Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 670 is a very fast person

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Ignatiz is full of incredible and desperate eyes, he doesn't want to believe in Meng Haoran, but the react of the fertilizer has explained everything.

I feel Ignatice's situation, Meng Hao suddenly felt some meaningful, took the feet, did not have anything to do again, after all, bullied such a level and his vampire of hundreds of thousands of miles away, can not explain What, but let him be a bit naive.

Of course, this does not mean that Meng Haoran will let him go. It should still be done. After all, the other party is indeed a man who is doing him and killer. If you change, you will be dead.

"Throw him out." Meng Haoran muttered, and then his follower is actions.

After Ignatice was thrown out, someone quickly took him away, obviously before Ignatz left outside, for some reason did not come in.

In addition to some blood, there is no trace of Ignatice, but the destruction just caused is still there.

Sure enough, it's a weak meat! Meng Haoran once again felt the importance of strength, if his strength is not strong, it will be him outside, and Meng Haoran has suddenly become a bit tight, although this change is very small, even others Can't see at all, but this change will eventually be expressed in the future.

"It's really sorry! It's all my reasons, he talent ..." Seeing Meng Haoran looked at the place where Ignatz destroyed, the feet apologized.

"Nothing, I just suddenly feel a little emotion, is it not a villa? Even if it is completely destroyed, there is nothing." Meng Haoran said to Fimin, this time Meng Haoran suddenly found that His eyes suddenly Change, it is a very familiar eye of Meng Haoran. He often saw it in his own woman, named the eyes of love.

I'm thinking about what I have just, Meng Haoran can only be a bitter laugh, it seems to have been impulsive.

I can only temporarily, I can't say that I just said that I have just been impulsive, I have accepted marriage, Meng Haoran didn't want to see the other person's sadness.

"Back." Meng Haoran used his own strength, I saw that the destruction caused by the battle was as fast as the time returned. When I reacted it, I found that everything was actually exactly the same as before, the blood on the ground They have disappeared, as if Ignatz has never appeared.

Looking at the recovery, even more than the new living room, everyone in the living room, is a surprised expression, and the magic of Meng Haoran has a new understanding, which not only has strong destructive power, not only in other aspects. There is also a good ability.

What is he won't? Everyone is not so thinking.

After retake, the scene atmosphere has become a bit embarrassing. From time to time, I will give Meng Haoran. Several shy expressions, and the love of love, let Meng Haoran have some eating, it is difficult to imagine the current image and the first image That kinds of symptoms when I met.


After sending the fertile leave, Meng Haoran began to put it in the heart of Ignatice, how to deal with Ignatan, have been hand compling. Touching the creation of sleeping in his arms, the other hand supports the chin.

"How? What are you thinking about?" Talking is from the head to see the tail, and her mood is very complicated. Meng Haoran did not refuse marriage to make her uncomfortable, but she can't say it. After all, after all, after all She also knows that her status is worthy of Meng Haoran, plus the feminin, the princess, the length is not bad, she has no reason to say something.

"I think how to deal with the guy." Meng Haoran did not hide, Ignatiz made Meng Haoran felt that there would be necessary to kill the chicken monkeys, let others know that they are not so provoked, or other people will then have a strong private house. Although there is no threat to him, it is a bit trouble.

"If you don't want to come forward, I can help you solve it." Ji Liule thought that Meng Haoran did not want to personally.

Meng Haoran looked at Liliule, and finally shook his head: "No, I am still better for me."

Ji Liu Le listened to Meng Haoran, I said that I nodded, indicating that I know.

"Okay, let the little guy to take a break!" Meng Haoran handed the conflict of the arms to Jiulu, and he returned to his room. Today, he did not plan to go out. He always gives the forces a little time to react .

Meng Haoran happened soon, this is normal, this is normal, after all, Meng Haoran is a hands-on, it is still not small, so the people who have all great power will send people to investigate, Meng Haoran has not deliberately masked, so They quickly understood the past.

In order to please Meng Haoran, Ignatan was suffering. He was still recovering, and he was directly gotting a group of people, and killing everyone around him.

This is still not counted, Ignatice's family has also been unknown at the same time, most of the death injury, a Nobi family basically alive, this is usually unimaginable, after all, Ignatice The family is not very weak.

Meng Haoran probably did not think of it, his influence is actually so big, he has not moved, and things have basically been solved.

The next day, when Meng Haoran saw Ignatz that was already in admiring, his mood was some strange. At this time, Ignatice in front of him has only the last tone, and will die at any time.

"How long have you been coming?" Meng Hao asked with Ji Lai Le.

"It has been 3 hours." Ji Liule replied, in fact, Liliule was also shocked at this time. Today, she plays out to buy some ingredients early, and I found a large group of people. I can't recognize Ignatice, the purpose is self-evident.

The speed is still not average!

"Mr. Meng, yesterday we learned that he actually made you, so we would be the Lord, gave him to punish him and his family, I hope you don't blame the crime." A leader said, tone.

"Well", Meng Haoran nodded, can't see mood, let other people don't dare to breathe.

For a long time, Meng Haoran sighed a sigh of breath. "What should I start today?"

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