Chapter 1062

If it is a simple advancement for 15 days, there is no problem. The key point is that in this piece of poisonous snakes and dry grasshoppers, it will not be counted, and there will be trading scenes of poison and money! President Chen said that this piece often has a fire, and sometimes there are border police and drug police.

The trading scene and the border defense anti-drug armed police have not encountered it yet, but she has seen more vipers and dry grasshoppers!

Especially the dry grasshopper is the most common in the wet rain season. She is bandaged and strict, and her neck has already bitten two. When the neck has pain, it is often full of blood, and a slap in the face, black and slippery than the water grasshopper at least twice the body has already sucked round!

With the army slashing directly from both ends, you can see that the body split into two halves, and the bright red blood disappears when the rain rushes.

Solve the dry grasshoppers and there will be giant pythons. This kind of snakes will not have problems as long as they avoid them. But it is inevitable that they will be shocked. They will look at the python that is entangled with the ancient vines. When you look at it, you need to pay attention to the surroundings. When the rain stops, the python begins to leave the ancient vine and walks away from the depths.

In the rain forest, people can also become food for pythons.

The rain is still dripping, and the leaves of the poncho are erased and the traces left by them are removed. Take the compass and continue on the road.

At around 4 o’clock in the afternoon, a dog bark suddenly came from afar. Ye Jian did not hesitate to climb a tree with his hands. He climbed up so hard and breathed tightly to prevent being discovered by the dog.

The dog’s sense of smell is very sensitive. When Ye Jian heard the bark of the dog from far to near, the heart fell half a beat, and she was not afraid of the anti-drug dog of the armed police. She was afraid of encountering poison (product).

Trade the dog used to prevent the armed police!

Didn’t stay on a tree, Ye Jane carefully balanced to step on the branches, and then slowly jumped forward to a tree in front, she walked on it, the dog even smelled her breath, can let her Have time to escape.

Soon, a team wearing camouflage figure went into the line of sight, the light was too dark, and it was just raining. The rain in the rain forest was heavy, so that Ye Jian had no way to judge that the camouflage below was the border police. Still someone else.

“Liu team, the breath disappeared.” Someone opened his mouth low, then took out a piece of cloth to sniff the drug dog. After a while, the man who spoke said: “I am not right, the breath is not right.”

Of course it’s not right, the people who chase are not the same person.

“The target is wrong.”

“Going south, this is the north.”

The figure was hidden behind the leaves of the rainforest. Ye Jian only heard them say a few words, and the drug dog picked it up again and headed north.

Avoiding these specially trained dogs is also a skill that a special commander needs. Ye Jian stays on the tree for at least an hour without moving until he hears the dog bark again, then opens the weak light tube and marches. The map expands.

She needs to locate the specific location where she is now. I just heard the border police say that they should be chasing the target person, and their appearance has caused the poison dog to turn around and set the target wrong.

After reading his position, Ye Jian was reloading the map into a waterproof bag, and the sharp-streaked military scorpion flew down from the tree.

More than five o’clock in the rain forest has long been dull, not even a trace of skylight, Ye Jian used the luminous guide to move forward in the right direction, she still needs to march for four hours.

(End of this chapter)

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