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"I finally came, it seems that the previous movement didn't have a white fee." After waiting for nearly 2 hours, Meng Haoran finally felt an extremely powerful energy reaction, which is extremely close to him, obviously 8 star advanced.

Not only that, after this energy reaction, the continuous reaches of the chain reaction, the continuous start of the advanced reaction appears in Meng Haoran, and the short while has nearly 100 shares and the previous phase of the energy response.

"" Even more reluctant, so many powerful existence, so many powerful existence, if he is over, he may not be good, and it seems that these the world's top existence, this seems to be opposite The world is extremely horrible.

"Well" suddenly Meng Haoran is moving, because the opposite 8-star senior care is actually contacted him in the spirit, I want Meng Haoran to put them over, meaning that they want to be Meng Haoran.

Meng Haoran is hard, don't know what to do, after all, his power came over to get these 8 stars, but if there is 9 stars to come over, he wants to get the 9-star young beast. It is not enough.

Biting the teeth, Meng Haoran passed the first news, you can feel the opposite turn, even some angry emotions, but eventually calm down.

Time will pass again, the opposite genus is still rushing, even behind, there is no energy level below 8 stars in Meng Haoran, so that Meng Haoran is big, because according to this density, 9 The existence of stars is definitely not a dream.

Meng Haoran summoned here's slow call, but did not know that the outside world had already had a great change because of his call. From Meng Haoran, the genus, the genus, and even the ancestor level could not feel, but this The genus of the world has been signed.

The vampires were surprised to find that their genus actually spread the willingness to come out, and even some control couldn't help, and finally they can only put them out, but their movements are completely stupid.

There are countless caremen and beasts around the world, and they are uniform, and they seem to be ordinary, and that direction is Meng Haoran, caught countless people's guess, what happened? Why do you have this strange move.

Especially when I found that the ancestral ancestral beast is the same, almost all creatures are shocked. This means that they are not difficult to imagine, meaning that there is a more powerful existence than the true ancestors. That position, directly refreshed their world outlook.

There are countless forces and organizations, they have sent a probe to start the source that triggered this matter, and the whole world is lively for a while.

String God island, as the nearest place, here is also the most serious, even the whole city is already in everywhere, the alarm is constantly sounding, so that the citizens are horrified, so good in the genus It is not moving, plus the direction of the Nangong, as well as Meng Haoran, also notifies what maybe if there is a big move, tell this is doing the test, let the public don't have to panic, this I barely maintain peace.

The office of Nangong, the South Palace stood in the place where the window was standing, and the eyes were looked at Meng Haoran. From timefucked, the rays that flicked from time to time, especially a faint pressure, let her think The end of the world will come.

She is not not intended to see, but Meng Haoran makes her simply can't close the area, there is no way, so I can only stand here.

"What are you doing? And what is your origin?" Nangui's little mouth and muttered.


And the mood of Meng Haoran is not bad, although I don't know what happened outside, even if I know, there will be no expression, everything happens, and there is a yarn relationship?

Meng Haoran waited without a white fee, although the material on the magical array and the light consumed, and he provided energy for a while.

Meng Haoran finally waited for the first 9-star young beast, and its power is even more powerful than Meng Hao, really fighting Meng Haoran, I don't know if I can win, but the ending is gorses to end with him.

"Kid, no longer wait, now there is 5 in our world, but there will be no four in the world, but only I will be so bored, how can I conclude with me? Contract. "The only nine star's care is said.

Listening to the sound should be a young man beast in your youth. Although I don't know what level of 9 stars, it should be weak, I don't know if it is not true. If it is true, I sign a contract with it. It is a good decision.

Meng Haoran gains a little bit slightly, and time has passed a lot again, but there is still no 9 star arrival. He is going to believe that the other party has made a contract with this only 9 star, all have the idea of ​​helping it. However, at this time, the transformation is church.

"What? It is actually it!"

"it is……"

"Benyuan beast ??"

Meng Haoran visited the opposite situation, suddenly became chaotic, it seems that there is something that is not allowed, but in Meng Haoran's perception, there is no special breath.

"" said that it is it, Meng Haoran suddenly thought that there was a sudden appearance of a low energy reaction in the sense of perception, probably only 4 star power, so decisive.

Now I want to come in this 8-star gap, there is a 4 star, I really don't reasonably, plus time to go, so there is a big possibility.

Meng Haoran mobilized the power to perceive the existence of the 4 stars, this feeling has a problem, his heart actually has a feeling of signing the contract with the other party, it seems to be a great advantage.

"Kid, your luck is good! I have got it favored, and I will have no amount in the future! But if you want to really sign a contract, you have to see if you have the ability, it wants to leave this world, but Difficult, how do you want to try it.

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