Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1322 - It’s like loving you

Chapter 1322 is such a love for you.

“Okay, Xia Shao.” The driver who sent the car to Xia Jinyuan was the confidant assistant next to Hou Han. He knew Xia Yiwei also knew Xia Jinyuan. He was very clear that he had a respectful answer to the attitude of the two sisters. He did not turn until Xia Jinyuan drove away. Get out of the parking lot.

The two did not stay in Hongkou City, even the dinner was solved in the car, and had been driving to Anyang City. When the car passed through the city, Ye Jian looked at the “Nanyang City” which was bright red neon in the night. The signboard of the key middle school could not help but laugh. “I was alone in the report that year. As a result, the vice president of the city one told me that I can only be a student of the company, if I disagree. If not, there is no high school readable.”

What happened three years ago is now thinking back, as if it was yesterday.

The memory of good memory, the things reported on that day, she still remembers clearly, and the dialogue with the vice-principal remembers clearly.

“I was quite angry at the time. I knew that it might be Ye Zhifan’s hands and feet in the back. I thought that this school would not read it. Even if I read it, I would have to worry about the college entrance examination.”

“I feel angry in my heart, and I think that I have a retreat anyway. In the face of the vice-principal, I tore off the notice and took my luggage and left the registration place. The heart is so cool, I really want to laugh all the way, all the way. Leave it.”

Unfortunately, it was not a mad temper. After tearing off the notice, she left the scene in the sight of the parents and the students.

Xia Jinyuan, who drove the car, didn’t look at it with his side. He smiled and said: “I came here to find you. The security guard said that without you, I checked the phone and found that you were in a state of suspension.”

“You also came to the city to find me? Why don’t I know? You didn’t mention it to me.”

“It’s all about the past.” Xia Jinyuan laughed and saw her look at herself with enthusiasm. She continued to go down: “When I came over, I just hit the first snow in Anyang, and the school defended. As soon as I heard that I was looking for you, I told you that you didn’t study in one place. You can go to the front store to find out.

“I know that you tore up the notice and gasped the vice-president for a few miles. I thought about how the little girl was so arrogant at the time? The book, if you don’t read it, don’t read it, it’s too arrogant.”

Ye Jian laughed again and again, “Chen Shutong’s grandfather arranged for me a four-year training. I didn’t think much about it. Since Ye Zhifan was doing it, I just didn’t want Gao Yi to waste a year, just follow Chen Shu and Gen Grandpa. Go training together!”

“That year was my biggest year. I went to the plateau, the snow-capped mountains, walked across the plains, and almost fell into the swamp, and finally went to the desert.” When it comes to the desert, Ye Jian’s eyes are shining like the sky. Star, “Do you know what desert I went to? Taklimakan Desert, I saw the most beautiful color of the desert – Populus.”

At the intersection of the red light, Xia Jinyuan, who stopped the car, looked at the girl who was happy. When she heard the Taklimakan Desert, the thin lips smiled deeper and more gentle. “I know, and I know you are in Hetian River. Training nearby.”

“If I said, I am also in the days of your training. Do you believe it?”

Ye Jane widened his eyes. “You are also? Where is it?” He will not lie to himself. He said that it must be true.

“In heaven, I am in the sky,” he whispered. “The same place, at the same time, I flew through the plane in the sky, and you, maybe training, maybe sleeping.”

Good night, good dreams, little fairies

(End of this chapter)

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