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No matter what Meng Hao is thinking, anyway, the Euro is impossible to tell him, and this is already the last battle, no matter how it is finished, the Buy is definitely, so Meng Haoran is not anxious.

The battle of Beji Tita and Sun Wukong is really wonderful. It is high energy directly. The two you come to me is unhappy. A few people have attracted the battle by the two. In addition to some Attention is not here.

"It seems that I guess is not wrong!" Meng Haoran's perception is why, it has noticed that Sun Wukong and the energy generated by the Bergiita battle have been silently absorbed under the earth, concentrated in some place, there It is the place where sealing Buy is the giant egg.

At this time, the big egg in front of Bababi is anxious to look at the giant egg, clearly shows that the energy is full, but the Buhu is not late, let him god disruption

"What's going on! It should be able to come out according to the truth! Why is there still no movement, and how the machine is still working." Babii said that it is a little inatal.

"Will it be time for a long time, Babi is dead?" Babi Di Babi said, saying that the truth is actually very contradictory, seeing Babii's urgent appearance, he is also very urgent, But on the one hand, he did not want to appear in Boho, because the Bubo did no longer be Bababi's number one, okay! He is a bit of a glutinous.

Babiedi's magic is indeed horrible. Even the devil in a devil has not had his own thoughts, and he is willing to consider Bababi.

"It's impossible! It is absolutely impossible, the Buho is not dead." Listening to Dabla, Bababi is like a cat in the tail, the reaction is very large, the Buho is his rule of the universe. It is absolutely not to die.

At this time, a voice of "" sounded, as if opened a certain switch, seal the giant egg of the Bu (, then repeated, every time, "" sound, like a heart beating .

"There is a react, the Bouu is coming out, Daisi, my Bo , hurry up, help me rule the universe, my little, don't be tasted, hurry out!" Babii first glance , Then it is ecstasy, he is as deep as the magic. Look at the giant. Egg.

It seems to be an eager to induce Bababi. The speed of sudden giant jump begins to speed up. If you have hit hormones, you will be jumped in an instant, and it is still strengthened.

Finally, it stopped at a certain one, and a slit crack appeared outside and released some pink gases.

"Finally, finally, it is coming, hahahaha ..." It seems that he has emerged in the eyes of his horses, becoming the main scene of the universe, and the scene of the surrender, Bababi is more than just.

"Congratulations, the adults will be the Lord of the universe." Babi Di's behind Dabli is some acid, but Bababi at this time is completely not noticed.

Under normal circumstances, Babi Di rely on threats or to Yushu, who is a period of time, but pay attention is normal, and it is obvious that the situation is not normal, and the giant egg has absorbed too much. Forces, it is now in an outbreak edge, but Babiei is really unknown.

So, they traged, the cracks were suddenly a sharp bang sound, and the powerful energy waves were condensed into the essence spread from the giant easter.

"Be careful!" Dabola only came and shouted, see Bababi was completely enveloped by the air waves. Babedi did not directly be treated directly by the air wave, and the Bora did not It is also the same dust, and this is not known that this air wave diffuses directly destroyed all the remains of the spacecraft brought by Bababi.

At the same time, people in the world's first martial arts faith feel that there is a shake under the body, as if there is a magnitude 8 earthquake.

"What happened, is there?"

"This kind of vibration is from the base, there is something below."

"Look, you have come out, that is ..."

Suddenly, the vibration was a lot of riots, so in the island of Meng Haoran, the very fast vibration was calm, did not cause casualties, and the center of the finals suddenly appeared in a few widths. The rice cracks, the red gas is constantly coming out, rising above the air, causing the attention of everyone.

"What is this?" Sun Wukong and Bergiita also stopped fighting, close to the last similar to the red clouds, curious.

"The monsters, that is the monsters, who left!" Just when Sun Wukong and Bergi Tower were less than one meter, it was finally a shouting shout, which was recognized. The East Town of the East of the Clouds.

I heard the two people who shouted, but when it was too late, the red clouds have a movement in an instant, and the two people wrapped up with a fast amazing speed. No matter how both people struggle, they can't get rid of it. .

"Good power, you can't get it."

"I can't get rid of it."

The last two struggles are more powerless, and the two are completely integrated into the red clouds in the eyes of everyone. This is not stopped.

The next red cloud seems to be ate for half of the burst of tonic, and the sky directly agitated, there is a big hole to the universe, people can even see the scenery outside the earth.

The red cloud is getting worse, and even turns a layer of red light. Finally, it began to shrink, constantly creeping, and it looked very nausea.

In the case where no one is bothered, the red cloud is slowly changed to the human form. Finally, the deep red blood-like magiston is finally born, but he opened his eyes, in addition to Meng Haoran, others are Feel a burst of palpitations.

What kind of eyes are a pair of eyes, it is full of indifference, cold and ruthless, and cruel, I will know that it is a shocking big magic.

"I finally, I finally resurrected, hahaha, as a celebration of my resurrection, let you all come into my stomach." Deep red monsters completely do not rehabilitate the simple, but it is very in line with the devil. The name of the person, the name of the real devil!

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