You can search for "Rebirth in Infinite Anime, Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Meng Haoran also found it funny looking at the bald man's expression. Am I that scary?

"This lord, what do you want to do?" The bald man had no choice but to bite the bullet.All smiles were more ugly than crying.

"How? It's nothing, but I don't like this kind of competition without a fight. You still come back and continue to compare with me. Of course, it may not be a life and death duel." Meng Haoran still decided to give him a chance, as to whether he can grasp it. It depends on his own.

"Competition again! No need for a life-and-death duel?" I thought it was a bald man who was in the doomed bald man's heart. It felt like he was dead and alive again. Since there is no need for a life-and-death duel, there is no limit to the way, I can still save As for the life, winning or losing is completely out of his consideration, this time there is still a chance after the sentence is reduced.

Xiaojie and the others looked at Meng Haoran and the bald man with weird eyes. They couldn't figure out why their menacing appearance just turned into the current wilted man, a bullied little daughter-in-law, and Meng Haoran obviously doesn’t. Victory but did not agree.

However, no matter what other people thought, things were proceeding according to Meng Haoran's will, and the bald man walked to the center of the ring again tremblingly.

"Since I proposed the test plan last time, it is your turn this time." The bald man looks like, although it is safe to propose a test plan by himself, such as being handsome than anyone else, so there is no danger. , You can also let the opponent win easily, maybe the opponent will be in a good mood and let him die.

But after thinking about it for a while, the bald man threw his thoughts into irritation. But his life is controlled by the other person thinking about himself, and he doesn't know the other person's preferences. The other person completely disagrees with the plan he chooses, and he doesn't say it many times. In one fell swoop, I wasted the chance to win a good impression, and now I directly give the initiative to the opponent, maybe I still have a good impression.

Meng Haoran looked at the bald man with a faint smile, his little nine-nine Meng Haoran naturally understood, but it did make Meng Haoran very satisfied, very interesting, and improved his senses.

What should it be compared to?Although it is necessary to guarantee a win, it is too boring to crush with absolute strength, so Meng Haoran just gave up on the use of force, so the rest is only better than IQ, yes, it is better than IQ.

Meng Haoran is still very optimistic about her IQ. Although she is not the kind of enchanting genius, she is still more certain than the guy opposite.

Okay, it was a happy decision. After thinking about it for a while, Meng Haoran said: "Since I am allowed to choose, then we will be better than IQ."

"Better than IQ?" The bald man's nervous expression became loose, so his life could be saved.

"As long as the specifics are how to compare! Just ask each other questions in turn, get one point for the correct answer, and whoever gets the first 3 points will win, which is good?" Although it was asking, it revealed an indisputable tone.

"Okay, okay, just do what you said." The bald man didn't dare to object, and thought in his heart that he must choose a simple question and lose as soon as possible.

Meng Haoran is thinking about what problem he should use to stump the other person. If he knows how the bald man's idea makes him win fast, he doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Then prepare for 3 minutes and 1 first! After 3 minutes, I will start first." The strong self-confidence made Meng Haoran give up answering the questions first, which was regarded as a preferential treatment for him.

3 minutes later,

Meng Haoran opened the competition "Listen well, my first question is how many duck eggs are there in a dozen?"

This question is about brain teasers, which is a trick Meng Haoran saw in his previous life. Girls' novel

The bald man was stunned as soon as he heard it. This is too simple. In this world, there are a dozen eggs. One dozen corresponds to 12 eggs. Even a three-year-old child knows it.

However, the bald man did not answer immediately. No, he couldn’t win, he could only lose. In this case, he would not be able to say the correct answer, he could only change another answer, but if he made a mistake, his IQ would appear to be too low. If I have a low IQ, it will be low, which is nothing compared to fate.

Meng Haoran was a little nervous looking at the bald man's hesitant expression, staring at him closely.

"Have you figured it out? Hurry up" Meng Haoran couldn't help getting impatient with his unanswered for a long time.

The bald man was taken aback by Meng Haoran’s expression, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, the answer is no." Hehe, this must be wrong, he was about to see Meng Haoran’s somewhat happy expression, who would have seen it But it was Meng Haoran, who looked a little ugly.

what happened?The fog at one end.

"It seems that I underestimated you, you got the right answer. It's your turn" Meng Haoran said gloomily.

Meng Haoran’s words made everyone present dumbfounded.

"Isn't he wrong, uncle? There are 12 eggs in a dozen, everyone knows this." Xiaojie shouted, and the others nodded.

"Yeah! Did you make a mistake?" The bald man was not happy to answer the question correctly, but was a little frightened, thinking that Meng Haoran would not let his rhythm go.

Nani?This time it was Meng Haoran's turn to be puzzled, did he make a mistake?Here is a place that is more uncomfortable in previous lives. There is actually a concept of a dozen eggs, but why does he say that it is gone?

Seeing a bald man and seeing the cold sweat on his forehead, Meng Haoran understood that he had lost deliberately, but the wrong answer became the correct answer in his own eyes.

After figuring this out, Meng Haoran was a little bit dumbfounded, but his mood improved a lot.

"Okay, since I said that you got the right answer, you got the right answer. Don't the eggs be completely broken when you beat them? It's a mistake." When Meng Haoran said this, everyone showed admiration. It turned out that it could be understood that way, for a while, Meng Haoran's figure stood up in their hearts.

Ever since, the bald man is temporarily leading 1 to 0, and his problem is next.

The bald man looked at Meng Haoran cautiously and said his own question: "What is 1+1?"

What, so everyone looked at the bald man in amazement, this is too simple, isn't it 2?Let the water go, let the Chi Guoguo go.

The bald man was also a little proud, this time only an individual could answer it, there should be no surprises.

Who knows, at this time, Meng Haoran’s complexion is changing. The previous life came from the era of the big information explosion. How could I not know that this question is against the sky? The correct answer is 2, but in fact, you can say anything, because there is no requirement to answer correctly. what.

Meng Haoran was silent for a while.

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