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However, Nina's opposition is completely free. Meng Haoran will directly pay her body, and the blood of the sages is separated. Of course, I still have to let Nina.

"You ... will regret it." This is a little weak, and it is a little resentful to Meng Haoran 's eyes. The youth is too big. I don't know how terrible, now. I only hope that things will not develop in the worst direction.

"Well, this is a good thing to return to the original, by the way, in order to let you restore soon, I will help you." Meng Haoran directly took out some special metal materials directly, these are the sages Restore very useful things.

The head on the ground is silent. With a moving, very fast and the blood combined with the only one. Its breath began to become stronger, and it breaks through the critical point and reaches the hierarchy of the world.

"Hahaha! I finally resurrected." A high 10-meter ugly giant looked at Meng Haoran, the body's corner of the body, a giant hand, cherish the metal material provided by Meng Haoran, the body, instant his breath It has once again enhanced a lot, and the body has also expanded several times.

"Ohary, now there is nothing to stop him now, and even if it is a true ancestor, it is said that all of Nina's face desperate color is watched.

"Ah! Don't, don't kill me." At this time, I suddenly passed out. It turned out that Tianzhang mercury was awake. At this time, he called in Gust, it is obviously unclear.

"What did you do for him?" Nina also forgot the threat of the sage of the eyes asked Meng Hao, she really didn't think that the mercury would be this reaction. In her memory, Tianzhang mercury can be very strong. Talented.

"Nothing? I just satisfied his wishes, let him experience the life of a person." Meng Haoran was a bit strange.

Nina's doubts, I don't know if Meng Haoran, after all, if you really want Meng Haoran, the Tianda mercury should not be this reaction.

During their speech, Tianzhu's aggravation has gradually restored his gods, watching the surrounding situation, showing a happy french expression "finally, finally came back, I don't want to be human beings, just like this."

Tianzhangcurization In order to confirm that he still tested his ability, such as the handle of the knife, until you see your ability, it is still a negative.

At this time, Tianzhangci has discovered the situation in the scene and his thinking, the sage actually has been resurrected, saying that he should be very happy, but after the scene, he is not excited, but there is It is a feeling that is a target that loses life, I don't know where to go.

Regardless of what the Tianzheng and Nina think, the sage is already aligned with Meng Haoran.

"Kid, seeing full resurrection, this is afraid! Look at you, I have a job, I can give you a chance, surrender me, I will give you everything you want." The sage is going to put it directly Meng Haoran kneamed, but later, it changed.

Meng Haoran, who heard the sage, but did not smile, and gave me everything I want, said that the big call does not play, you are much more.

"Why don't you believe me, I am a sage, the most perfect existence in the world." The tone of the sage is a little anger, and the body is burst, and the land near him is converted into silver metal.

Meng Haoran didn't want to be with the sage, "Okay, the opponent is ready, let me experiment with the power of my geast, I have never used it since signing the contract!"

Ok! Meng Haoran is finally revealed. It turns out that he wants to use the world's combat method, use the genus toast!

"Well, call who? Daisy, first from the weakest and small." The weakest is 8 stars, so it is complete enough.

"How? You can summon the beasts, do you say that you are a vampire, okay, I will show your strength, let you know how terrible is good, then, you will know how great me. "The sage also heard Meng Haoran to summon the beast, but he did not think.

However, he will know how ridiculous, when Meng Haoran began to summon, the space around be trembled, and the vitamous thunder is not too frequent.

"Well, summoned words to put a pose what." With this thought, Meng Haoran put a model of self-think of being very handsome, and then the Sao Bag had read his summary language: "Comply with the will, Create in the earth! Altman - Diga! "

Diga? It seems that there is any mess, it is a mess of Meng Haoran. It is just that he has changed the name of the genus, just because this is really a bit like Ottman, and Meng Haoran saw it. It's really a bit amained, in order to meet your own misfortunes directly to Altman - Diga.

Not only that, Meng Haoran will instill some of the way of memory in Altman, so that it looks more like Dijia.

Originally, this kind of thing is impossible. After all, the genus is generally strong, but who let Meng Haoran are still strong than the career beast? So all this is possible.

"Take it! Dija, maintain peace of the world, see you, do this, the small monster of the sage," Meng Haoran suddenly shouted, but others did not use it here. Put it on this, but in turn, I've looked at Dijia who was summoned by Meng Haoran.

Although Diga is weak in Meng Haoran, it is also different. Now it is really outside, or is very domineering. Although 8 stars are not completely released, it is already the so-called true The ancestors have a lot of power, complete them to shock them.

"Are you a true ancestor?" The sound of the sage is a bit trembling. He can feel the power of this care of the beast, and have regretted it, and you know that it is a little low.

Of course, the sage is still not very worried that he will die, after all, he is a metal not extinguishing.

No one replied to the sage, answering him is a big fist in Diga.

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