Chapter 1309, an admirable soldier

The first second is still fighting against the boxing, and the next two people shoulder to shoulder, together to develop and discuss the next year’s match with the US.

Returning from the beach to the cement road leading to the port, the conversation between the two is serious and esoteric, and from time to time, a few words of combat are used.

Xia Jinyuan’s slightly swaying sounds contain the coldness of Jianfeng’s hidden, and he slowly said in front of him. “In May of this year, we began to focus on 30 advanced personal training courses. Currently we have escaped the C-level courses. Our team has entered. At the end, 30 advanced personal training courses can be completed before the National Day ceremony. After training for so long, I also want to see how much it is worth, and it is definitely the best choice to play against you.”

As a special warfare special commander, as long as the day is still in the team, the skills learned will never end.

The 30 individual advanced training courses are courses that every special commander of the Snowy Brigade must learn, survival/avoidance/resistance/escape courses to c-level escape courses, as well as action and intelligence courses…etc. The special forces of the course Snow Brigade need to be familiar with.

Hearing the words, Daxie’s sight fell to the young majors who walked with him. Some uncertain questions: “After completing 30 senior personal trainings? Is the team still only a few?”

“The whole team, no one has fallen, everyone must pass.” Xia Jinyuan smiled and answered, the Qingya Jun, who is facing the sun, is full of fearlessness, as if he can open the difficult cold light, calm and steady, and has a sea-like majestic Atmosphere, “And Ye Jian will give it to you, lay the foundation for the future, and strive not to be eliminated.”

Why does Xia Jinjin want to spur Ye Jian to speed up the pace of training? In order to allow her to enter the Snowy Brigade, the basic training can be skipped directly to learn advanced training courses.

As a amphibious special soldier, I was able to drive a fighter on the sky, and I was able to open a tank under the ground.

Xia Jinyuan can become the omnipotent corps, not relying on relationships, nor relying on mouths. It is entirely the captain of the snow squad, relying on personal strength, and the age is smaller than the team members!

Ye Jian pursues the growth of Xia Jinyuan’s footsteps, and advances with him as the goal, and the direction is completely correct!

“You have cultivated Ye Jian in the direction of an all-round special forces. Now it is so harsh to her, and it is also for her to enter your team in the future. It will not fall too much and can catch up with all the comrades.” Jane’s place, Daxie is not much surprised, before he discussed with Li Xiaonian vaguely and also guessed the Army’s arrangement of Ye Jian.

He is more admired for Xia Jinjin, and with his comrades in less than five weeks to complete more than 30 advanced personal training courses, … the harshness of training is only higher than the training of Li Dewang!

The cadets with their faces still showing their heights now reach the heights that countless soldiers look up. As they grow older, they become more mature. The young cadets have become a top-ranking place, and they can afford the soldiers on their shoulders. At the opening, Dalian’s voice is full of admiration. “No matter before or now, you are an example for us to learn. The devil has mentioned with us several times that if the army has more than a few military personnel like Xia Shao, it is a country. lucky.”

How lucky is it to be a country?

(End of this chapter)

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