Reborn as the protagonist in Infinite Anime

Chapter 679 I want to call people

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The prison prisoner is like this, there is a difficult momentum for a while. In the Nangong, they have been stunned in a moment, but they see Meng Haoran not move, as if everything in front of you is the land. When the watt dog, I thought of Meng Haoran's strength. This calmed down and looked at the prison in the eyes of the view.

I really don't know what the so-called, just seem to have a little bit, I don't know how many tricks they can have in Meng Haoran, I hope not to die.

Because Meng Haoran did not talk, the Nangong didn't be silent in the month. In this case, it seems that Meng Haoran is afraid of them, so they are more energetic, one is sold, and even a lot of duple wants to move. To take the first hand to solve Meng Hao, so that others will look at their power.

"You really think that I have come out, now go back, don't come, otherwise, I don't want to say that I didn't give you a chance." Meng Haoran said that there is no expression, and there is no need to exist. However, the prisoners in the prison jail are sentenced to life imprisonment, and they suffer in prison, and they are not as good as a hundred.

What is good to die, as long as I don't die, Meng Hao, who has a hope, the like, will not think, Well, at least not thinking about these prisoners.

"You are really not afraid that we have to do it." The eagle hook nose male saw that Meng Haoran is so tough, but no matter how Meng Haoran said, they are already the arrows have to be sent, and they are going to work.

For the eagle hook nose, Meng Haoran did not answer, even more dismissed, just said that it is already giving them a chance.

The hook nose is still not coming and considering what Meng Haoran means. Others have already had an impatient guy, but they don't know which of Meng Haoran is, and even more than the true ancestors. Existent, plus itself is a murderey walking on the knife. It is not a lot of direct murder. Now patience has been exhausted. There are dozens of figure to Meng Haoran.

"Since the other party has already shot Meng Haoran, I don't plan to continue to sit, say that he does not say anything with these prisoners. He nonely said that the seal of the unmisttary of the Xiandu Wood of the Wood of the Prison is. Xiandu Mu, Already, has already been in the South Palace itself.

"Let you know what is really desperate." Meng Haoran once turned, and he was intended.

I saw that Meng Haoran didn't care, it seems to be completely ignored, and then the mold did not pull out a small fire and miginal, the small fire and miginal, and Shijan's ignition and then Put it in the air, the fireworks exploded in the air, there is a strange unicorn pattern.

"Bullying, is it less, I am already called, you are waiting!" Meng Haoran said that "a bruises who wore a cloud, thousands of Malaysia."

For this inexplicable performance, there is no one in the field to understand, and even thought that Meng Haoran was scared, and he looked that dozens of attacked Meng Haoran was a little regret, why did they go out, so If you kill Meng Haoran, it is also revealing a face.

However, the next scene is to let everyone stay. When those attacking Meng Haoran is close to Meng Haoran, Meng Haoran is already here.

I saw that Meng Haoran has constantly burst out amazing momentum, one hundred meters long, even thousands, Million of the beasts appear in the void, the blink of an eye is covered around, and it is not scared, and it is not scared. The power of rushing their dishes is even more amazing, just a long-lasting ancestor, the existence of the ancestors, can easily kill all the prisoners.

I started to attack Meng Haoran's dozen figure, even the momentum of the beast is unbearable, and it turned into blood in an instant. It was obviously dead on the road.

"This this"

"I am dreaming?"

"What existence we face is in the end!"


Everyone consists of all Nangchery that already expect it. The scene is everything, at this time, the scene is really spectacular, completely refreshed their understanding of the world, care, and beast, and is a powerful career. It's actually so silent, so much, I am afraid there are hundreds of things, this is not scientific!

"Even if the true ancestors can't summon so many genus, up to dozens, do we have a little bit of him? And look at him, there is no effort." Nangong The Meng Haoran, which is easily plus natural, is complex.

"This is the real power!" Xiaogu City is finally advancing Meng Haoran, knowing that it is a dish to be a dishes if he is completely growing up.

Don't say that they have seen the top criminals of Meng Haoran in the prison in the prison. It is also a full body cold. It is stunned. Before the prison, Meng Haoran is already strong enough, but now it is more people. Unbelievable, they can feel it, and this surrounding beast can easily solve them, and they are somewhat desperate, and there is no hope for prisons.

"He, he is so strong." In the prison juncture, the fairy and waist of Xiandu Mu, the night, Meng Haoran, is also a colorful.

The prisoners have been fully committed. Some smart and even hope of the prison nephew. They remember that Meng Haoran is, I don't want to wait for the pool.

Meng Haoran is naturally not countless, and I said: "Come! Why don't you come, now everyone is almost, do you know how you do it? Still, you know how to make, don't want to take the initiative, then I came to attack here Yes. "

Meng Haoran said, most of the prisoners were shocked. When I thought about Meng Haoran said, I regret it, I have to open for mercy, but Meng Haoran is not given to this opportunity.

"Kill!" Meng Haoran's cold spit out two words, the Come out, you can express them in front of Meng Haoran, but you can't ask for it. Although the other party has some fallen, they also take care of it.

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