Chapter 1331 Time Loss

An Jiaxin, who chewed the chewing gum in her mouth, took back her feet and said to her mother very seriously: “Mom, the old man lying inside is Ye Jian’s grandfather, her most important relative, I want to stay with me. Ye Jian, it doesn’t matter if you don’t sleep at night.”

“I am her friend. I don’t need to wait until I see her. Mom, I have to stand where I can see her. When you are tired, take a break and leave me alone.”

At this moment, Dr. Zhou really felt that his daughter had grown up, patted her daughter’s shoulder and looked at her daughter with kindness. “You grow up, know how to give, know how to be kind, and know how to be grateful.”

“Your friendship with Ye Jian hopes that you will always be the most pure and cherish the rare and precious friendship. Mom, don’t persuade you, don’t persuade you.”

Children are older, and they have different ideas from adults. They have their own sense of proportion and have an attitude towards life. As adults, they do not need to control their children at all times. When appropriate, they should let go when they are right.

An Jiaxin smiled at the corner of his mouth and pulled the hand of Dr. Zhou. His daughter’s family was full of enthusiasm and whispered: “Thank you, Mom. Go to rest, I don’t go to the ward to add chaos. I look at it here too. “”

The doctor on duty was at the entrance of the ward, and Ye Jian came back and she could see it at a glance.

Dr. Zhou touched his daughter’s black hair and reminded him: “Ye Jian is not very simple. You always think that the officers in the army will know that when you see Ye Jian, don’t force it to die. Someone else has trouble, do you know?”

Then, Ye Jian, the child who can counsel the entire bedroom, is admitted to the top universities in the country. It is a very self-disciplined and extraordinarily child. Such children will have their own arrangements and do not need too much. The person is the master of her, and her daughter is quietly accompanying, but can’t just talk casually.

“I know, I know, I know Ye Jian five years, Mom, I want to know her better than you. Go to rest, go to rest.” Said, An Jiaxin pushed Zhou’s shoulder to the lounge. .

It is a lounge, but it is a partition separated by a screen, and there is a single bed just enough for one person to lie behind.

When the two mothers and daughters just walked to the partition, they heard the sound of footsteps outside. It seemed that Anjiaxin had turned her head and saw a familiar figure walking through the narrow office door and staying with her. It is the soldier who can’t look straight.

With a boyfriend, she is relieved.

“That’s just… Ye Jian.” I don’t know when Dr. Zhou returned to his head. His eyes were a little bit awkward. He was unsure and asked, “It should be Ye Jian.”

An Jiaxin nodded with a surprise on her face. “It’s her, Mom, go to sleep, I will go to the door.” Now when there are not many people in the middle of the night, she stands at the door and waits for more people during the day. She will be back.

It was really the night that the criminals were not afraid of it, and they were more calm than the adults….There was no meeting in four years. The gas field on this child was really shocking.

Even if she didn’t even have a face-to-face, she only saw her passing by her eyes. The calmness of the steps was like a girl of nineteen. Like the army officers who entered and exited the town hospital these days, they all had military power.

(End of this chapter)

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