Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1386 - Camed a strong enemy

Chapter 1386 came to a good enemy

Looking at the girl in front of her straight posture, listening to her confident and calm answer, inexplicably let the male students who are dominant in the class nervous, and brushed a few words in their minds: Come here Enemy.

The squad leader who switched to the “teacher” nodded and smiled. “Yes, very confident, what we want is self-confidence. In addition, the teacher will tell you one thing. Good students can enjoy many benefits in the future, as long as The results of the month can be excellent, and the training time for the next month can be arranged independently.”

Refers to myself, the teacher is not modest boastful, “For example, like me, I can arrange training time for four months a year. When I go back to the dormitory to see them tired, I am refreshed and go to the laboratory. , proud!”

That is to say, the squad leader in front of him is not only a schoolmaster, but also a physical schoolmaster!

“At the military academy, physical fitness and learning are equally important. They are called “second life” by our military students, and sometimes even more important than academics!”

“Specially a week of exams, physical assessment of a big exam in January, you have to be mentally prepared. Many high-school students who only study for a good school can’t pass the exam, they have to sacrifice to be right. The cadets are pitiful to the free activities that are more precious than jewellery, and the weekends are used for physical exercise.”

“Teacher, sister, cheers! This assessment is related to your physical arrangement for the next month. Good results can be used in libraries, laboratories, and projects. The results are almost the same. Continue to enjoy the sunshine of the city. Bath.”

Victory seems to be in front of you. After today, you will get a big liberation tomorrow. I know… There are still day after day, year after year of physical training, and a few physically weak faces are a bit blushing.

“The rest is very good, the two brothers next door are finished, we are in the class.” The sharp whistle blew, the teacher responded to the squad leader’s identity one second, and shouted: “righteous, take a break! Disband!”

The students who suddenly increased their psychological pressure suddenly did not let them smile. Some boys who were proud of their temperament pinched their training clothes. They were not convinced: “Is there a mistake, a small test every week, A big exam in January, then we still have to learn?”

“Are we coming to study, or are we training? Rely! What are these arrangements?”

“Let’s say a few words to you, not you alone. We are all like this. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors are the same. How can we be exceptional!”

“Cut, don’t say, how can we have an exception? We don’t have an exception in our class? The new student named Ye Jian, why is she exceptional? By! We come over one month in advance just in time for the most exposure, she is good. It’s pure and clean, and it’s easy to come.”

Another boy picked up a unified military water bottle and took a few mouthfuls of water. He continued to be dissatisfied: “It looks pretty good, I am afraid that it is a high-ranking official, only to start special, not later. Know how much special you have to do.”

“Do you want to approve again?! Did the lessons of the last time still make you up to record?” The male student sitting with him whispered a warning, and his eyes squinted at the squad leader, and the voice slammed down. “Which high-ranking official she is, we are even more uncomfortable.”

(End of this chapter)

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