You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Before "Boom" waited for everyone's thoughts to react, their bodies responded and they knelt collectively.

The moment after Meng Haoran spoke, a spirit pressure that they had never dared to imagine appeared on this land like a god.

"This is... I can't feel the marginal reiki pressure at all. This suffocating pressure is like the deep sea. The body can't move at all, and the consciousness has gradually begun to blur."

Everyone, even Lan Ran felt desperate fear in the face of Meng Haoran's display of strength, and Yachukas, Vasto, and Kamen became a joke in the face of this absolute strength.

Dongxian thought that darkness was the most terrifying in the world, but at this moment he felt a lot more terrifying than that. It was like an ant meeting a giant, and they didn’t even have the qualifications to stay near Meng Haoran. No, I'm blind, but my eyes seem to see a huge figure, the mighty of the sea, the mighty of the prison, just feel the breath and the heart will surrender, and it is so natural, just like the deepest part of the soul The same instinct.

Under Meng Haoran’s power, a seed of surrender was planted in all Shiblade’s hearts. It was a kind of reverence for the level of life. In the future, even if Meng Haoran did not specifically emphasize it, they would regard Meng Haoran as their master. , And with the passage of time, he will be completely devoted to Meng Haoran, and eventually even become a mad believer-like existence of Meng Haoran. Meng Haoran's will counts everything to them.

Meng Haoran may not have discovered it himself. With his comprehension of the law, his life has evolved to another level. It is a natural king temperament, usually nothing, but if he shows the strength of the king realm, If other people have not reached the king's level in strength, and their will is not particularly against the sky, they will gradually surrender under him.

This is the situation now. In fact, Meng Haoran showed his strength for only a short time, and then returned to his usual state. When he looked at other people again, their eyes looked at Meng Haoran changed significantly. The eyes that had originally resisted or other thoughts turned into familiar eyes. It was a kind of eyes that he often saw when he was the leader in the world of One Piece. The eyes of believers looking at God were so enthusiastic.

Of course, this look only lasted for a moment and then recovered, but as long as they stayed by Meng Haoran's side, they would completely become Meng Haoran's loyalty after a long time.

"" was only a short moment in Meng Haoran's feelings, but others were not. They all said that when people are on the verge of death, they will find that time slows down infinitely, and they will recall their own lives. They were in that way before. State, in their feelings, you and them seem to have gone through a hundred years.

The sweaty Tenblade stood up, his back was already wet, his body was exhausted as if he had gone through a battle of life and death, and he felt very empty.

"Master Meng!" Is this man the object of our allegiance?that is really good.

In this way, I will no longer be afraid of losing my companions and being alone. Under his leadership, I never expected to fail. Keyatai Stark smiled.

Following him, I will find out what the heart is. My instinct tells me so, Ulchiorasifa unconsciously put his hand in his virtual hole.

This is the adult I'm looking for who can sacrifice everything for, Diahribel's eyes are shining.Nuancai Literature Network

It seems that I am not the king of the virtual circle!Damn it, but following this adult's command, I will definitely see a higher level!

All the Ten Blades, after feeling Meng Haoran's strength, completely accepted Meng Haoran's existence, at this time Meng Haoran's status in their hearts was completely higher than Lan Ran.

The most fundamental reason why Ai Ran was able to subdue Ten Blades is that he is very strong. The most fundamental reason is his invincible ability. In fact, everyone does not say that he is not very convinced that he is a leader because of his ability. , Because the gap between them is not irreparable except for ability, and Meng Haoran's desperate gap, which doesn't say ability is completely invisible, is even more convincing.

For Ai Ran, they would think that if they also had the ability to guard against the sky, they would definitely not be inferior to him, because Ai Ran is better than them is entirely luck.

But Meng Haoran is different. They can’t convince themselves no matter what reason they find. It is the gap that exists from the moment the world was born. The gap in the level of life and dimension prevents them from having a sense of resistance. Their instinct tells. They couldn't reach that level anyway, they were born worse than Meng Haoran.

In the original Ten Blades, there are still guys who resist Aizen's orders, such as Grimjow, but now he absolutely can't resist Meng Haoran, even if he has that kind of thought in his heart, his body can't resist. If he really does that, The body will begin to destroy itself.

This is no longer a simple subordinate relationship, but a kind of existence similar to a contract. It has not yet been reflected, but in the future, it will gradually discover the strength of this relationship.

The same truth as the saints of the prehistoric world, the will of Meng Haoran at this moment is saint.

And this kind of contract is irreversible, unless they also reach the same level as Meng Haoran, there is a slight chance of letting go. This is the most primitive law in this world.

Of course, this is only limited to this world, and this is not true in other worlds because of different rules.

What happened to them just now, Broken Bee looked at all this with a puzzled face, Meng Haoran had already demonstrated his strength?Because Meng Haoran deliberately avoided her, she didn't feel the power that belonged to the king at all. In her eyes, after Meng Haoran said that he wanted to show his power, all the ten blades suddenly knelt down, and then looked all over. I stood up tiredly, and then the look in Meng Haoran's eyes changed.

Cut, what Meng Haoran said just now is false, right?What you say makes people feel, and there is nothing in the end. These falsehoods are really simple in mind, which is brainwashed.Because of Meng Haoran's special care, Broken Bee had such a misunderstanding that he finally ignored this most important piece of information when reporting.

"Continue to become stronger! Is your road still long?" Meng Haoran pretended to say, then took the lead and walked into the conference room where Lan Ran and the others had a meeting.

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