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"Sha Lu, what happened, is this is your strength, it is not enough! If you just like this, then you have no need to exist." Side of the side of Benji, I didn't pay attention to him at all. In an export, Saru originally played a bit of comrades.

"Self-active!" For the death of Begitta, Meng Haoran didn't know what to say, is his brain will not imagine, if Sharu is so easy to deal with, they are so many people Will you gather together to pull him?

The expression of Sun Wukong, who was watching the battle is also a change, and it is different from Bergata. He seems that Shalu has not taken strength, but Bergi Tower is already full, as long as Shalu is a little serious The results of Jigta are obvious.

Like Sun Wukong, by Beggetta said, Shalu is not intended to continue to play with Berga. In the eyes of Bergi Tower, it is directly picked up the vomiting blood of Bayi Tower. Shalu's speed is instantly, and the Bergiita has reacted at the fundamental reaction.

"The little bug, actually dare to say, this thought that you should have a self-knowledge of the prince, I didn't expect to be such a big mad, the waste." Seeing Belga is already lost, sand I didn't think about it.

"See it?" Bikhen said, and others shook their heads in addition to Sun Wukong, saying that they were still very optimistic about Behagita before, but did not think that it was said to have become like this, now they also understand Beggita and Sha Lu are not a grade. I am afraid that Sun Wukong and Shalu are standing, and they will turn their attention to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong will not let them disappoint, and immediately fly out, and instantly turned into a super 1, the whole process is like a cloud, there is no smile.

Saru is interested in Sun Wukong. He can feel that the book of Sun Wukong should not stop, because he feels a very huge power from Sun Wukong, it is completely not lost to another time. .

What makes them so short, so much? Shalu is confused, and it is also a bit a feast, but fortunately, I have encountered another self. Otherwise, I really can be defeated here. As for the death, he didn't think about it, he The life-saving means is very confident.

"Sun Wukong, this time is it you? Your posture is not changed in the last time! If this is the case, I can tell you very certain, you have no chance to win." Saru slowly said The confident face, as well as the self-confidence that is emitted is like a fact that it is not consciously believes in him.

For Sha Lu, Sun Wukong did not refute. He knew that Shalu said that there was no mistake, so he made Sun Wukong's momentum began to skyrocket, and a silk thunder was started around.

"This is ...?" Sha Lu shocked the sun-Kungshi, which was actually a little feeling in his heart.

"Indeed, the Super Saiyan is impossible to overcome you, but how can it be able to break through the Super Saiyan Super Saiyan, I call it, Super Saiyan 2." Sun Wukong has completed the change. Transformed into super 2.

The super 2 Sun Wukong looks more than the super 1, it is also handsome, and the whole body flashes the thunder and the air friction, "Zi" sounds, the eyes are more indifferent, let people look for cold, even Shalu saw that Sun Wukong is also jealous.

At this time, Sun Wukong is already a whole earth, it can feel the whole atmosphere, just like the earth is amazing for his strength.

"Have to say, now you have a battle, Sun Wukong, you are not the strongest Saiyan." Sha Lu is full of appreciation to the eyes of Sun Wukong, and at this time he also stratented down. In his opinion, Sun Wukong is strong, but he can still defeat him.

Not only that, Shalu looked at the handsome Sun Wukong, there is an exciting feeling, it is excited, because he suddenly thinks that there is a Saiyan cell, since Sun Wukong can become so strong, there is no reason you It is impossible to become stronger. When I think I have come to a super Saiyan, he can't have it.

However, this abacus of Sha Lu is very difficult to start, at least in the case of him a good person, it will happen, after all, the condition that turns into force is due to the anger of good thinking and love, but the world is no absolute, what is it? Time Saru really changed the character, his potential is more horrible than Sun Wukong, the strength can even achieve the extent of 3, as for more than 4, there is no tail, he is destined.

No one notes, the following Baijita looks at Sha Lu's angry eyes, and looks to Sun Wukong, there is a hate, he angry Salu as a monkey, and hate Sun Wukong is more strong than him. Now everyone's eyes are in both people. No one is watching him, as if he is completely absent, let his self-esteem have never been hit.

"Come on!" Sun Wukong, which turned into a super 2, was unable to suppress the battle of Saiyan, and the spirit became a little enthusiastic. Of course he looks more cold, A high-cold handsome guy, if there is a sister, I can't see a group.

"I have to admit that this transformed function is really good, it is a powerful force." Even Meng Haoran is a bit emotion. "

For Sun Wukong's invitation, Sha Lu also does not waste, directly uses action to express his own ideas, his momentum is also in an instant, and it is also very different from Sun Wukong, and it looks very easy.

Two explosions, Sun Wukong and Sha Lu did not see the trace, after a short stay, the sky was constantly coming to explosive, the two were already handed over.

Bike and others look at the sky, the expression is very dignified, the eyes continue to follow the sound, and the reason is to follow the sound, that is because of their strength, I can't see the battle of the two people. I have to know that the sound is also there. The speed of communication, when they hear, the two no longer the position.

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