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It has been seen that the idea of ​​the other party, Meng Haoran is not to say this. I really think about what I want to give Dafarian.

Of course, Meng Haoran is only going to give a little gadget, but this gadget is nothing to Meng Hao, and it should be very precious in the eyes of Murgia.

"Since she gave me a gold coin, I gave her a good thing." Suddenly Meng Haoran eyes lit, the special handle took out, then the hand stretched like an additional space, Less only half in the outside world.

"The space of the game." Faria looked at Meng Haoran's move, obviously misunderstanding, thinking that Meng Haoran has a space, now I have a treasure in the space, and she thinks so, in fact, Because, as long as they have opened up a portable space whenever they have adults, they are used to store their own treasures.

Generally speaking, the space will become bigger with its own strength, and store it is also the most precious treasure for yourself. Don't look at the treasures of Faria here, but in fact, all things and her belongings It is just a low value, it is not a grade.

Meng Haoran, is of course not saying something in the space, but puts his hands. Entering the subcompens, intended to make a thing in the Siam space.

Because things to do are very simple for him, so as long as the subcompens, just instantly, he took it out, so Favaria did not find out that this is fresh.

"This is ..." Faria looked at the exquisite thing hanging in the air, and a Warcraft she never had seen, saying that this shape is like, especially the kind of shining Material, absolute pure gold.

In fact, the Warcraft, which didn't know, is a patchwork animal aggregate, and the body of chicken is a cute dog head.

"A little gadget, but I think you will like it, want me to demonstrate its function?" Meng Hao said.

Faria blinks, obviously very interested.

Meng Haoran saw her eyes and knew what he should do, the hand slightly moved.

"First pressing its head, here is a switch, then we are waiting for what will happen." Meng Haoran pressed against the dog head, "Wang Wang", then remembered, then his body started to bloom the golden light, The golden elements in the air started slowly, and finally, in the Pak Faria, a golden golden egg formed under its body.

"That's it!" Meng Haoran said to the Dafaria.

"Wow! Too interesting, what to do, actually produce gold, I like this too." Faria is very happy, the mind has begun to emerge, she has a continent composed of gold. Scene.


When Meng Haoran came out of the tower, he was already a great harvest. After that, Mi Faria didn't seem to feel some kind of small gas, so let Meng Haoran pick some materials as compensation, and Meng Haoran is willing to be polite, She went there, and she was a top material required for summoning the beast.

When I saw Jiusi Le, I was still waiting for, Meng Haoran took her return, and after a rush, Meng Haoran finally returned to his home, then his face was not entered again. The state of the study of the secret law.

This time, Meng Haoran has studied a total of 3 days, and it is already exceeded his expectations, but who is Meng Haoran not only study a thorough secret law, but also on the improvement.

The results of 3 days are also gratifying. Meng Haoran has completely studied a set of secrets suitable for his own, and then the material can be summoned.

"Material! Materials, I am afraid that the material of this world is probably not a care that I can't meet my conditions. After all, I have a penny, the material is too low, and the attractive care will not be too strong." Meng Haoran thought about this, there is a plan in the heart, I plan to try it a few days. If his ideas can be successful, then the material problem that needs to be solved.

Maybe it will be confused here, Meng Haoran is a creation of God, what materials do not have, as long as it creates it.

However, this randomly created thing is only that Meng Haoran can use it in the Dragon Ball World. It is completely lost in the world, which means that he is in fact, he can take this world. The ability of Creative God has not been completely.

It's not that it is not complete, still stayed, after all, the created avenue is his most fundamental force, because in the Dragon Ball World's way to create a certain degree, his way of making progress Many, you can use some capabilities, and the forces used in the use of creation regardless of the world is common, such as the one you can play with the eggs before.


"Do you have anyone for a few days?" Meng Haoran eaten the deliciousness of Liu Lai, and said unhappy.

"The little parole is not counted, she has to come here every day. Now this time, she is afraid that it is almost, I don't know what is there." I thought that Ji Liu Le will say no. I didn't expect to find it.

Nanguo, what do she find me? Also every day, there is no reason! I didn't say it to her, I won't be destroyed.

Meng Haoran is thinking about what is going on in the Nangong, the Nanguo has just been here, it is really a matter of time.

Seeing that Meng Haoran South Palace was obviously the eyes of the eyes, actually took a small run, let Meng Haoran look inexplicably, what is this ghost? The situation is not too strong!

"Hey, you finally came out, why did you hide me in these days?" Nangong did not think about it, but he didn't think that it was not so familiar with Meng Hao, he was waiting until it was finished. This tone is a bit spoiled.

Meng Haoran is also a glimpse of the Nangong, and looks at the Nangong, the Nangong, and the Nanguo, the Nangong, is embarrassing.

"That ..." Nangui wants to explain.

"I know, haven't you seen my friend for a long time?" Meng Haoran said first.


"Don't we do friends? Otherwise, you just ..." Meng Haoran was confused.

The Nangong didn't think of the hassle that I just went to: "For the right, we are friends, so I just ago."

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