Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 639, it will accept you

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"It's a little downtown, although it is slightly dark, it is actually not." Meng Haoran looked at the surrounding environment, not nodded, and some of the character of Nangong Month.

Prison nepheses: There is a polar secret facility in the string god island, and the management commune does not know why it is called by the public. The facilities of the murderer guide. In fact, the imaginary world built in the Magic that entered the sleep state ten years ago, and the supervised supervisor could not be destroyed. Only the credit workers used space magic from the outside to destroy, which means you want It is almost impossible to go out, because this will make many people are afraid of being traveled.

Meng Haoran has just come in, but it is just a little bit of criminals, and then silent. For Meng Haoran, it is much more, stay in this dark place in this dark, they are already numb .

Meng Haoran kept these little , but directly toward the center of prison, if he did not guess, the closer to the center is the place that is really strong, and the goal he wants to find Also there.

Hesitant did not be bound by a special device. Meng Haoran came to the most central scope of the prison nephew, and I also saw some familiar guys in memory, such as the only one. Pants metamorphosis female, Dragon Warrior The descendants, the most important thing is that he finally saw this target character, Xiandu Mu, a "bookwoman" woman.

Meng Haoran added a brilliance to add a trace of angry, it can be in the most inside, basically there is no complete effort to remove his own will, and there is still some ideas that escape from the prison, so for Meng Haoran There are still some special characters walking at the prison.

However, everyone is not ordinary, Shen Qiqi has not taken the lead, but silently watching Meng Haoran, I want to see what Meng Haoran wants to do.

Meng Haoran did not care about their eyes, and traditionally walked to the front of Xiandu Mu. It was quantified to play the woman who was playing by the world before, because the identity of the witch, I want to eliminate all the non-natural power of this world. Woman in the world you think.

Xiandu Wood A night with calm eyes look at Meng Haoran, did not be angry because Meng Haoran's tasting, after all, this kind of eye, she can ignore it.

"Very good! You are a night! Sure enough, do you say that the witch is so beautiful?" Meng Haoran noticed that when the name was called the witch, the fairy wood A night breathed a little, but very fast Restore.

"What is the purpose of ." Xiandu Mu, the night, finally opened, and the sound has a charm, it sounds special comfort. Service, and because of the close reason, Meng Haoran even asked a fragrance, unconscious I made a breathing shape, so that the fairy wooden A night is slightly frowning.

Recognizing that your own disorder, Meng Haoran is also a little awkward: "Sorry, I can't help it."

Xiandu Wood A night did not reply, just looked at him quietly, but Meng Haoran can feel a subtle change in his attitude toward him.

Just as Meng Haoran wants to say that when he finds the purpose of fairy, there is a rough voice, it does CA.

"Kid, this is not a place where you are picking up, and if you want to pick up the girl, you should go to the opposite, she should accept you." Talking is a Qili Gixika, near the Middle East Kabrisan The guerrillas originated by the old elf, implanted into the fensed monsters.

"The opposite side." Meng Haoran found that the other party refers to the "Woman who only wears underwear", the woman who only wears underwear.

In fact, Liliu Lezu is still OK, the body is not bad, it is very popular, but this is just the surface, her real identity is the old age vampire of the third true ancestral blood. "Song Ji" of the Quarter Theater, in Europe and the king's male aristocrats left a lot of high-grade , that is, the double breaking shoes, Meng Haoran can't see it, so Qi Lijiaoli is obviously teasing him. .

"Yeah! Little brother, you come to me, I will meet you everything." Ji Liule did not expect that the war is here, but she is not very concerned, the opposite is the ability and Meng Haoran When she is a man who is a long phase and temperament, she is very happy, so she has a relatively lure. People's posture, Meng Haoran as long as an open mouth, she will send the door.

The atmosphere became subtle, everyone wanted to see what Meng Haoran did, if Meng Haoran succumb to the soft or really, it would be doubted by them, but if Meng Haoran and Qi Li have a relative thing to the fight. Let them have almost look at Meng Haoran's strength, but here, it will definitely have a good face after the strength is not strong.

Meng Haoran also saw their intended, but would you like to succumb? The result is that only one, let them know that they are not in the existence of them, in the case of the fairy Mu, show their strength, so the conversation can also increase the chips.

In everyone's eyes, Meng Haoran reveals a strange smile, then said: "Since you think she will accept me, then I think it will accept you, then you try it." Meng Haoran pair Add a finger, then everyone will see Qi Li, if the Buddha is lost, the gods are general, "Yes, I will try it right away."

Qi Li added to the wall where everyone was awkward, and took off his trousers, revealing his weapon to start working, then it was blood and four, but he as if not feel the same. Instead, it is exposed to comfort. Cool expressions.

At this time, Meng Haoran has become an indentative existence in their heart. It is actually so easy to control Qi Lijia in them, but it is not a sign of it, which has explained Meng Haoran's terrible, not to mention Their magic here is restricted, such words and Meng Haoran is undoubtedly unwise.

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