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Meng Haoran will only fight Bruce? Weis is completely thinking, so it will be shocked by the next step.

Meng Haoran as a challenge, plus Bruce did not first shot, so he certainly did not let the first attack.

The first attack probably used a force, but even so that the Pursan slight color change, because the power of Meng Haoran he actually used 1.5 power to pick up, one of his imagination. The strength can solve the difference between Meng Haoran.

"Interesting! It seems that your strength is not so!" The interest of Bruce was slightly hooked, probably made a 30% strength.

The 3-year strength of Bruce is shocked by the whole universe. The momentum is amazing, directly let the universe of the universe have a burst of ripples, and such a strong gas is directly spread throughout the three worlds, hobs, hellies, and kings The gods, but it can feel this breath, which is completely atmospheric.

Just instantly in Bruce, his breath was crazy, which was originally a buzzing of the universe, as the purple gas is generally expensive.

At this moment, the king of hell stopped official, and the horror looked at the direction of Bruce, even if it separated by a world, it was unable to stop his horror of the breath. "This breath ... is the big people, who fights in the end I haven't seen adventures for a long time. "

"The big people in Birus!" There is also one ... "The kings of all the big worlds stopped in their hands, and the discoloration looked at the direction of the battlefield.

Big Dang Xing, the big king is using a props to voyece a young woman, the body is also slightly, muttered: "The big people, Meng Haoran actually waited with him, interesting ..."

The king of the kingdom, I have long been only a young king and servant left. I feel this enough to let him kneel the distinguished breath, I can't believe it: "Who is, such a distinguished god, where is it? Adults. "I didn't think of Borus at a time.

Regardless of how they are horrified, the two are irrelevant to the two people, because the two sides from the beginning of the battle is already completely concentrated on each other, this time, if this is not, it is undoubtedly the opponent. Not respected.

The two status in the 7th universe the most noble gods their battles are not those, kings, king of kings can stop.

In the face of Rusus, Meng Haoran did not retreat, did not use other power, but used the creation of the creation of the creation of the world.

The milky white rays, dyed the void, quickly and purple, if the purple represents a distinguished just, then the milk represents the packed soft, the two colors have echo in the void, It makes up the scene of the singularity, the beautiful to the extreme, especially the lavender of the blending, is amazing.

For Meng Haoran, it can also improve his strength again. Bruce was shocked again. The strength of his 3-year strength did not occupy the advantage. Meng Haoran is also enough. It is great enough to have his expectation. At this time, the Bruce thought this is all the strength of Meng Haoran. After all, if this is not a full strength of Meng Haoran, then Meng Haoran has a higher strength, and it is close to destroying God. If you have a world, you have a gods and destroy If the strength is almost the strength, what else should I destroy God? A god body and two points cannot be done.

Bruce did not once again increase the power, in his view, his combat experience should complete Meng Haoran, the same situation, he should win, and then defeat Meng Haoran with absolute power, it is not him. want.

The milky white and purple rays began to get together, and there was a complete disappearance of the blink of an eye. If they didn't have the same, where did they go? At this point, it can be seen from the flue of Mintaran and the purple of the surroundings around the Purus. They have returned to their respective body surfaces, and they have made a layer of protective layers, so that the two gods look majesty.

The Shenwei is like the sea, and the Shenwei is prison. If there is no big scene around the two sides now, it is completely wrong.

Although the scene is grand, the power outside is loose, not gathering together, the threat is not so big, and now the power is introverted, completely controlled in his body, this is the most terrible , Because of this, each of them is equivalent to the power just released, and all power condense is a geometry growth in a point of outbreak.

That is, the battlefield is only Wiis, and it is a good fear that will be self-reliant. As long as it is close to watching them, it is good, it is a representative. The distinguished god is far from the fear of their life level.

People have high and low noble, God is no exception, now Meng Haoran and Bruce are undoubtedly the top of God, which controls the life and death of God.

It's moving, it is not very important to see, but it is not very important, two shocking power, the first positive collision in the void.

In this void universe, there should not be out of the sound, but this is not the voice from the material world, but the burst of the soul, there is no reason, and it doesn't matter if it makes sense. I made a big explosion, which is the beauty, beautiful beauty, and shocking beauty.

However, this beautiful person only has Vis, this is a regret.

The depths of the universe, the two stars made a star, constantly collision, every collision, the strength of the four, the countless star, every collision represents the yin and Yang, just blended with soft integration, burst The miracle of the world, playing the movement of the soul.

This is a battle, not to fight, saying that he is fighting because the starting point is fighting, saying that he is not fighting, because this form has been overfold, representing the exchange of two will, jointly confirming, and make progress.

The battle is here, the two sides have gradually can't receive their hands, but this is in line with the two sides, they don't want to get together, and there is no necessary.

The power of Bruce has been raised to 80%, and Meng Haoran is also 70%, but the two sides are very unpleasant, but also continue to improve.

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