Chapter 1394 only obeys!

The 1,500-meter fully armed running refers to combat vests, luggage, helmets, simulated guns, simulated magazines, etc. When Ye Jian bends over, he looks at his right side. Her right side stands with Hu Huan. His problem lies.

The equipment is not placed in the order that it should be.

“Your order is not arranged.” Ye Jian whispered when he bent down.

Hu Huan smiled bitterly. “I know when the squad leader finished, the shoulders seem to be twisted, and it hurts a little.” The talk room has already quickly put on the equipment again, and the shoulder sprain is a bit heavy. Ye Jian can hear him pumping.

When he was running, he was hit by a classmate. The focus was not stable. The whole person fell to the side and shoulders. When he ran back and unloaded the equipment, he found that it was difficult to raise his hand. Now he wears and changes. It is quite laborious.

“1, 2, 3, stop!” The squad leader drank. “The head platoons check who else in your team did not put the equipment on, speed!”

“Report, no group!”

“Report, the second group did not!”

All the students in the five major groups re-fitted the equipment and faced the serious black face of the squad leader.

“Do you know why you can put on your equipment again? Do you know?!” It is the seniors who can give the freshmen a military training squad leader. When the face is cold, the gas field is quite strong. A big shock in the heart of the new life, “Sequence! When I lead the equipment, I remind you that you must be in the order! How many of you have written down?”

No one dares to say anything, except for Ye Jian, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, listen to it honestly.

“Three minutes, unloading equipment! There are people wrong, take the initiative to take punishment! Start!”

Suddenly, the three classmates quickly unloaded their equipment. The speed of Ye Jian was naturally the fastest. Hu Huan also gritted his teeth and heard Ye Jian gently reminded himself. “Do not raise your shoulders too high. Have a simulated gun and let it slide from your hand.”

Guns, soldiers are armed and attacked on the battlefield. People don’t leave the guns, guns don’t leave people, and they have to work at all times.

Hearing the words, he immediately grasped the mock gun in his hand and then whispered, “You seem to understand.”

“How do you see it?” All the equipment needs to be returned again. Ye Jian puts one piece in one piece, and the order in which each piece of equipment should be placed is naturally and naturally placed. “The habit of cultivation, developed Used to it.”

Hu Huan nodded seriously. “It is true. When we understand the light weapons, the teacher said, the guns are not leaving the hands, and the people are not away from the guns. Indeed, as you said, you must develop habits.

When he had just finished, Ye Jian saw several boys put the simulated guns underground, and they freed up their hands to solve the bag. Ye Jian’s line of sight looked at the squad leader slightly and saw his sights sweeping through the few people. Boys.

The seniors who can be the new squad leader are really powerful… and dozens of freshmen arrested whoever caught the mistake.

The squad leader remembered who made the mistake again, and wrote down the name without letting them be punished. Instead, he reported the name first. “You stayed for a few nights. Now return all the equipment. Collect it here for five minutes. Your behavior, don’t be skewed one by one.”

Also on Ye Jiandao: “Ye Jian, you will be responsible for the next discipline, I will also pass the test form to the chief instructor, you take them to rest in place, do not walk around.”

(End of this chapter)

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