Chapter 1374 is on

Hearing this, Ye Zhifan stunned and stared at Ye Jian, staring tightly, looking at it carefully. After a long time, Ye Zhifan calmly said: “I don’t know what you said.”

“Mr. Ye really is a smart person.” Ye Jian raised his eyebrows, and the clear eyes contained coolness. He looked at him like a smile. “The smart people don’t know what I am talking about. The price is more than ten years ago.” I don’t have a good jade, I can understand if Mr. Ye wants to kneel down.”

She even secretly went to the appraisal more than ten years ago, and everything she knows is known!

腮 子 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 咬 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶

The old man has passed away. Who knows Yupei? He does not admit, what else can she do?

Ye Zhifan, who made up his mind and refused to admit it, let Ye Jian not help but laugh. He thought about how much he could guess. He could see from the slight changes in his face what he thought in his heart. “My mother’s relics I Will you know? I have mentioned it one year since I played it. You immediately imitation of a piece for Ye Ying to wear, is not afraid that I will mention it again, can you give me a copy of it?”

“I said that Mr. Ye is a smart person, but unfortunately Mr. Ye only thinks that he is a smart person and treats others as stupid. Jade is not in your hands, you can pick it up, but it is…”

She suddenly stopped talking. She heard the deep Ye Zhifan’s eyes staring at the girl who made her more strange. She wanted to ask her by herself!

“What is it?”

Need to know what she wants, she can only ask her!

Ye Zhifan not only had a cold, cold voice, but also a low voice. Like a thick ice stone outside, she asked her with a cold and hard opening.

It was forced to be so angry that when he left his sleeves, Ye Zhifan, who could bend and stretch, could not be more smooth if he did not have Ye Ying dragging his hind legs.

Ye Jian was born and admired.

Xia Jinyuan, who is next to him, smiles with a pet and caresses. The heart of the little fox is not really big, and he can admire an old enemy.

“I don’t want to take it back, remember my words, Mr. Ye.” After the brief smile of Ye Jian, he was interested in appreciating the sudden change of Ye Zhifan, seriously, deflated!

When the big night comes over, it will add to the crowd, and she has to add to him!

The look in Ye Zhifan’s eyes was completely gloomy, staring at the girl who could smile easily. After a long time, cold and cold: “Ye Jian, you have not threatened my ability.” After saying this sentence, he just left.

Ye Jian did not forget Yu Pei, but she did not want it!

I know that the value is not even in the city, why?

Even Chen Dongfeng knows Ye Jian’s life experience. Does she know that she is not the biological daughter of her eldest brother?

After mentioning Yu Pei, Ye Jian did add a block to him. It was not a general blockage, and Ye Zhifan was uncertain.

When he was busy for a few days, when he left, his footsteps were heavy and he was not able to solve his own problems. Instead, he recruited a bunch of problems that made him headache.

To find out what is going on, go back and check it out!

“Mr. Ye, some people are not moving when you want to move. For example, Ye Jian, your official is so high that you can’t move her.” A cooler voice came slowly, with a careless laziness. It means, “After moving people who are not supposed to move, even if the people behind Mr. Ye have power, they will not be able to protect you.”

(End of this chapter)

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