Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 245 Captain of the Swordsman Battle

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Name?" Kurosaki Ichihu's face changed slightly. The reason why he can become a god of death now is due to the power of Lucia Kuchiki. His own god of death has not awakened at all, so things like Zanpakuto's name came to him. It's completely floating clouds.

But Kurosaki Ichigo still has his own trump card, that is, Kendo. He has reached the realm of swordsman and he is not afraid of anyone, even the pretending man who has not spoken next to him.

That's right, in his eyesight Kuchiki Byakuya is a man pretending to be forced, pulling something, looking down on anyone.

"Sure enough, you didn't know it! Then you won't have a chance to know it in the future, so let's die here today!" He was already culled in front of Kurosaki Ichigo.

At such a fast speed, Kurosaki Ichimura's face was solemn, but even though he didn't use his sword aura in the realm of the sword tyrant, he was even on par with Asari Renji, but it was much better than the original.

"How is it possible, when did Ichigo become so strong, you must know that he is facing Renji!" Lucia Kuchiki looked at the two fighting parties in surprise, but still not completely relieved, because her brother was still nearby.

"Roar, Shewei Maru." As soon as Akari Renji wiped his hand on the knife, the original Zanpaku Sword was greatly changed and spurred the double-edged snake-belly sword. At first glance, it was a killing weapon.

Is this the beginning solution?Hearing the master said that the god of death will have various abilities after the first solution, but I don’t know what his abilities are.

Sheweimaru can expand and contract freely according to Renji's operations, turning into a soft and flexible knife, and attacking the opponent like a soft whip.

The speed and power of Akari Renji, who started the initial solution, have been greatly improved, and with his initial solution ability, he gradually suppressed Kurosaki Ichigo.

Worthy of being a captain-level figure, his combat experience is very rich, and coupled with his vigorous skills, the balance of victory gradually tilted.

"What's the matter, do you only have this kind of strength?" Although he said that, in fact, he was still amazed by Kurosaki Ichigo's strength. With a Zanpaku Knife, he can get back to the beginning without first solution. The solution was a tie by himself, so the opponent and his own strength were not much.

The reason they are said to be the same is because in this world, the spiritual pressure of their death gods is actually sealed, and they can only exert one-fifth.

If you continue like this, you will definitely lose. Something must be done. Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly burst out with an astonishing spiritual pressure like this.

"This kind of spiritual pressure is..." Assani Renji stopped for a while, then Kurosaki Ichigo seized the opportunity and slashed.

Dangerously, he avoided the vital point, but Asami Renji's forehead was bleeding, and the whole person looked a little embarrassed.

"You..." Looking at Kurosaki Ichigo angrily, he didn't dare to be careless this time.

But what is surprising is that Kurosaki Ichigo's Reiatsu is getting stronger and stronger in the battle, and gradually has the upper hand.

Okay, that's it. I must be the one who wins this way, Kurosaki Ichigo thought this way, and the movements in his hands became smoother.

If according to this situation, Kurosaki Ichigo could really defeat Asani Renji, but Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't stand it anymore.Baiyue Novel Network

Oops, Kurosaki Ichigo consciously felt a life-and-death crisis hit from the rear, and instantly his energy was tense, and he turned slightly sideways.

"Puff" at the sound of the sword entering the body, Kurosaki Ichigo responded that there was already a hole in his body.

"Even the key point." Kuchiki Byakuya said calmly.

"Captain, how did you make a move? I can do it." It's been a long time since I saw the captain make a move. At such a fast speed, I just barely saw a sword with 3 swords, and I didn't even see the moment the sword was drawn.

However, that kid can actually react in that situation!

what can we do about it?Do you want to use Kendo?I'm sorry, Master, Kurosaki Ichigo has no other way, and Kuchiki Byakuya cannot be defeated by the god of death.

"Forget it, I actually dared to attack him, my apprentice beat him up for me, and it's time for Kendo to be born." Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was hesitant, Meng Haoran's voice reached his ears, making him happy. Endless.

Why is there no one?Obviously there is a voice.Kurosaki Ichigo looked around.

"You don't need to find me, you can't find me, you should deal with the guy in front of you seriously! He is not easy to deal with, eh." It turned out that Meng Haoran was hiding around here as early as the beginning. He also felt speechless for the attack. In the original book, it was because he wanted to save Asani Renji. That's forgivable, but it's shameful now.

At this time, the plot officially began, and Meng Haoran didn't care that Kurosaki Ichigo's kendo training was discovered, so he transmitted the sound to him and let him use it.

"Hehe, do you think this can defeat me?" Kurosaki Ichigo stopped thinking, and looked at Kuchiki Byakuya seriously. "You are the captain now! Let me defeat you!"

"Arrogant, just because you are the opponent of Captain Kuchiki, you were hit hard just by one move." Kuchiki Byakuya didn't say a word but Asari Renji jumped out.

"Yeah! Ichigo, let's go, you can't beat your brother." Although Kurosaki Ichigo's strength just shown surprised her a bit, she didn't think Kurosaki Ichigo could beat her brother. Kuchiki Byakuya was watching. He is already invincible, and he has never seen him lose.

"It is true that I am not his opponent in the Shinigami." Kurosaki Ichigo confessed simply. "But I have not only the power of the Shinigami." As he spoke, a sharp sword aura erupted from his body, and the contact between the sword aura and the air produced. There was a harsh sound.

At the same time, Kuchiki Byakuya felt a dangerous aura from Kurosaki Ichigo, which was a power that threatened him.

"What is this...?" The people present were all stunned, looking at Kurosaki Ichigo, although they couldn't really feel it, they felt the powerful force.

"So this is your trump card?" Kuchiki Byakuya said, slowly pulling out the Zanpaku Sword.

A flash, once again appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, but this time Kurosaki Ichigo's actions were indeed very different from before, not only blocked his sword, but also made a counterattack.

"It seems that the strength of the captain is just like this." Kurosaki Ichigo was overjoyed. He didn't expect that the power of Kendo was so strong. When he fully demonstrated the power of the swordsman, he was not even a little bit stronger than before. As long as there is this power, you can definitely win.

"Let's scatter! Senbonzakura." At this time, Kuchiki Byakuya saw that he couldn't take Kurosaki Ichigo, and began to solve.

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