Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 281 Relic Transmission

You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The ruins suddenly aroused Meng Haoran's great interest and deep doubts at the same time. It stands to reason that this kind of thing should not exist in the world of death!

However, Meng Haoran is not a person who is afraid of things. It is good to take some risks, so he readily agreed to the lion's request and decided to explore with them.

Lion Kuang was very impressed by Meng Haoran's unhesitating promise. He believed in them so much, not afraid that they would join hands to kill him at that time. After all, under that kind of opportunity, they could do everything.

In fact, this is also the boldness of Meng Haoran. His ability to beat the three virtual kings is not a problem at all, so there is no need to worry at all, and it is the other party who really needs to worry about what happens.

However, although I am not worried about the Void Kings, I still have a certain amount of awe for the ruins, so I also need to get a good understanding.

"What did you encounter in it last time?" Meng Haoran asked.

"Since you have agreed, I don't hide my personal secrets anymore. At that time, after we entered the ruins, we fainted. When we woke up, we found that I was in an abandoned city and didn't know where it was. Then a mystery appeared in my mind. The voice tells us that as long as you kill 10,000 zombie creatures within an hour, you can complete the task and get rewards for increasing potential."

"We don’t know what a zombie is. In the end, we accidentally killed a creature that looks similar to a human being. Only then did we know that it was a zombie. They have the appearance of this person but they don’t seem to be conscious. They only know how to eat, just like a big virtual base. It's the same as Li'an, but a low-powered man.

"With our strength at the time, we simply completed the task. In the end, everyone got something called a potential pill. After we finally took it, we found that the cultivation speed was greatly improved. It was like a god help. It is precisely because of this that the three of us finally got one after another. Those who broke through to the king level, now that we think about it, everything we have is caused by that little pill. I really don’t know what it is, it’s so amazing."

Lion Kuang said to himself, but Meng Haoran felt stormy waves in his heart at this time. Zombie, what a familiar name, often appeared in a certain movie and many novels in his previous life.

Could it be said that the ruins are similar to the existence of the main god space, the legendary people go to complete the task, and then the task is completely rewarded, but it is not right!Isn't the main god space unable to get out after entering?And the main god space can be exchanged, they are just the fixed things.

I can't figure it out, but I can be sure that the test of the ruins may be to go to other worlds to complete tasks and then get rewards.

It was a place that detached itself from this world. He didn't experience Meng Haoran personally and didn't know what it was, but at that time he had already planned to see it anyway.

After making up his mind, Meng Haoran pretended to listen with respect and continued to listen to Xu Wang's narration, but was not noticed by him.

A few hours later, Shi Kuang took his five men to leave, and they agreed to meet in the virtual circle three days later.

"My lord, are they really the King of the Void and his guards?" Hliber looked at Meng Haoran and asked again. Although he was already Meng Haoran's woman, he still used to call Meng Haoran an adult.

"Didn't you feel it? The strength of those five guys." Meng Haoran asked back.

"It's just that I can't accept it suddenly." Hliber felt the pressure of the five guys whose strength was no less than that of his own. Only then did he realize how wonderful it is to meet Meng Haoran, or else he Will always be a frog at the bottom of the well, and finally die without doing anything.

It is precisely because of Meng Haoran that he has the strength he is now, and he also has the hope of breaking through the king level. Thinking of this, Hlibel's eyes look at Meng Haoran softer.Watch the Chinese website

"What the hell do you have when they come early?" Broken Bee asked. She was also curious about what they were talking about in the study.

Meng Haoran didn't conceal it, and directly told them, making them completely stunned when they knew about it. They had no idea that there is such a magical place in the world, and they all clamored to see it.

Meng Haoran resolutely refused. It takes 4 king ranks to enter. Maybe other people can enter after the 4 king ranks are gathered, but the unpredictable danger is too great, and Meng Haoran is reluctant to let them take the risk.

The two women agreed not to go after Meng Haoran said, but also Meng Haoran promised to come back alive.

The next day, Meng Haoran had arranged the affairs of the world and returned to the Xu Ye Palace.

Of course, Broken Bee and the others followed Meng Haoran. They had given them a period of time in the Xuye Palace. They should not act rashly. After all the orders from him to return, Meng Haoran began to wait for the agreed date.

Lan Ran and Shi Ren were a little puzzled about Meng Haoran's orders, but they planned to implement them firmly. Meng Haoran did not tell them where they were going.

On the last day, Meng Haoran spent time with Broken Bee and Hlibel in bed. Because the return date was uncertain, he spent a day with them, and the life was extremely comfortable.

On the appointed day, Meng Haoran embarked on the journey alone.

"Is it here?" Meng Haoran looked at the building in front of him curiously, the appearance of an ancient palace, covering only 1 square kilometer.

After setting off, Meng Haoran and the Three Kings rounded in a secret place, and then they led the way down here.

At this time, Meng Haoran also saw the last of the three kings, Tianhu, whose name was very elegant and feminine, but he was an old man with wisdom in his eyes.

"That's it, let's go in quickly!" Di Lie couldn't wait to say, and then led Meng Haoran to the gate of the palace.

At this time, a red light swept across, "Didi, identity confirmation, 4 6-star peak powers, meet the regulations." Then there was a click, and the palace gate opened.

"Okay, it's finally opened." Everyone was a little excited.

But Meng Haoran had some thoughts at this time. The 6-star pinnacle is not a king-level, it seems that it is not a product of this world, and it is somewhat similar to his own system division!Is there any connection with the system?

With doubts, Meng Haoran and the three of them entered the hall directly. After all of them entered, the door was immediately closed, and then "Didi, meets the requirements, the transmission begins."

A dazzling white light flashed, and Meng Haoran only felt that his mind sank and he lost consciousness.

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