Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1388 - Stand for half an hour.

Chapter 1388, standing for half an hour, military posture

I did not immediately agree to Ye Jian, the squad leader Shen Yan will say: “I want to report it before you can, you first rest in place. I am now…”

“The three shifts came over.” A loud male voice came, and the chief instructor responsible for the whole new life stepped forward. “Bring your classmates to the No. 1 training playground, fast!”

Ye Jian stood next to the class leader, heard the words, and respected the military ceremonies at the general instructor, and made a report, “Newborn leaves, report!”

“You…” The sight of the new instructor who received the instructions from the general manager suddenly swept over.

Leaf Jane? The voice is quite imposing, that is, it is thin, or… The chief instructor seems to want to say something. After the micro-post, he only said: “Well, go to the training playground on the 1st and complete the test with the six classes of students, and then come back to complete the afternoon test. !”

Do not use Ye Jian, the school directly arranged her to hurry to complete the test.

After speaking to Ye Jian, he said to the class leader of the three classes: “Call a few students to score points in the past. In the sixth class, they are now testing their own classes. She used to need a scorekeeper.”

“Yes!” The squad leader turned and directly named it. “You have a few past the general instructors.”

Several boys who point to the name look a bit stiff. Some of them just said that the new students did not come to military training. They must be special for the high officials. As a result, they were taken away by the chief instructor.

When they stood up, the faces of several boys were a bit bleak.

A few people followed the general instructor, and the classmates who were resting in the same place were a little surprised. The squad leader of the team explained: “Ye Jian completed our test in the morning and will come over to complete the afternoon test.”

“No, finish our test in the morning, and immediately test in the afternoon… I only know her grades, but I really don’t know if she is also.”

“No matter whether you can’t make it or not, you have to take the exam.” The face of the senior squad leader changed and the whole facial expression suddenly became cold. The students who had five minutes of rest time sipped, “Can you discuss other people?” How, it seems that you are very spirited, and all stand up!”

All the students did not dare to swear in half a sentence, and they stood up one by one.

“So spirited, stand for half an hour in the military posture.” Nothing else, just let them stand in the military position, the division squad leader is still enough to squat, “Do not move your hands, your head must be right, your feet are good! Big, look at the front.”

Standing military posture is also called “pull posture”, which is the first lesson for each soldier to enter the military camp.

The same is true for military school students. It can be said that standing military uniforms are the mother of all military actions, and the implications are quite deep.

Ye Jian has more than five years of training. He usually has two or so standing positions every day. When he goes to the ground, the military posture and military capacity directly smashed the trainees standing behind her and did not know a few streets.

The male student couldn’t see the difference between her and the general instructor. The chief instructor could see it at a glance and nodded in secret, then he indicated that Ye Jian started the test.

In the General Affairs Office, Xia Jinyuan is talking to the former class teacher. “Let her test the class with the classmates today. The students are not as honest as we used to be. I have a lot of ideas in my heart.”

“She didn’t come to military training. Suddenly, it will bring a lot of criticism. You have taught us that strength is always the most powerful resistance, so let her take the strength to resist the offensive attack.”

The general manager looked at the graduation for nearly five years and was also the best student in his own hands. Haha smiled and said: “You, you, still have not changed as before. Yes, at that time, you are replied to you in this way.” Non-consulted students.”

(End of this chapter)

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