes and was dozing, but his breath was mixed with the breath of countless beasts. Even Meng Haoran felt the danger, but he saw a punch when he was far away. People, probably his men.

"Kaido, the beast, is not as well-known as I saw it. He is indeed known as the strongest creature in the world. He looks stronger than the unrecovered white beard, but it is not necessarily anymore." Meng Haoran quickly confirmed him. identity of.

As if feeling Meng Haoran's gaze, those closed eyes opened instantly, and a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the void, as if the power of the awakened lion was revealed.

But at this time Meng Haoran had already shifted the target, making Kaido look at Meng Haoran with some doubts.

"The feeling just now, was you met a strong opponent? Could it be him?"

There are also a few guys who hide deeply!Meng Haoran looked at the navy camp, clearly felt a few breaths far above the red dog, but did not see anyone.Tsinghua Novel

"Will it be the five old stars? Only they will be so strong, right?" Meng Haoran could only think so.

Now, the general's combat power is no longer in his eyes. Only when he reaches the white beard level is it worthy of his attention, and the red dog only made Meng Haoran look at it because of his special identity.

He quickly walked to his seat and sat down, while a group of guardians behind him stood behind him consciously. As for Nami and the others, they have their own places, and of course Meng Haoran would not let them stand.

"Green pepper! His head has recovered?" Naval camp Karp looked at the top green pepper with some confusion. If he remembered correctly, he had already flattened his head.

Karp didn't know how easy it was for Meng Haoran to restore green peppers.

"It's a big style, even the green pepper just stood behind him." Some people in the power took a breath, knowing that they might not be as strong as the green pepper alone.

Throughout the audience, everyone who is qualified to sit down is a person with a reputation throughout the sea, and most of those who have a seat are large pirates who offer a reward of more than 100 million yuan or a person whose strength is above the lieutenant general.

Meng Haoran tried a little bit after receiving the microphone, "Ahem, Moses Moses, Moses Moses". Although he also knew that there would be no oolong microphone broken at this time, he still couldn't help trying.

Meng Haoran’s opening, everyone turned their attention to Meng Haoran, the person who initiated the World Conference. Before then, even they themselves had not thought that Meng Haoran’s appeal was so great. Basically, all the top wars in the world gathered here. With strength, even the navy and the pirates are in peace with Meng Haoran's face.

If everyone really agrees to one thing this time, then that thing will definitely be done. Therefore, this conference is not trivial. It can be said that as long as you win the conference, you will win the whole world. When the time comes, a unified world is really not. dream.

"First of all, I would like to thank all the guests for attending, thank you for participating in this conference in response to my call, thank you," Meng Haoran said and paused here. "Everyone here came only after receiving my invitation. There is no doubt."

"However, there are some people who did not invite themselves without receiving an invitation. Here I will invite these people to leave the field." As soon as the words fell, several guardians behind Meng Haoran went straight to the team of Tianlongren.

It's not hard to find the team of the Dragon people, right next to the navy.

"What are you going to do? We are the Tianlong people of the world's nobles, and we actually want to drive us away. You have eaten the ambitions and leopards, right?" But his words fell to the ground before the love fell. , Saying please leave is a scene.

"What, they actually dared to kill the Tianlongren in public, or in front of the navy, this time things are making a lot of trouble." There was an uproar.

Sure enough, looking at this situation, the navy's complexion instantly became very ugly, so it was too shameful to be beaten in the face or watched by the pirates.

"Marshal? Do you want to take action?" asked a staff officer next to the red dog.

Aka Inu waved his hand and said, "No, the next thing is more important." But it was strange in his heart that the'bosses' didn't order them yet, and they were really calm.

Since then, the Tianlong people were slaughtered to death in a strange look. No one stood up to help them, and they were also unpopular.

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