Chapter 19 Fu Ting Hukou 4

Fu Ting thought of his father's hard life for so many years, how could he be willing to let the Fu family be happy alone.

Her dad doesn’t care about face-saving, but she doesn’t care so much. What she owes her dad is a strand of hair, which must be vomited out!

Fang Yuzhi's expression instantly collapsed, "150,000? Why don't you grab the money?"

It is 2008 and prices have not yet risen. In the eyes of ordinary people, 150,000 is a sky-high price.

Although the Fu family is richer than ordinary people, it doesn't just give out 150,000.

Fu Lei's mentality collapsed and he scolded, "It's just blackmail, don't even think about it."

Attorney Wang’s face was upright and he nodded slightly, "Mr. Fu, Mrs. Fu, I have understood your family property income. Through various considerations and analysis, the 150,000 support fee requested by Ms. Fu Ting is reasonable and reasonable. If you don’t If you cooperate, you can only wait to receive the summons from the Fatang."

Fu Ting captured Fu Lei's lifeblood. He is also a well-known wealthy businessman anyway. If he goes to litigation, the matter becomes big. He can't take care of it. Everyone knows that he treats his eldest son harshly, so he dare not refuse.

Sure enough, Fu Lei's face instantly became a palette, because he was too angry to vent, his chest was violently ups and downs, and it took a long time to relieve him, "Okay, you are really good, Yuzhi, go to the house and get them fifteen. Million in cash!"

Fang Yuzhi went reluctantly, and after a meeting, took out a document bag containing 150,000 yuan.

Fu listened to the count, it was indeed 150,000, and gave Lawyer Wang a look, and Lawyer Wang said, "In addition, Mrs. Fu’s mother has an apartment of 120 square meters under the name of Mrs. Fu Pei. Yes, Master Fu Pei is now 18 years old, and the house should be returned to Zhao."

Fu Pei's grandmother's feelings are very deep, and the biggest regret in the future is that for the so-called face of his youth, he did not keep the house his grandmother left him.

Fu Ting, who was reborn, wanted to fulfill his father's regret, of course, to prevent his father from living in the basement.

Fu Huihui was anxious, "No, that house is my dowry and cannot be given to Fu Pei."

Fu Ting's delicate eyebrows converged on a cool sarcasm, "Your dowry? Is your name written on the real estate certificate?

Occupying someone else’s house is justified. Today is another day of tears for your political teacher education failure. "

Fu Huihui, "..."

Feel offended?

Fang Yuzhi pursed his lips, "That apartment has been kept under my name, and Ah Pei is still a child. How can I rest assured to hand the house to him..."

The fact is that the apartment is located in a very good location. According to the market price trend, it can be sold for millions in a few years. How can she make Fu Pei a beast.

Fu Ting once again issued a warning letter from the lawyer, shook the copycat machine, and laughed badly, "I'll see you in the hall!"

Fang Yuzhi, "..." Do you dare to change the threat?

Obviously it was impossible. Fu Tingtie wanted a house, and Fang Yuzhi couldn't stop giving it for the sake of the overall situation. He just thought of losing such a large sum of money for a beast, and cried when he gave Fu Pei the real estate certificate.

She lived for half a life, but was successfully blackmailed by a little girl. She gritted her teeth with hatred.

Fu Ting raised a finger and made one last request softly, "Finally, I have to trouble you. In the name of my dad's household registration, give me an ID card and send me to my dad's school to study with him. Senior three."

She is now a shady household. Without an ID card, she can't walk on her own, and accidents are easy.

With Fu Pei's own efforts, there was no way to give her a registered permanent residence, so the Fu family had to do it.

Fu Lei was reluctant, but thinking about the recording in Fu Ting's hands, he handled it honestly.

Lawyer Wang signed the contract. After the two parties signed it, Fu Ting couldn't help laughing. Fortunately, she had a strong memory and knew that Lawyer Wang would be Lawyer Wang in the future, so she specially asked him for help.

"I got everything you want, can the recording be given to us?" Fang Yuzhi sneered in her heart. When she got the recording, even if she had a contract, she still had a way to clean up the two little beasts.

"Are you stupid?" Fu Ting raised the corners of his mouth, his beautiful eyes narrowed into crescents, and his fingers like spring bamboo shoots squeezed the copycat machine in a very pleasant tone, "This is my trump card. I gave you and me. There is no bargaining chip. As long as you obediently don’t be a demon, this recording will never be leaked."

In the last life, the Fu family used his father and grandmother to coerce his father many times. In this life, she wants to hold the dominant power in her own hands.

The girl was still innocent and soft, and Fang Yuzhi and the others wanted to tear her face apart.

Attorney Wang said to Fu Lei, "The matter has been settled. Please also Mr. Fu Lei to pay my defense legal fees."

Fu Lei, who hadn't slowed down, "?" A question mark was slowly raised.

Fu Ting explained, "That's right, my dad is still a child, so he is a defense lawyer hired in the name of both of you as my dad's parents."

Fang Yuzhi + Fu Lei, "???"

Co-authored they suffered heavy losses, so they have to pay defense lawyer fees to the little beast who pitted them?

Want a face? Want a face?

Fu Ting: O(≧▽≦)O

Today is 3 more, and the ranking is in the top 10 and 4 is more. Hurry up and vote for it, love my peerless cuties~

(End of this chapter)

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