You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Just like the others, Meng Haoran also had a red pig next to him, but Meng Haoran obviously wouldn't do that like everyone else.

Although Meng Haoran is not a top chef, he is almost the same. After all, he has eaten so many top dishes and made many dishes by himself.

"What to do?" Meng Haoran was a little embarrassed. If he does not follow the trend, it will inevitably take more time and may not be able to catch up with the test. Besides, Meng Haoran does not want to waste time on this, and has a lot of food for himself.

Meng Haoran knows that as long as it is done, no matter how it is done, Buhara will eat it up, and then let you pass with a smile. After all, many people who are considering coming to participate in the hunter test are not for food hunters, and even cook in person. Maybe it's the first time.

In the original work, it was also because of Men Qi's last occupational illness that no one would let him go. In the end, the President Hunter came out to solve it.

Just as Meng Haoran was thinking, the tasting had already begun.

Sure enough, just like Meng Haoran thought, everyone was caught out by Men Qi.

Various vicious tongues came out of Men Qi's mouth, which made the candidates feel embarrassed, and Men Qi had completely entered the state.

"Has it been like this?"

"No, I say mine is too plain and has no characteristics."

People who didn't pass the pass at Men Qi were still worried just now, but as the test progressed, no one passed her pass. Everyone was relieved. The law does not blame the public, right?They also don't believe that everyone is eliminated in this way.

"Hey, look at that guy, what is he doing?" A person pointed at Meng Haoran.

The people next to him also looked over and looked at Meng Haoran strangely. What happened?

I saw that Meng Haoran didn't use the oven at this time. This is not the point. The point is that Meng Haoran is actually useless. He just touched the pig with one hand and closed his eyes, not knowing what he was doing.

Most people don't understand what Meng Haoran is doing here instead of cooking.

Only a few people felt the strangeness, and looked solemnly in Meng Haoran's direction.

"This breath is... so sharp, full of the smell of destruction." The three kings, as the highest beings here except Meng Haoran, felt abnormalities from Meng Haoran's body.

In their perception, Meng Haoran turned into a shocking sword at this time, exuding the sharp aura of a sword. The object was the pig in front of him, and the pig also changed unknowingly. Assimilated with Meng Haoran, turned into a sharp sword.

"How is it possible? It's obviously a pig and it's dead, but how could it give me a sense of danger." Di Lie said in horror, his hands clenched tightly. Is this his peculiar power?Could it be the ability to read, no, it's definitely not the ability to read. Speaking of which I felt the power in any battle in the virtual circle, I thought it was his Zanpaku Sword's ability. Now it seems to be a big mistake.

Except for the Three Kings, as well as the others, Ilumi also felt depressed from Meng Haoran's body, but he didn't feel very careful because of his realm, and didn't understand how shocking Meng Haoran's behavior at this moment was.

Ten minutes later, under everyone's attention, Meng Haoran came to the examiner Men Qi and Bu Hara.

"What did he do, he didn't even deal with the ingredients, so he gave it to the examiner to try it, and eat it raw? Is he an idiot?" Those who don't know the truth look like a good show, because Meng Haoran handled them and they couldn't tell. , I just saw Meng Haoran’s hand and the pig touched for 10 minutes, and then took it in front of the examiner.

"Huh!" Even Bu Hara's originally kind face changed at this time. With his strength, he couldn't see Meng Haoran's moving hands and feet, thinking that what was in front of him at this time was a dead pig without any treatment.

"This is too..." Buhara did not finish, but the meaning is obvious. You can bake it a little!

Men Qi looked a little ugly at this time, "Huh, is your kid here to make fun? It is directly unqualified, and Buhara doesn't need to eat it, it will cause diarrhea if it is raw."

As soon as this remark came out, it caused a roar of laughter. Everyone looked at Meng Haoran amusedly. In their eyes, Meng Haoran was undoubtedly a clown at this time.

"Uncle?" Xiaojie stood in the distance without smiling, but looked at Meng Haoran incomprehensibly.Aesthetic novel

The other three kings are also laughing, but they can tell from their eyes that they are laughing differently from others. They are laughing at the guys who don't understand the truth.

"Will it be like this?" Hisuo didn't smile either, but waited for the final result. He didn't believe Meng Haoran would be a fool.

"That's not okay! I made it anyway. How about eating it, I promise that this will be the best memory in your life. To be honest, I never thought that my idea could actually be realized. You have a lot of Big cheap." Meng Haoran said in an emotional tone.

"I won't be fooled, I'm not qualified." Men Qi simply waved his hand to signal Meng Haoran to leave.

However, Buhara sighed, let's taste it, and slowly stretched her mouth to Meng Haoran's work.

"This is..." After Buhara took a bite, he looked dazed, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"What's wrong, can't it be that you can't stand it anymore." Someone guessed,

Men Qi looked at Buhara in surprise. Is this his state of cultivation?what happened!

A few minutes later, Buhara opened his eyes and looked deeply at Meng Haoran, "qualified!"

"What!! Is there any mistake, this is qualified?"

"Are you kidding me? Even though you know you are watery, you can't be watery!"

"Yes, we have to protest."

However, their protest was of no use, and the examiner simply ignored them.

Xiang San Wang showed a natural expression, and they knew that things were not as simple as it seemed.

"Hey, what's wrong with Buhara?" Men Qi looked at him suspiciously, apparently thinking that Buhara had put too much water. Obviously Meng Haoran's cooking was not good, it should be to the extreme. Buhara just ate it. One bite, I didn't eat it, but at other times I ate most of it.

Buhara looked at Men Qi with a serious face and said something that shocked her: "This is the most peculiar dish I have ever eaten in my life. You should try it! Otherwise, you will regret it."

"What! It's so amazing? Then I'll try it." Men Qi was also interested. She knew that Bukhala would not lie to her, so it was really strange.

Ever since, Men Qi also clamped a piece of meat that looked like it,

No, I thought he hadn't dealt with it, but it was obviously the same as the color after roasting, and there was no fishy smell of raw meat. The difference was immediately noticed.

Men Qi's eyes were a little strange, and he hoped that he would not let me down. He took a bite.

Afterwards, there was a big explosion in Men Qi's mind, and he realized that there was something more in his mind, and then these things rushed over.

Men Qi also had to sit down and close his eyes to realize these things.

In Men Qi's mind, a kind of knowledge of kendo began to be passed on, and only a figure was constantly practicing the mystery of this kendo. Everything about the swordsman, swordsman, and even the great swordsman was presented in front of her. It opened up a whole new world for her.

It turns out that there are a group of people in this world. They were born for swords, learned kendo, and with the sword in their hands, they exerted unimaginable power, breaking the mountain with one sword, the sea with one sword, and even the sky with one sword.

Countless amazing pictures flashed in his mind, accompanied by a wave of kendo perception, cutting iron, sword energy, sword gang...

Twenty minutes later, Men Qi opened his eyes, looking at Meng Haoran with a complex expression, and said, "You are qualified."

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