Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1400 - Report, answer is completed

Chapter 1400 report, the answer is completed

The morning exercise of the military academy is based on the team. Listening to the morning exercise order, the rows and rows are neatly and orderly trotting and quickly reach the designated places of each class. Then the duty officer checks the dress, counts the number of people, and runs into the playground.

Ye Jian arrived at the meeting place and quickly counted the number of people. As the team came over, the whole three classes were completed in three minutes. 46 people should be attending, and 46 people should be present!

“Looking to the right!” Standing in front of the leaves, the sound of the leaves was loudly ordered. As the shoes and the ground made a subtle collection, the whole team completed the whole team and went to the right side of the first row and began to lead the team.

The sun has risen, and it is clear that the morning heat wave has already come to the surface. All classes have entered the Ruoqiang playground in one class.

As the slogan of the duty officer rang, the whole class gathered, one by one against the Chaoyang straight back, and waited until the class attendant reported the number of people to the head of the class, and started the morning exercise for thirty minutes.

“!” The neat, monotonous password sounds on the big playground, and it is wearing a physical short coat. The whole school of shorts started a morning exercise.

The wide playground is full of youthful and graceful figures. The slogan of Hong Hong’s slogan sounds like a huge wave from the sky, paving the entire military school with grandeur and envy.

The heart, the beating of the beggar, the different morning exercises, the neat pace seems to be with the power to destroy everything, “咔噔, 咔噔, 咔噔”, the strictness of the cadets, the mighty cadets, the cadets The power of a morning exercise can be seen one or two.

After 30 minutes of morning exercise, I arrived at breakfast time. The sophomores, juniors, and seniors of the sophomores, juniors, and seniors had breakfast and returned to the classroom. The freshmen were not able to do so. They also had morning training.

As the seniors who trained them at the time said, the hard days have just begun!

The sun on the playground shone white everywhere, the heat was too big, and the pain in the face and arms was burning. Everyone stood in the hot sun and kept the military posture.

The instructor in charge of the queue training walked past each student and then constantly corrected the new irregular movements.

“Is the breakfast too much? The lower abdomen should be taken back!”

“The two feet are separated by sixty degrees. You have to say that there are seventy degrees. There is no such thing as remembering the posture of the standing army? Give me a recapture, you, you, you, and you are the same!”


Several students who were named to the name stretched their whole body, and they straightened their backs and took up the position of the military posture. “The two toes are separated by about sixty degrees, the heels are close together, the calves are straight, the lower abdomen is slightly closed, the chest is upright, two The shoulders are slightly posterior, the arms are naturally drooping, … the head is right, the neck is straight, the mouth is closed, the eyes are looking straight ahead, the report, the answer is over!”

“Not neat, re-reciting!”

“Yes!” Without a rebuttal, immediately reciting.

The instructor walked to the front and stood next to the model leaf Jane. The voice was cold and sizzling. “There is a model in front, not standing, standing not straight, feeling tired, lifting your eyes and taking a good look at your class. The pacesetter!”

“As long as you stand like her, you can’t come over tomorrow!”

The model leaf Jane stood facing the whole class. In the sun, she was very beautiful. She kept her original military posture after an hour. The first classmates saw sweat flowing into her eyes…. She did not move. Just blinked his eyes very lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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