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At this time, the breath of the sage has almost completely disappeared, saying that he is not too, but Meng Haoran knows that he is still a life.

Dijia, of course, found this, turning his eyes against Meng Haoran, what seems to be insightful.

Meng Haoran nodded against him, Dija is the shape of the congeous and convexeman, and the hands are all in the hands. It is obvious to send. A beam.

The same is true, the powerful power is hovering in the air, and the moment is shot out, the goal is the wreckage of the sages of the ground.

"Bang" is accompanied by vague screams, and the sage is completely disappeared in this world.

" ... ..." A white gemstone at Dijia's chest suddenly started flashing red, Dijia made a flying posture, and then flew away, disappearing in Nina's eyes.

However, in fact, Dija is a place where it is already staying, waiting for the call again, and the final action is actually Meng Haoran makes it do, for letting it make it more like embossing.

"Now he is a thorough death, there will never appear again later." Meng Haoran said to Nina, and simultaneously turning his gaze to the oddian mercury.

"How do you want!" When you look around Meng Haoran, Tianzhu mercury suddenly returned to God, but it felt that the whole body was cold, and the lower awareness made a long knife.

After the sky, I retired a few steps, although I haven't gotten it, but I still don't want to give up, my eyes are constantly scanning around, I hope to find a way to find a way.

"Do you think you can still live?" Meng Hao said that he said not slowly.

"Do you want to kill me?" Tianshan mercury eyes were tightened, and he was afraid to get the extreme. He knew that the other party had this ability, but he didn't want to die.

Suddenly, the mercury saw Nina, Nina, which was not far from Meng Hao, flashing a hoped ray: "Master, I am wrong, I beg you to help me ask for love, I will definitely become a good person."

"Be a good person, do you want to continue to be human beings?" I am talking about Nina, and Meng Haoran said.

Tianzhu's mercury was said by Meng Haoran, and there was a picture in the illusion before the mind. Suddenly crazy: "Never, I don't want to ..."

"Then you still have to die." Meng Haoran is too lazy to say more, holding the sky, and then the sky is like the invisible big hand, slowly floating in the void, finally Continuous shrinkage, becoming a virtual.

When Tianzhu mercury thoroughly, Nina was reacted to the bottom, and I sighed, my mood is very complicated. I just want to be in the sky, but I haven't come.


"Even if you open him, he must die, dare to do the creature of my hand, there is no need to exist." Of course, some beautiful women have except, Meng Haoran is dark. "

Things have been almost over, and Meng Haoran has also gone home, so, no matter how Nina is going to go in the direction of his home.

Nina has a little confused looks on the back of Meng Haoran. Suddenly I don't know what to do, I don't need self-sealing to prevent the resurrection of the sage, but the long-standing self-seal makes her and the world thoroughly splamed, She doesn't know where to go.

At this time, Nina suddenly appeared a whirlpool, a Luoli who had a black foreign umbrella appeared in front of her, and it was a late Nangong.

"I think you need help, Nina Yadarad."


When I got home, I saw it or my maid. At this time, the maid is respectful to wait for his owner, see Meng Haoran, and quickly help Meng Haoran slippers, take clothes.

Enjoy the service of the maid. Just, Meng Haoran is found that there seems to be more than one person.

"Before forgive me, I came to visit, Mr. Traveler." Looking at this man in front of him, Fimin has some emotion, did not think that the second meeting will be in this scene, or her take the way.

Meng Haoran is also slightly surprised. He didn't think of the edge of the previous side, and even some sisters stayed in a room for a period of time.

"I am very happy to meet again, my beautiful princess." Meng Haoran was very tone, so that the fertile is slightly.

Nowadays, it is different. When I first thought that Meng Haoran was a more powerful person, although it was worthy of her attention, it was only paying attention to it, she was still in her position, she still thinks that it is the wind, now, now, After knowing the powerful strength of Meng Haoran, it has changed together. In the face of Meng Haoran, she has to be careful. If the other party wants, she is completely unconcerned.

Fimin reveals a smile to Meng Haoran. For a time, I feel that the living room is bright, and Meng Haoran appreciates the color, and the beauty of the body is not hidden.

The feminin, who is gazing by Meng Haoran, suddenly feels a bit embarrassed, her eyes are not a general person's kind of madness. Hot, want to have the eyes, but simple to enjoy the beauty, there is a sudden Very happy feeling.

"Can you see me with that kind of eyes." The feminin sound is a bit low. If you don't listen carefully, you can't listen, it's not a general powerful listening.

"If you don't like it, I can don't look at you." Meng Haoran said to transfer his eyes.

"Don't, in fact, there is nothing! Just ..." The following words obviously don't say it, Fimin does not dare to say, she actually likes it.

Meng Haoran did not chase the bottom, just smile and laugh at the feeding, the scene is somewhat embarrassing.

"Well, then a beautiful princess, what is your visit?" Or Meng Haoran took the lead to break the embarrassing situation, never continued to continue this.

"You can call me fever," Fei Yin first said this, then she said: "In fact, I came to visit you this time, I represent my strength, my mother gave me a dedication. Say hello to you."

Meng Haoran nodded and said: "Is there anything? If you say a good word, you can't drive this princess to the horse?"

In fact, the forces that belong to chaos have been in contact with Meng Haoran. However, it is not responsible for the fertile intimidation, so Meng Haoran knows that Fimin will not have no reason.

"That ... that, the mother wants to let me ask if you have the idea that we marriage, the target of marriage is me." Fei Yin is very difficult to finish, then the color is red, and it does not dare to see Meng Haoran.

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