Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 637 summoned the secret

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I have come to another place, here is the vampire that I have just taken here. At this time, the vampire is still in a coma, but Meng Haoran has no time to wait for him to wake up, go through the past, a slap in the past, half face They are swollen.

"Hey ... Who are you?" In front of him, I feel the cheeks. Spicy pain, Kelly is also depressed, I have a good life, where to think of a snorkeling, I suddenly emerged, I want to attack him, but This is also, the relationship between the isrs and vampires is not very good, plus the other party is the guy who is temper, just when it is not good! But when the battle suddenly broke someone killed the wolf, and then dizzy, even the chance to resist, was this movie?

Thinking of the man's violent figure at that time, Kelly is a cold, and the other party is not good for himself, and the heart is even more than the end, nervous look at Meng Haoran's expression.

"You don't have to know who I am, as long as you cooperate with me, then you have a chance to see you, otherwise, the previous wolf is your end." Meng Haoran coldly, the cold light in the eyes is just watching Kelly At that, Kelly, Kelly, is numb.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely cooperate." Kelly said, he has no way to manage Meng Haoran is not true, now I can only do it according to the other party, otherwise, I really will die. here.

Meng Haoran saw that the other party was also slightly eased. Just get something you want, it is not impossible to leave the other party. As for what is afraid that the other party said that he did something? What is it, of course, it is a joke? Meng Hao will be afraid, and then, when Meng Haoran is directly to eliminate the memory of the other party, it is not easy to add.

Next, Meng Haoran began the pressing of the remaining value of Kelly, Kelly told himself about the call of the beast and the origin to tell Meng Haoran, and Meng Haoran also made the process of performing the performance of Kelly on the spot to feel the mystery.

Fortunately, Meng Haoran has long been in the surroundings of the isolation layer, which has not been discovered by a loli next door, otherwise, such a big movement has been coming to the door by the Guard.

"It turns out, using his own life to attract a genus, signed a contract? The genus is not dead, as long as someone is willing to provide vitality, it can resurrect." Meng Haoran gradually studied some roads.

The so-called genus is a gathering of magic, and its strength and host itself have a big relationship. The host of this world is a life, which is life can provide its energy, so the stronger of the vitality. The stronger the genus is also, so the true ancestors will be strong, who makes his mother live far more vampire?

However, the world's vampire ghosts are not as good as those of other worlds, such as the power of themselves, not relying on the power of the beast, which is very much better than ordinary people. Crisp, very easy to be sneak attack, and their recovery is more than other worlds, others can rebirth as long as the blood nuclear is not destroyed, and the broken hands can be reborn immediately, and the head is gone. Will die.

Of course, the vampire of this world is not a benefit. They have almost no world vampires, even if weak vampires can appear in the sun, and they are not afraid of garlic, what is, the most important thing is to eat ordinary Food, blood test is only a way to supplement magic, and it is also a kind of sexual impulse. Generally speaking people who are suffering from blood is a similar partner of a vampire, much better than other worlds.

"There is always the advantages and disadvantages, but this is not what I have to care." Meng Haoran filtered the news of each world in the mind, suddenly found that the world's vampire is really happy, especially the vampire here can also Mon the descendants with people, other vampires can only rely on the developings of development, of course, I am afraid it is precisely because of these features, this world's vampire can be so integrated into the world without being rejected by ordinary human rejection, and even becomes it. Most of the world's true controls, real nobles.

After a few hours, Meng Haoran sent a vampire without value and did not violate the agreement and kill each other. Of course, the elimination of memory is less.

"I didn't think of the summoning and beasts, there are so many roads, not only the secret law, but also the material, secret law and materials, the better the pose and strength of the summons, and the stronger, the host of the need, the more the hostility needs." Meng Haoran got a low-level call secret law from Kelly, and some information about calling materials, but Meng Haoran did not use it, but prepared as a research, etc. Study, such a thorough, this secret, began to summon himself The genus.

"Then the next goal is clear, and more than a lot of calling secret law, then create the top summon secret law, and then collect the summons of the last materials for the care of the beast." Meng Haoran ruled the idea, and finally thought of a prison. She is a lot of things to have a secret law as a secretary.

"I am really hard! Where is the guy in the ancient city, the care of the beast is ready, only need to provide magic calls, and if I have never been a contract!" Meng Haoran thought of this world. The protagonist is also envious of its luck, but it is only this. After all, although the other party is good, the sister, the land, and the strength have, but it is only the other three realizes to plan a good life for him. It's a good thing to listen to it.

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