Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 674 Ye Yuxian's compromise

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Three kinds of gennels are naturally imaginary, but Ye Yuxi is noticeable to the same picture as just seen, although it is bigger than the imagination, but she is still very love.

"Really exactly the same? It's so beautiful, but it's better to be a little." After the weight, Ye Yu Xia Yao muttered.

It's really unbelievable, this time I went to Ye Yuxian, I couldn't help but calm his prostitute, and the beast is! What is long? It is important to be strong enough, and his prostitute just selected the genus, it is good to choose. It is really for him. At this time, he wants to say a sentence, let go of those The genus makes me.

For Ye Hao Xia Yin, Meng Haoran is naturally a clear, but he doesn't think this is a difficult thing. Although the career has been in the outside, it is strongly called, the body is generally, but it is free. Controlling your body is not in a minority, makes it, and the three of Ye Shi Xia Yin choose this kind of self-adjusting body size, so

"Do you want them to be small? That is not simple, look!" Meng Haoran nodded at 3 odds, and 3 young beasts were constantly narrowed in Ye Shi Xia Yin, and finally It is almost the same as ordinary kittens.

"Wow! Really smaller, but also cute." Ye Shi Xia Yin exclaimed that it has become a little cute 3 carefree, and packed a parent, and did not forget to take care of the other two.

This is already completely a small animal, looking at the happy Ye Xiaoyun Meng Haoran.

"Okay, I will follow you later. Before this, I signed it." Meng Haoran said, of course, this so-called signing is actually a scorpion.

Under Meng Haoran's gaze, Ye Shi Xia Yin signed a contract in accordance with Meng Haoran's instructions and three caremen, at least in Ye Yuxian and Pantry.

"Can they talk to me?" After signing the contract, Ye Yuxia Yong suddenly passed, the expression is full of incredibleness, and the care of people can communicate is too rare, even in the true ancestral care. Less, I can't surprise.

Meng Haoran laughed and did not speak, 8 stars did not even have this ability, then mixed a fart! Don't say that special existence.

And Meng Haoran is different from the calm reaction, and the other side Ye Yuxi and Bandi is once again shocked, there are some numbers.

"You first go outside, I will wait for me, I am talking about my uncle, waiting for it." Meng Hao said gentle to Ye Shi Xia Yin, and Ye Shi Xia Yin is hesitant, and finally I went out, but the last thing worried, but did not escape Meng Haoran's eyes.

After the Ye Yinxia sounds, Meng Haoran once again turned his attention to Ye Yuxian, showing a smile that means deep.

"Mr. Meng is really worthy of the strongest existence of the world. It can actually do things. Since Xia Yong already has a care, I can give up the continued angel plan." Ye Yuxian said very bachelor.

Sure enough, it is a smart person. I like to deal with the smart people. Meng Haoran heard the guarantee of the other party was also a breather. Although he can force Ye Yuxian to stop plan, even directly change the other's thinking, there are countless ways to achieve Your own purpose, but can solve peacefully is the best.

As soon as the Chi Yixian is so easy to give up the angel plan, the heart is also very unwilling, I want to open it, but I saw Meng Haoran's high-profile expression, but she did not say it, she was afraid that if she said Humen will kill her directly.

Ye Yuxian was so interesting, Meng Haoran won't give him a face, instantly become angry, and sinking: "In fact, you can do not stop your plan, your plan is not with the summer tone, I don't Help. "

Meng Haoran is not a saint, can only manage people who value themselves, as for others to see his mood again, then there are so many people in this world, and there is no way to do it. It is not possible to manage him. Also too lazy.

Meng Haoran's words in Bimei, it is really a village, and her heart is dark, so she is still possible to become rich.

Ye Yuxian was more awesome at this time, Meng Haoran this attitude undoubtedly showing that Meng Haoran is a selfish person, and such people can be more difficult than those who are a sense of cropping guys, but also more dangerous because they It will not be a trimming.

Fortunately, he still likes Xia Yun, otherwise, thinking that Meng Haoran is the consequence of the way, Ye Yuxian will not play a cold.

But what is the attitude towards Xia Yun? At the beginning, he said that he regards Xia Yong as ...

Ye Yuxian began to think about it, and the scene was a bit quiet.

Meng Haoran did not manage Ye Yuxian, but turned his gaze to Birthte, and his eyes were flashing.

Biltie was shocked by Meng Haoran. A extremely bad premonition appeared in her heart. If you don't say something, I am afraid that the end is definitely not she wants to see.

"That .. I ... I didn't have you brought you? See what I did, I am a good person." Bimei said this is a great righteousness, if you change your personal, I'm afraid that I will really be deceived by her, but Meng Haoran Of course, it will not be cheated.

Meng Haoran has not changed, but his eyes are more cold.

Biltie can be a violent woman, and very kill belongs to the kind of woman who is more annoying Meng Hao, and even Meng Haoran did not take her as a woman.

"Really, I am a good person, don't believe you ask him." Seeing Meng Haoran did not move, Bi Chengshi hurriedly said this, I want Ye Yuxian to give her prove.

Ye Yuxian was also awake. He heard this, his mouth revealed, but after looking at Bandi, he finally opened: "Can you let go of her."

Meng Haoran is slightly accidentally surprised, and it doesn't matter if you put it, but you still need a reason, so Meng Haoran has no statement.

"She is also useful, some things still need her to handle, otherwise the research is not good." Ye Yuxian gave a reason.

Although this reason is very bad, Meng Haoran is nodded, come and say: "Then this is good."

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