Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1301 - A man and a woman, it’s a good match.

Chapter 1301, a man and a woman, is quite worthy.

Speaking of this, the naval commander thought of Ye Jian’s training report and sneered. “It’s hard to be hard again. It’s hard to be a woman. Ye Jian’s female soldier can certainly persist. I can do it here, you can arrange it, if there is any need for us… …”

The sea water patted the beach shore, and the starfish was rolled up. The hermit crabs were also taken away. The two senior generals walked and said that they were farther and farther away from the surveillance room. The big whales who did not follow the two heads went to the beach, and then they went again. Fold back to the monitoring room.

“Turn on the boat communication No. 0101.” I didn’t see the situation on the side of Daxie. The operation technique was used to help him connect to the communication. He wanted to talk directly to ask if Daxie completed the task.

Daxie has installed magnetic mines on the boat, which is equivalent to the completion of the task in the simulation training, but Ye Jian “sacrifice”.

The big cockroach who connected the communication pulled a big raft of the boat and replied with a smile. “Complete, what is the situation with Ye Jian and the demon king? I parked the boat behind the reef, and they could not see it.” ”

“Ye Jian and the demon king on the 12 minutes, and finally with the leaves of Jane holding the upper body of the demon, both feet wrapped around the left leg of the devil. The result, Ye Jian lost, the devil won.”

The big whale said low, and the smile that was finally pressed down came up again.


Handheld communication Mai Shenjing for a few seconds, then, a little doubtful voice came from Daxie, not sure: “I remember the devil…have not had physical contact with the female soldier.”

“No, who dares? Hahaha, that is, Ye Jian dare! I was shocked directly, my eyes were staring straight for a few seconds! The devil has never thought that Ye Jian finally came to such a move, hahaha, hug I don’t count, I still use my feet to entangle the devil’s leg. I laughed at my stomach and licked my tears.”

Dagu lightly coughed down and yelled at the comrades who took off the breathing mask: “The big whale said that Ye Jian was holding the upper part of the demon under the sea, and his legs were still entangled in the left leg of the devil. You said, should you consider letting Ye Jane’s negative responsibility?”


“Yes, of course! The devil’s innocence, innocence is gone!” The big breath of the big breath rushed to the thigh, and the sound of the sound was loud and full of sound: “This must be told with Ye Jian, the devil’s There is no innocence! I met the female soldier who dared to hold the devil in the first time! I was still wrapped around! Great!”

Daxie nodded a moment. “You are right, the devil’s innocence is not. I see Ye Jian is also a very responsible female soldier. I should be responsible for talking to her. What do you say?”

“Yes! A man and a woman, it’s a good match!”

“…大鳗, what do you want to say? A man and a woman are not worthy. Is it difficult to be a man and a man?”

When the comrade-in-arms said that there was no innocence, Li Xiaonian floated out of the water and took off his breathing mask. Without a little expression, he was very clear and looked at Ye Jian.

Take the leaf cover of the mask to see his expression, and the gaze that shines to the cold sword, my heart… sinking directly, she guessed what he was going to say.

“You…” The line of sight inadvertently swept through Ye Jian’s double-bubble to the white fingers. I wanted to severely criticize her words and swallowed it in my mouth. It just happened to hide the white flag behind the reef in the inflatable boat. The eyebrows can’t be traced. The Li Yannian’s mouth is curled down, and the voice is lowered a little. Shen Shen: “Get on the boat first.”

The atmosphere was a bit heavy, and I realized that my mistaken leaf leaf gently spit out a smoldering gas with a sea of ​​suffocation, and turned slightly to the direction of the boat.

At the end of the building activity tonight, a little goblin stepped on the middle floor and got a beautiful rose silver necklace! In October, the detailed rules for the monthly ticket entry into the top 5 of the modern list were quickly introduced, rewarding the same two beautiful necklaces.

(End of this chapter)

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