Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 632, the power of the universe, the gas of the domain

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The Meng Haoran's creation is finally exposed. Almost the people on the earth heard Meng Haoran, although the specific understanding of the gods is not very well, according to some novels, the ancient circles, I know the creation of God The cattle fork, it is comparable to God's existence, even better than God.

"He is actually a creation of God! It is no wonder that people don't know that Meng Haoran's identity has revealed the look, especially Bergiita, who heard that Meng Haoran is more stronger than destroying God. He has a picture in his mind. His father compared with Russen, and he was stepped on the feet than Russen.

"I didn't think ..." In the heart of the heart, the idea of ​​Begitta is in the heart of Begitta, it is abandoned by him. He knows that he will work hard, and it is not more than Meng Haoran. It is a goal that is not possible, It is better to reality, after all, Meng Haoran actually doesn't have any hanged complaints.

People! Sometimes even if you are so embarrassed! I didn't see the coffin, and after seeing, I was one hundred and eighty-degree turns.

Berga's behavior is not known to others, even Meng Haoran has never worried, so there is no change.

"Creating the world is more strong than destroying God, don't you take me as a fool, I don't know if I don't know how to destroy God is the first battle of a universe? Almost by you, I suddenly said. , The speech of the Buhan is in the case of the case, but who is Meng Haoran is a creation of God? So his common sense is destined to be wrong.

"Then you will try it." Meng Haoran said not much, talking with the truth.

Buro was a horrified look, Meng Haoran confident that he had a shake of his judgment, but in the end he is planning to believe in himself, gather your strength, a punch, powerful wind pressure The surrounding air hit it, causing the effect similar to the air gun.

However, the Trial of Buro did not play, Meng Haoran did not move, the air cannon disappeared in the air.

"The space here ..." Buro found that it was not right, and his attack was so easy, there must be something he didn't know, and when he carefully looked at the surrounding time It is found that there is a great change in the space you are, as if it is already derailed with the real world.

"What is the subcompens? How can it, when is it!" Boho looked at Meng Haoran. As a strong person who has been fighting with the god, certainly knowing the presence of subastroves, in the subcompensites. Will be greatly suppressed, as long as the strength is not overrinating this universe, it is impossible to influence the real world, it is a struggle.

"When? When I showed the identity, I started, did you find it?" Meng Haoran was a little ridicule. He did not move the sound of the Yugua pulled the pressure space, and got a layer of creation. To make the two sides still in the outside world, his purpose, in addition to not letting their battles directly back to the earth, there is also the power of the Earth, to achieve the purpose of shocking, this battle will be separated from him. It is not far from leaving.

"Even if you pull me into it here again, I can leave at any time." Bouo hand made a claw shape, a tear against it, but he is expected to lead to the real world of cracks. No appear, let him stay.

After staying, he will have a little angry and ruined. If you don't believe it again, but you will endure the end, this will be aware of nothing. If you can do this, don't you mean that he can't get away from the battlefield, if you play However, Meng Haoran, he can only be slaughtered by Meng Haoran.

However, such a situation has aroused the battle of Buro, a moment of breaking the boat rose from the cloth Europe, but it has improved a bit of power.

"Turn into chocolate!" Buffo drunk, the tentacles on the top of the head spoke "Zi" sound, and then fierce out of thousands of red light, almost covered the entire space, Meng Haoran has no evading place, unless Meng Haoran leaving this pressure space.

"I thought that the super power can I like me, you are too young to see me." Meng Haoran smiled, and there was a short arc barrier in front of the body, and directly blocking the red beam.

Is there only that's it is true? Of course, this seemingly violent attack is actually just a scorpion. In the moment of Meng Haoran to resist the attack, the Buick is already the next step, and this is his killer.

However, when Meng Haoran did not have a beam in front of him, it was surprised to find that the direction of the PUO is more than 100 times the energy fluctuations than before.

"This action, it will not be a turtle to send a gas!" Meng Haoran looked at the Family movement of Bubo, and the heart could not spit. This turtle sent Qigong is too easy. It is often just casual. .

But I don't know how Meng Haoran thought, I directly launched the brunette version of the turtle gas, at this time, the yellow flame of his body has already turned into energy completely injected into the turtle gas. Even the red property of its own It also accounts for a lot, causing his turtle-tapping Qigong is a strange color of red.

Even if Meng Haoran can't read the attack of the Buur, this power is properly destroyed, and it is properly destroyed, even in this criminal, the Siamasonics also destroyed a star's power.

Meng Haoran suddenly became floating, and the breath is completely disappeared. If people still see, no one believes that he is existing.

The power of the submissive was used out by Meng Haoran, but the House of Buya was already able to use the power of the dollar, so this can only weaken the power of the Black Turtle, but Meng Haoran The real purpose is just delaying time.

"With my name to call the power of the universe, I have the same domain." Meng Haoran pinched a strange talent, and said such a sentence seriously.

With Meng Haoran, there has been a change around him. If there is a spatial storm, countless gaps have emerged, and the target is a lot of lightning, and the lightning is qigong. After the collision, the chemical reaction is generally, and the turtle is very exciting, and finally it is completely offset.

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