Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1167 - One stroke and one trick

Chapter 1167, the calculation of one stroke and one stroke

There is a problem, there must be a problem in it!

The leaves of the mouth are slightly squinted with a colder eye, and they stare at each other to bite the lower lip, and forcefully stretch their body, and the head twists to the neck to be misplaced.

Seeing her daughter so intimidated, Mrs. Ye raised her hand and pressed her daughter’s shoulder hard, knowing that she would not let her come!

The dead girl looks like he doesn’t know anything. Don’t scare himself, but let her make some clues.

“Musk, you should not be surprised when you are an aunt, Jane Shantou is not with us, if you scream again, let her get close to you in the future!” Implied that Ye Haoxiang is steady, don’t worry again Screaming.

“You brothers, you are just awkward, are there any fears for the family? Are you still planning to go to the Martyrs Cemetery tomorrow to worship? I will see the photos here, so I will take a look at them and remember my feelings.”

Ye Zhixiang would be willing, but her shoulders were tightened by the old lady of Ye Ye, and she understood that she would resist again and had to bow in the strength of Mrs. Ye.

Bending, bowing, squatting down into black and white photos, nevertheless, her eyes never looked at it.

See you here. Not only did Ye Jane not loose her hand, but she tightened it even harder.

Mrs. Ye’s bite root sighed: “You’re too excited about this child’s work. If your parents don’t know how sad they are, how sad it is. Your father is diligent and diligent, your mother is the country. Child, you have to learn to learn from your parents.”

Learn how they bowed in front of her and learn how honest they are!

In the heart of the heart, where the old lady can say it, only in the dark to mourn, the tears behind the back of the turbid eyeballs in the depths of the fierce clouds, the dead skull is far more difficult to deal with than she imagined! Also have to be calm!

I have been so troubled for so long that I have not seen her panic, chaos, and from now on, she has been waiting for her to come to the door!

Fortunately, okay… she knows that is one such thing, she just scared her, and when she knew something else!

Coldly swept the musk of the eye leaf, and saw that she did not panic any more, and Mrs. Ye’s wife settled her heart.

Now that she knows that her father is not her own son, and now the teacher is helping her all the time, then she can’t start from the teacher, and she needs to find another way.

In the dark, Mrs. Ye’s wife glanced at the dark-eyed Ye Zhifan, and saw his eyes swept down to the unspoken child teacher, then shook his head without a trace.

The meaning is obvious. The teacher is not going to walk this way and will not help them to convince Ye Jian.

Let’s take a look at Ye Jian’s hard behavior, and my old lady, who is still thinking about it, suddenly flashed a smile in her eyes.

“Being a good person is easy to fold, and a person who is kind and unbeaten is unsuccessful.” It is better to let her own such a hard temper, so that she has to fold herself, and there is no need to dirty her hands.

Another old lady who had a plan to raise herself was well-maintained, but her dry hand was placed on Ye Jian’s wrist and gently said: “The old man told you everything about him, what about it? Your father gave I have been a son for more than ten years. Is it not that you are saying that it is not?”

In front of it, he also falsified his family, and suddenly he showed a poisonous letter…. Ye Jian, who took the photo of his parents, couldn’t help but look down. Don’t guess, I know that the old lady of the Buddha’s heart is playing again. Calculated.

No matter what calculations she plays, she must let her go back today, arrogant, and leave the school in vain!

(End of this chapter)

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