Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1341 - I will love her forever, hurt her.

Chapter 1341 I will always love her, hurt her

“You will see, you will see, our school leaders will come over soon, they brought my military uniforms, you have a rest, have a good rest, granddaughters will definitely wear military uniforms for you to see.”

The corner of the mouth tried to bend and laugh, and the tears were spinning in the eyelids and did not flow down. “You will definitely see it, you will definitely see it.”

She wants to talk with a smile, wants to talk briskly, and can speak the vibrato, and there is a lot of sadness in one sentence.

The old man slammed his voice lightly, and some of his strenuous eyes raised his eyes. He saw a few familiar faces around him, and the old man with a good attitude showed a smile. “It’s all hard work, Ye Haotou, this kid, I It’s watching her grow up, it’s a… it’s a good boy, a heart… a good heart, a good heart, a good news, a… After… Please… you are here, … please.”

“Uncle, you must not be kind to us, we are all relatives of Ye Haotou, we will take good care of her, you, let go of your heart.” Yan political commissar on the left side of the bed, bent over to hold the roots The hand, watching the respected first-class sergeant, said weakly, every sentence is like exhausting all strength, the iron-clad man can not help but red-eyed, “You don’t have to worry about Ye Haotou, have us Yes, she will be fine.”

The most reassuring moment for the old man was Ye Jian. He didn’t have much strength to talk. He swept through the familiar faces with his eyes and finally fell on the young man with one hand on Ye Jian.

Hand hard to tighten the leaves of Jane, Xia Jinyuan went to the roots of the old man. “Old man, Ye Jian is my lover and wife. You just agree to my marriage with her. When she graduates, I can immediately She is proposing marriage.”

He knows what the old man wants to hear, word by word, and extraordinarily and firmly expresses what he thinks. “I will always love her, hurt her, and care for her like a palm. I swear by the reputation of a soldier. I don’t want to be a leaf.”

“Good.” Uncle Root is pleased that the corners of his eyes are moist. He is worth it. Looking at the hands of two young people, the old man only feels his eyes are getting heavier and heavier. “Good. Child, grandfather…in the sky…look…you…you have to be a soldier, you want to be a soldier with …, a soldier who can… fight, protect Our motherland, the homeland that protects us…”

Ye Jian nodded desperately, tears and the broken beads, suddenly burst out.

A heavy military voice came from the door of the ward. “Old squad leader!” The general commander of the summer ran from the first floor to the third floor ward. “Ye Jian has become a military school student in our country. Her military uniform. And the relevant documents have been brought, the old squad leader, you train such a good soldier for our troops, you have worked hard!”

“On behalf of the military, I would like to express my lofty salute!”

The officers and men around the hospital bed, along with the commander-in-chief of the summer, stood up straight and straight, and together with him, honored the most noble military ceremonies to the old revolutionary who dedicated his life to the country.

Uncle Root blinked very lightly. He smiled, smiled and raised his hand, and returned to the salute of all saluting officers and men.

This is his favorite army. The young officers and soldiers who like to see it, can look at it before leaving. He is happy.

(End of this chapter)

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