Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1391 - Standard teaching template

Chapter 1391 Standard Teaching Template

Ye Jian’s pace was very fast. He walked a few steps and saw the face of the young man who had not faded on his face. He couldn’t help but smile: “Don’t go faster, you guys are afraid to accompany me all afternoon. Finished the test.”

“I asked the squad leader to complete my morning test within an hour and a half. After returning, I just caught up with our three-shift test. It’s getting started soon, and we’re going to catch up with the collection.”

The other classes on the playground are running 1500 meters lightly. Two girls are standing at the front and the whole class is running.

One lap, two laps, three laps… The girl who shouted the slogan gradually fell to the back, and the boys who ran to the scorpion smoked gradually opened the distance.

The sun continues to radiate heat, and the training suits of each student are soaked in sweat, while running, they can still see the sweat flying away.

No one gave up, and one by one went to the “face” to insist on victory.

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the power of the sun is not worse than that at noon. The trainees who can run out of water in a training suit only feel that their bodies are to be burned, and the boys who run fiercely do while running. The neckline is gently pulled down to reveal two distinct skin tones, black above the neck and white below the neck!

When the boy who was close to the leaf was brief, he did not intend to aim at it. He looked at the sunburn of her neck and neck.

The boys who first discovered the eyes squatted down, and when they read the mistakes, they looked at them carefully. After the injury, he used his eyes to signal the other three boys.

The four small people’s small movements are all seen in the eyes, raising their hands and touching the sunburn that has not recovered. “The consequences of exposure are estimated to take half a month.”

“You, are you… training in other places?” Finally, a boy asked, and after the question, he immediately introduced himself, “I, Qian Yanjun, Datong.”

“I, Wei Jiaming, Shijia, Zhejiang Province.”

“I, Hu Huan, Xi’an.”

“I, Ge Jinglin, Dalian.”

After introducing one by one, the strange sense of distance seems to have shortened a lot. Ye Jiandao said: “I, Ye Jian, Southern Province, I am very glad to meet you.”

“Hey, we all know that you, the national college entrance examination champion. I have seen your name in the newspaper early, I don’t know if you have become a classmate with us, or a classmate.”

“Yeah, I really didn’t think, how do you think about applying to the military academy?”

The topic was easily and easily turned back to the three-class meeting place. The four boys did not ask whether Ye Jian was training in other places.

Ye Jian did not want to answer, but did not want to lie to his classmates, the best way to transfer topics.

Five people returned to the team, obeying the command of the squad leader, one after the other to complete the horizontal bar and three training, and the parallel bars and three exercises.

The single-arm four-practice is the pull-up, the reversing of the upper bar, the two-handed bar and the one-shoulder bar. At the same time, the horizontal bar pulls up to a certain amount to be qualified.

The four horizontal bar company students took turns to start testing, and the atmosphere of the whole scene became intense and serious.

One month of military training is for the test of today’s day, but the front is not qualified. Today, as long as the bones are not broken, they have to bite their teeth.

“Ye Jian, Shang!” is responsible for scoring and counting the same journal to Ye Jian’s name. In an instant, going out and holding the horizontal bar leaf Jane once again became the focus of the whole class.

(End of this chapter)

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