Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1312 - Full of joy, his arrival

Chapter 1312 is full of joy and his arrival

The laughter of the soldiers is even greater. They respect their captains and love their captains. At the same time, they will also be jealous and indifferent, but open-minded captains.

This kind of Li Lannian, even if the soldiers are called “Devil King”, is also a convincing “Devil”.

The leaflet that was caught in the shape of the leaf was not flustered, and the smile of the light fell slightly to the camouflage travel bag wrapped in the hands of Li Yannian. He continued to joke: “The training is almost two months, and the first time I met the devil to take the initiative to replace the comrades. Twist the luggage and know that I should bring the diving equipment together.”

“Ha ha ha, devil, do you have to work hard, take my diving equipment down to increase the weight, don’t let Ye Jian feel a pity.”

“A set of equipment is also taken, two sets of equipment or belt, Devil, I will also screw it down.”

The soldiers who heard the meaning of Ye Jianyan’s words laughed louder, and the sadness of the last part of the separation was all away from the laughter, leaving only the laughter of the present.

Li Xiaonian, who is not happy, faces the jokes of his comrades, and his cold expression is swept away in a blink of an eye, and even Ye Jian has not found a smile.

“Let’s go.” In his laughter, his voice was cold but it was clearly passed to Ye Jian’s ear. “It’s not too late.”

Ye Jane dagger, did not manage the small luggage screwed in his hand, followed Li Yannian took the lead to the deck.

“Walking away, getting off the boat, brothers, cleaning up their equipment and disembarking the whole team.” The big whales and the big scorpions each took a team and walked neatly to the deck, one by one and disembarked.

Xia Jinyuan’s footsteps are bigger and the pace of walking is faster. He has seen the figure that he has not seen in the past two months coming down from the patrol ship, standing with the water ghosts wearing black diving suits, an army camouflage uniform. She was particularly eye-catching, and after Xia Jinyuan’s line of sight was locked, she never left.

Ye Jian, who was in the queue, turned his head and looked straight toward the port line deep into the pier. He saw the tall figure that came towards him. The black scorpion seemed to have a glimpse of light, and the beautiful face was like a flower. Repeatedly overlapping blooms, so bright that the entire team’s Li Yinian could not be ignored.

The sight of the cast is like the burning of the sun, and the heat that converges in his eyes can be felt at a distance of more than ten meters.

The heart of the hot leaf Jane stood up straight and no longer used the light to look around, the corner of the mouth could not help but slightly tilt up.

She guessed that the person who came to pick him up must be him.

No matter where it is, the summer team can always appear in front of her, like a lighthouse in the sea, so that she can find the right direction at any time.

I also felt that the leaves from Ye Jian were full of joy, and the smiles in Xia Jinyuan’s handsome face were deeper and warmer, and the eyebrows were cold and cold, only gentle.

She is delighted with his arrival, and he is full of joy.

“The devil is definitely not the same for Ye Jian. You see, he still wraps the leaf for his hand.” He tried several times, and he did not find the problem.

Major Xia and Ye Jian belong only to comrades-in-arms relationship? Hearing what he said just now, he still needs to ask a question mark.

However, since the summer major did not make it clear, then of course he thinks that the relationship between the two is only a comrade. In addition, Ye Jian just graduated from high school. From the intensity of her training and the heavy workload of her studies, there should not be much time to fall in love.

Most importantly, the man like Ye Jianlian and Li Mo Wang did not see her more, so it is obvious that she has no idea about love and love…. The capable and outstanding female soldier, the lifelong event of Li Mowang can be solved on the day!

(End of this chapter)

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