Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1248 - It’s a bit awkward to shoot.

Chapter 1248 is a bit embarrassing.

Li Yannian looked at his watch and said to his comrades who reported the situation to himself: “Check the physical condition first by the port and return it to the reef island collection before 8 o’clock tonight.”

“Well, I will contact Daxie immediately.” The comrade-in-arms comrade-in-arms squatted a little, and looked at the folder held in the hands of Li Zhaonian. He smiled and asked: “The big whale came back last night to tell me the army. The female soldier has a few brushes. How are you going to train her?”

“Women, aren’t we saying that we don’t want to recruit female soldiers? How do the commander agree there? Is there a contract for death? If the team is not established for two years, the devil, you have to stay a little longer.”

This is afraid that he is too embarrassed to take care of people.

After all, everyone knows that the female soldier’s ability to withstand stress is weaker than that of the male soldier, and the body’s bone resistance is also worse than that of the male soldier. Especially in deep diving areas with a depth of more than 100 meters, the psychological quality of men and women is even more different. obvious.

Female soldiers often have great psychological pressure due to special environmental factors under water, and their emotions are unstable. Once they panic, they will have serious diving accidents.

This kind of thing has not happened, because there are real cases around, so Daxie will worry.

Li Xiaonian simply handed the folder to his comrades, lest he lick his feet and cramps. “At the end of the morning training, you take her to do an examination to see if there is any problem with the eustachian tube ventilation function. By the way, look at her. What is the tolerance to hypoxia and high CO 2 tolerance?”

“When the morning training is over, go?” Daxie didn’t shirk it. He took the folder and looked at it. He said that he looked down and opened the folder. His face was very scared. “Wow, this resume is beautiful!” I started training in the second day, and I was still training with special forces. When I was in the second day, I thought about how to climb to the tree ostrich nest.”

“Hey? Why didn’t you write who brought her training? The special forces training did not have the guidance of the high-ranking people, how to become it?… Going abroad to participate in the Austrian competition, personal gold medal! Wow, high IQ! Familiar with all kinds of guns and ammunition, blindfolded Reorganizing all kinds of guns, sniper-born…”

When I saw the last paragraph, I closed the folder with a sigh of relief. When I saw the last paragraph, I closed the folder and slammed it back into Li’s hand. I wiped the cold sweat and said: “A scary resume!” In the end, it’s even more scary. The national science champion! For a long time, she is still a student! No wonder you don’t show it to us. At first glance, I feel weak.”

I didn’t read it for a year, playing training directly, plain, snowy mountains, desert, sea, jungle… Mom, there is no place she has never been to, and the way to go is farther than him!

How much stronger this female soldier is, strong! No gender is “female”, and the appearance of each person is “male”!

It’s not impossible to look at such a scary resume.

Inexplicable, Daxie is a little worried…, the female soldier who looks like a “male”, it is easy to forget her true gender, in case one day they forget her gender as “female”, **** in front of her face… …will the scene be too embarrassing?

After I finished, I wiped my face and said: “It seems that the Army is training her in focus, so I will send it to you. Devil, we have one in the team, can’t wait.”

It is obvious that the Army wants to cultivate Ye Jian, but the Army wants to have nothing to do with him. He only knows that she can only listen to the naval arrangement here.

(End of this chapter)

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