Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 247-Sword Defeat Bai Zai

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Arrogant, don't think that you will be invincible if you defeat Kendaki." Kuchiki Byakuya drew his sword directly, and he started to solve it once he shot.

Countless cherry blossoms came again, but the result was the same as before, but there was no use for eggs.

"Okay, let you see what the real kendo is." Say it, Meng Haoran shot his sword instantly.

Unlike Kurosaki Ichigo's half-hearted man, Meng Haoran made Kuchiki Byakuya feel a fatal crisis just as soon as he shot, and he couldn't help but turn back to defend.

But can this stop Meng Haoran?The answer is no. After Meng Haoran's sword broke through Qianben Sakura, it blasted towards Kuchuki Byakuya unabated, and countless sword auras caused gusts of wind.

At this moment, Kuchiki Byakuya truly felt the strength of the sword hero, and he didn't dare to go head-to-head and could only dodge, and even if he dodges in the past, he would be injured by the scattered sword energy. In a short time, Kuchiki Byakuya became Dressed up as a beggar, he looked embarrassed.

The bystanders were already shocked by Meng Haoran's strength. How could it be so strong? Facing the dead wood captain, he didn't even have to solve it, so he was forced to this level.

If I can get this kind of power?Then it is possible to challenge the Captain Kuchuki. After Asanjing was surprised, looking at the domineering Meng Haoran enthusiastically, he made a small calculation in his heart, and I also asked the teacher.

"I admit that I underestimated you, but do you think this is my full strength?" Kuchiki Byakuya said, at this time already regretted coming to this world to seal Reiatsu. In his opinion, if he is in a normal state, he must not Will be so embarrassed.

Meng Haoran smiled disdainfully after hearing this, did he do his best?"Forget it, stop playing, defeat you with one sword."

"What? You said it was a joke to defeat me with one sword." Although Kuchiki Byakuya didn't believe that Meng Haoran could defeat him with one sword, he also increased his vigilance and must not let him succeed.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

A sword light flickered, Kuchuki Byakuya hadn't realized what had happened, but Meng Haoran had put away the sword.

"I didn't see exactly what happened!" Kuchiki Byakuya had a wound that pierced through his upper body, and his clothes were covered with blood, and his body fell straight down.

At this point, another captain of the corpse soul world was defeated by Meng Haoran, and he was defeated so easily. Although Kuchuki Byakuya did not use the jie and was in a sealed state, how did Meng Haoran show his strength?

"Captain!!" Asanjing rushed over and found that Kuchiki Byakuya had no strength to stand up.

"Let's go!" Meng Haoran said.

"Master, Lucia and her?" Kurosaki Ichigo was anxious, this did not fit his original intention, but he came to save people.

"Are you really going to save her like this, or do you do it yourself? The decision is up to you." Meng Haoran said lightly. This time Kurosaki Ichigo was silent for a long time before saying, "I will go personally."

Meng Haoran nodded in satisfaction and watched Kuchiki Lucia and his party leave.

And Kuchiki Byakuya's group also looked at Meng Haoran with complex expressions, what kind of attitude did he have, not letting people kill Kurosaki Ichigo, but could not save Kuchiki Lucia.Daily Novel

After that, Meng Haoran suddenly disappeared, leaving Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Uryu behind, believing that they will take care of the rest.

"Did you see it? That kind of power." Urahara Kisuke and Yoichi were actually there from the beginning, and Meng Haoran also spotted them, but didn't point them out.

"Really interesting guy, that kind of power that is obviously not Reiatsu, I want to have it too!" Ye Yi thought this way, and already had plans.

The fact that Meng Haoran defeated Kuchiki Byakuya by his sword was spread after Kuchiki Byakuya and the others returned, and once again caused an uproar in the corpse soul world.

However, the corpse soul world did not respond to Meng Haoran's actions for some reason, but instead issued an order for the execution of the dead wood Lucia, and the time was set in one month.

In the present world, Meng Haoran brought Kurosaki Ichigo to the Urahara store. To awaken Kurosaki Ichigo, he still needs professionals, and Urahara Kisuke should be happy to do so.

Kurosaki Ichigo was still very anxious. The next day I found Meng Haoran and hoped that he could train him, but Meng Haoran took him to Urahara and asked him to practice death. Besides, is he still the protagonist without Zhanyue?So decisively handed him over to Urahara.

It is worth mentioning that because Kurosaki Ichigo's body's power of the alien god of death was not destroyed, he suffered brutal torture and deeply pulled the alien god of death away. The scene was terrible.

He handed Kurosaki Ichigo to Urahara Kisuke and Meng Haoran retreated decisively. He already felt that he had broken through only these few days if he wanted to go back and continue to understand the law.

However, an accident occurred and a talking black cat entangled him.

"Hey, teach me kendo!" Meng Haoran was disgusted with such a coquettish tone when he was obviously a male voice. If he didn't know the nature of this cat is a soft girl, he might just slash it.

Although he was eager to understand the rules, he still had some patience with Ye Yi.

"But you are a cat, and a cat can't learn Kendo." Meng Haoran pretended to be helpless, but a trace of joking flashed in his eyes.

"That's it! So long as I am a human being." said the black cat.

"Well, that's it, but that's impossible." The voice was a little proud.

At the next moment, a fruity, dark-skinned beauty appeared in front of Meng Haoran, who was Ye Yi's body.

"How is it? Surprised!" Meng Haoran should have been surprised or flushed when she came to Yeyi, but she guessed the beginning, not the end.

Meng Haoran looked at her with a serious face, and didn't mean to avoid it at all, "It's so surprised that the black cat has turned into a human, this figure, this face, tsk."

"Hey, is there any mistake? This script is wrong! Where are you looking? Pervert" Ye Yi became angry. If Meng Haoran was a pure boy, she would boldly tease him, but this expression of serious taste what's going on?

"Okay, the identification is complete, a beautiful woman." Before Ye Yi was completely angry, Meng Haoran turned around and handed her a set of clothes, "Put on! Beware of cold!" The voice was unusually gentle.

Ye Yi took the clothes in a daze, and found that she couldn't understand the man in front of her at all, and at the same time a strange feeling arose in her heart.

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