Chapter 1307 Men’s Duel

“How do you deliberately mad at you? I tell the truth.” Xia Jinyuan is just training his hat, and the end is elegant and expensive. “I can’t make a wedding dress for them. It’s still a defense, it doesn’t. Well, there are rules for not recruiting female soldiers in your team. Otherwise, when Ye Jian arrives, can I bring back to the army smoothly? It is still unknown.”

“And, you are quite not kind. People want to stay and don’t say, they want to let Li Mowang devote himself.” The most important thing is to say it to the outside world. Xia Shaoxiao’s words are long and persuaded: “Dayu, color is not a long-term solution.” “”

Dagu took a deep breath, took a deep breath, and squeezed a smile. Hehe replied: “The summer major does not misunderstand, and we have a few private jokes. There is no relationship with the Li team. He doesn’t know what we want.”

Treating people with color is not a long-term solution? Major Xia, you are poisonous! If Li Mowang knows to let him sacrifice the color, he must not train himself to death?

At the corner of his mouth, he laughed at the slightly darker summer denominations. He seemed to suddenly laugh and began to laugh. “You, Li Xinnian did not express his position. You guys dare to talk indiscriminately, and they are not small.”

“Men are unmarried, women are not married, Li is not bad, Ye Jian is not bad, really want to be a pair of summer team does not think this is a good story?” Da Yu did not know that he escaped from the hands of Li Dewang, now I was told by Xia Jinyuan that I was not afraid of death and expressed my true thoughts: “You don’t know, how many of them went together.”

“Ye Jian is so good, there are not many men who can match her. We can count one of the Li team.” As a deputy team and as a thought instructor, Daxie always believed that he had the obligation to solve the lifelong event of Li Dewang.

The twenty-six-year-old big man stood up again after four years and thirty years, and none of the objects were made.

Xia Jinyuan secretly pinched his fist and raised his hand to look at the time, still early…

He said that he was pointing to the beach in front of him. He said: “It’s still early, or else, let’s go to the beach and learn from each other. See if you are better now than you did. Several of you have confronted me with Li Lannian, and lost one by one to the sea in the middle of the night, threatening to one day need to be shameful, and it is still early, let’s get right.”

I can’t tell you when you talk about it!

As a special special combatant and a Q king of the Snowy Brigade, Xia Jinyuan’s hidden emotions have reached a point where the fire is pure, even if he is the instructor of the storm commando, there is no way to see the emotions under his smiling face.

Every sentence is as calm as usual, and Dagu has not found himself unknowingly “offended” Xia Jinyuan.

Hearing the words, there was a light in the tiger’s eyes. He looked at Xia Jinyuan, who was wearing a training uniform. He laughed and said: “Summer majors seem to be prepared, they don’t wear regular clothes to visit our troops, and they are training clothes. Come over.”

“It’s a little anxious to change, it’s convenient now.”

“That’s just right! Please, summer major!”

At 10:10 in the morning, the competition began. At 10:25, the fighting ended. The side face was pressed against the sand surface. The big hands of the two hands were only squashed until the eyes were flattened.

Xia Jinyuan was sitting directly on the waist of the big cockroach. His long arm was locked and his arms were stretched. When he pressed hard, he pressed his elbow and held the back neck of the big cock, so that he could not move, smiled slightly and in the sea breeze. “Advance a little, ten minutes before, now fifteen minutes.”

I think it will be more early… It will be a surprise, a surprise two chapters, let’s meet at night.

(End of this chapter)

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