Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 635 Princess and Traveler

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The sea, a blue, water day, no doped else, beautiful, and occasional waves add a bit more hint.

Suddenly, the original harmonious scene was broken, about 1 meter place in half, and suddenly, it was so sudden, and there was a flyfered with a greeting.

"Is the madness of the plasticity?" That figure is set, it is very tall, give people a calm temperament that cannot be speechless, this temperament is more likely to vampire this world, it is better to respect some.

Suddenly appearing in the big sea, it is just from Meng Haoran that has just spanned from the Dragon Ball World.

"Energy, or magic is still a world, the air is full of riots, there is a touch of savory, it seems that this world is not peaceful?" Meng Haoran did not stop thinking about a direction. Flight, in short, do you know where you are?

Originally, Meng Haoran's mental strength can sweep this world, but this world seems to have some strange, not allowed to use the power of 7 stars, and if it is forcibly used, it will definitely rebound, although Meng Haoran is not afraid to rebound. Even completely capable let this world sur grew under their feet, but what is the benefit of Meng Haoran? His purpose is to find the strength and potential of Kingdoms, not this world, can you ruin?

When you are looking for a creative to summon the creatures to study your guess, it is true. As long as the vitality provided is enough to summon, the beast will become more and more powerful, a vampire really ancestored can summon What about Meng Haoran than 7 stars? His vitality is better than the vampire ghosts. If the reason can be summoned to summon the beasts than yourself, but it is better than yourself, then there is no 8 star. Peak, even 9 stars, Meng Haoran Very expected.

It is a huge cruise ship that is in the sea from the sea.

This is a private cruise, because most of them are elite soldiers, holding a weapon sufficient to deal with the Mozu, the combat power is absolutely weak, and even in addition to a few realizes and their arms will be able to resist one 1

This is still the power on the surface, there are several wear in the dark, but it is the existence of the eyes, and there is a taste of the blood, and their body is the real backhand. The existence of genus.

"Miss", there is still about 800 nautical miles from the strings, need to notify them to meet? How to say that you are the princess of a country, "There are classical supplies in the luxurious room, which fully reflects the heritage of his owner, one A female positive terminal wearing elegant dress sitting on a chair, holding a black-sealed book in his hand, and her in front of her is a man's old man is inviting, then her identity is coming, a country princess.

"Everything will be handed over to you, let's take it!" Fimin Kuchan is light, and the eyes are even more varied. It is obviously not too much.

Fimin Kukan, the identity is the third true ancestor, the singer of the chaos of the champion, the second generation of vampire identity is very prominent, and is deeply loved by Jiayukan, but from small to big She has never seen her father.

And this time she appeared here, in fact, I was bored, I wanted to dissipate my heart, and I took a task of watching the 4th true ancestor.

The old manager who got the answer quietly retired, and the room was quiet again, only the Sandy Saxi of the Gravey.

When I was addicted to the ocean of the book, a long cough voice did not sign, so that she couldn't help but lift the sources of the sound.

"Hello! Beautiful Miss, I am a traveler who is lost at sea, can I send me to the nearest city?" Meng Haoran looked at the girl's eyes in front of the girl in front of the girl. Yan flake, but long-lasting to develop the beauty Immunity has played a role, he said.

There is no shouting with ordinary people, and the girl is very calm in front of Meng Haoran. It does not seem to be afraid or surprised by Meng Haoran. Instead, it is excited to show Meng Haoran. It is curious in the eyes. .

A traveler in the sea, I will naturally not believe in, there will be no slightly in the body, or even the clothes are still a good marine traveler? Moreover, it can be silently entered here, breaking through that hindrance, and even she did not find that someone was so close.

Absolutely not ordinary people, is a human, transitional adapper? Still what else?

Fiming is very determined that Meng Haoran is not a blood group, because if it is a bloody family, she is a bloody second-generation blood family, unless the other party is a true ancestral blood group, but that may?

The other party can talk to himself, there should be no malicious, then as long as he will not provoke him, you can have no things, Fei Yin quickly has decided: "Where we have to go is the string island, there is a family and devil. You can go together in the SAR. "

Heh, he heard that the string island, even Meng Haoran is a glimpse, did not expect it to be so smart, and slightly, Meng Haoran nodded, considered a result.

Find a chair and sit down, Meng Haoran began to close his eyes, ignored the eyes of Fernance.

String god island, there is a mixed place in a fish dragon, but the calm is unable to cover up the chaos that will happen. There will be a variety of forces, and the big dramas of a part will appear, but even if it is So is it more suitable for Meng Haoran, at least the material is not missing, as to say that they are playing their Guan Meng Hao's anecdote?

In the mind, I recalled the world's intelligence, and the time has passed, and the two in the room have always been in a subtle state.

"Bangbang" knocked the sound of the door, Meng Haoran opened his eyes and found that the opposite Fimin also put down the book in his hand, saying that "is it, I will come out soon."

The footsteps of the door are gradually leaving.

"Is it true? It is really fast, then we will see you next time." Meng Haoran smiled in the heart, and then figured out the disappearance of this.

"Magic of the space system?" If Fisheng is looking at Meng Haoran, if it is thoughtful.

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