Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 641 of the room in the room

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Ji Liule came over at this time, poor Baba looked at Meng Haoran, Meng Haoran know that she is afraid that she does not achieve commitment.

"Reassured, wait for you to take you, or say that you want to go now?" Said that the last sentence of Meng Haoran is somewhat strange. If the Lai Le Le really wants to go out now, he will help each other. However, the landing place after the other party is not guaranteed, it will probably be next to the South Palace outside, and I don't know what happens.

"Ah ... ah, don't have you, I am still waiting for you." Strong pressure down the desire to go out. Looking, Ji Lai music is still going to go out with Meng Haoran, I don't know how she feels this, if you choose to go out first There is always a bad feeling.

Meng Hao stood nodded and didn't say anything, it was known.

"Hey, this adult, can you save me, I am willing to pay any price." "I am also!" "The same" This time others also opened, and looked at Meng Haoran with thirst.

"Of course .. Don't you." Meng Haoran refused them, joking them, what is worth mentioning, and don't say some sisters, still have to mess.

Meng Haoran slammed down, it was very awkward, and then it was anger, and they forgot the strength of Meng Haoran, his eyes looked at Meng Haoran, and he wanted to do it.

"How? Some people want to be the same as his end, if not, I am happy." Meng Haoran is cold as cold, and let the people who are embezzled and embarrassing are awake. Many people.

On the other hand, the previous Qi Lijia is already under. The body is blurred, fainted, the scene is not to bear to see, watching him tragic look, everyone remembered the strangeness of Meng Haoran, compared the means of both parties, and finally helpless I found that they did not threaten Meng Haoran.

After dismissed, I didn't have a courageous guy, and Meng Haoran walked toward the closed door.

Before going to the gate, the breath of the Nanguo's month was more obvious, and the handle of Meng Haoran was put on top, and a buzz was transmitted in his hand.

Well, it turned out to absorb magic! And it is attractive, about this prisoner is not resistant. In this case, there is no magic, it is just the power of itself, it is not easy to push the door.

Of course, this kind of absorption is completely used for Meng Haoran. Finally, it seems that I can't make Meng Haoran. Suddenly from a large stock of a large share of the door, there is about 10 tons of power, there is no magic, it is unable to support it. This is probably a prisoner who is born with great strength.

The power of 10 tons is too small to Meng Haoran. Why can't I complete it, Meng Haoran has been completed in the prison nephew, or has not been in the eyelids of the prisoner. opened.

"It's so easy to ..."

"How is it? Who is he?"

I saw Meng Haoran so simple, I opened the door, and the prisoners present were can't be shocked. Because each of them almost tried to open the door, but they all failed, nature is to know the difficulty of opening the door, even think In addition to the original vampire ghost call, the genus could not open.

"Is his strength comparable to the true Lord?" This idea could not scatter in the mind. They looked at Meng Haoran more awesome than before, before the awe is because Meng Haoran is very weak, they still think about After finding this ability, Meng Haoran's strength is that, but now, it is entirely because Meng Haoran's strength is absolute for them, and it is not a problem that is weak, but is crushing in all aspects.

After Meng Haoran opened the door, everyone believed that Meng Haoran had the ability to take the discipline, and could not help but reveal the eyes of envious, and Liliule is also a bit proud. At the same time, it is a more fire. hot.

Such a perfect man, and the strength is still so strong, if you can talk to him ...

If you don't mention the ideas of these people, Xiandu Mi A night is exposed to the look, the expression is cloudy, and finally, it turned out to the door.

When everyone discovered that it was not right, Xiandu Mu, night, was already another side of the gate, and the door happened to close.

"I didn't think of it? I was first stepped by her, I'm going to look like a look, I was still installing." For a long time, Ji Liule is the reaction.


"How did you come in, or say that I care about her." Meng Haoran also found the figure of Xiandu Mulu, a little ridiculous.

"Just allow you to come in, I can't come in, I have long you want to find her." The words said that but in fact, the eyes of Xiandu Mu A night look at the South Palace, it is really hateful. No, it is very complicated.

I want to come in her heart, in fact, it is not very hated in Nangong, but in the contrary, she is also very wanting to save each other.

"Reassured, I won't do anything to her." Meng Haoran suddenly became very serious, and true saw the sleeping Nangong, Meng Hao suddenly felt a bit, her little body is Without how much pressure, such a big prison, so many prisoners, they can be constrained by she can be constrained, causing her body to fall into sleep, the body stays forever in this point, just a poor little light Lili.

Does the witch do not have human rights? Originally, she is a happy reading, talking about love. It is life, but now she is to take a city's protection God, and fight crime.

"Those who are saying, why do you have to build such a prison, not in other places? If you are worried about the prisoner, you can't kill them, the measures are more trouble more than the trouble."

Meng Haoran stood quietly, I saw a meeting in Nangong, and I didn't do anything, and then in Xiandu Mu, there was a somewhere of the goddess of the eyes, re-opened the door.

"It seems that there is any change!" Xiandu Mu, the night found that Meng Haoran suddenly suddenly, but it didn't know what it was.

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