Chapter 574 is shocked

Hearing the sound of splashing water, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then paled in shock.

Qin Yu was shivering cold, and when he came into contact with the ice and water, it made the snow worse, and he struggled in the water.

Military Doctor Liang was frightened and shouted, "Girl, you are so brave, you dare to murder the God of War!"

"Come on, save Ayu quickly!" Ning Yue ran out for the first time to find a security guard to rescue people.

"Brother Lobby! Hold on!" Qin Yan yelled at Qin Yu twice, and then looked at Fu Ting with red eyes, "Miss Fu, my Lobby brother is already so cold, you still pushed him into the pool. Did you hurt him on purpose?"

Military doctor Liang pointed to Fu Ting’s nose, "I knew you turned off the floor heating and was uneasy. Now you are using the trust of God of War to harm him like this. God of War got typhoid fever and needs Xin Wen to sweat. Now you are even worse, if it is God of War What is good or bad, you will pay for it."

Fu Ting was accused by a group of people, not afraid, not overbearing or overbearing, "It is called typhoid fever after catching a cold. If it is not on time, the cold toxin is hidden in the human muscles and skin and becomes febrile disease in the spring.

Xinwen sweating method is used for superficial cold syndrome, and bitter cold attacking method is suitable for warm syndrome.

If the treatment is contrary to the symptoms, Mr. Qin has febrile disease, but you misuse Xinwen to sweat and cause the disease to worsen and even death. "

At this time, the security guard called by Ning Yue had rescued Qin Yu from the pond.

"A Yu, are you okay?" Ning Yue wrapped Qin Yu's army coat off her body.

Qin Yu lowered his head slightly, his face was cold and pale, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

He stared at Fu Ting with cold eyebrows, blood flashing in his eyes, and his voice was low and heavy, with a cold tone, "Do you know what you are doing?"

He grew up so old that Fu Ting was the first person who dared to do something to him. If it weren't for Fu Ting to be useful to him, he would arrest Fu Ting now.

"I'm saving you." Fu Ting met Qin Yu's deep and terrifying eyes without fear, and his soft voice was naturally harmless, "Are you still cold now?"

Qin Yu was taken aback, and just focused on getting angry. After this meeting, he realized that he was not so cold anymore.

You must know that he needs high temperature and sweating to survive his illness every year. Just now Fu Ting pushed him into the cold pool, he felt that he was going to faint.

But at this moment, the coldness on his body seemed to dissipate bit by bit.

It's...very warm.

"Here, God of War, your body is not stiff anymore!" Army Doctor Liang came to check Qin Yu for the first time and found that Qin Yu's limbs were softer than before, which was incredible.

Not only that, the bluish white of Qin Yu's original complexion also faded away visible to the naked eye, gradually showing a healthy pinkish white.

Qin Yan and his military doctor who were waiting for a good show were also shocked when they saw it. What's going on?

Ning Yue exclaimed, "It turns out to be really useful, Ayu, you are not so cold anymore."

"The sun's disease is not resolved, and the pulse of Yin and Yang ceases. You must first shake and resolve with sweat."

Fu Ting put his hands behind his back, pursed his lips and said lightly, "I said that Mr. Qin suffers from febrile disease. Although he feels cold, the heat in his body cannot be dissolved, so he needs to use cold air to force it out. When being wrapped in cold water, the heat evil in the body will be threatened, and it will move to resist, and the heat evil will spread to the surface, and it will not feel cold."

"What does this mean?" Ning Yue looked dumbfounded.

"It's war sweat." Military doctor Liang said with a complex face. "This is the rhetoric of Chinese medicine. The body's battalion guarding qi is distributed in the blood, and the **** of war struggles in the water. The cold water replaces the cold air into the body. All the guards were transported to fight against diseases."

(End of this chapter)

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