Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1414 - You have to know how to respect (six more)

Chapter 1414, you have to know how to respect (six)

Xu Wen’s look gradually became solemn, and then nodded solemnly: “You have to say yes, I went to my dad’s army when I was four years old. I just happened to be in the queue training of the officers and men. I still remember it now, just go. Suddenly there was a slogan in the past, and I was scared to cry.”

“I am four years old, I am almost twenty years old now.”

The instructor did observe it all the time, and saw that the two girls gradually let go because of the arrival of Ye Jian, and when the colder and colder, he put the telescope down.

The three classes of leaf slips are indeed good seedlings.

“China’s positive stepping posture was personally formulated by General Xiao. The 50-year-old leader proposed that the national team should unify the command, unify the system, unify the preparation, and unify the discipline. The then general of the military training department, Xiao General, immediately organized the relevant disciplines to write discipline and housekeeping. There are three rules in the queue. With the issuance and execution of the three major regulations, we have provided strong support for the regularization of our army, and will start using it in 51 years.”

Ye Jian talked about China’s progress, the origin and development history of the Chinese-style cohort. “The later research of the Military Commission, and the infantry commander personally formulated by Liu Shiling, using the German military as a template, borrowing from the Soviet Union to change, enhance the arm swing, while still Adjust the stride to achieve the coordination of the four limbs, step out of the momentum of our military, and the queue.”

“Don’t underestimate our positive steps and queue training. These are the long-term research of the ancestors, long-term research, and then constantly adjusted to have today’s queue training, and various specifications.”

With her explanation, the faces of the two girls have long ceased to exist, and even the boys who are close to the three have not secretly sneered.

The slogan is just a trick for everyone to master the key points as soon as possible. How can you just listen to the literal meaning?

You have to understand it at a deeper level, dissect it, and go through it.

“I seem to understand what you want to say.” He Jinglian, who has a good understanding, is correct. “The queue represents the image of our soldiers. It is also the hard work of the old heads and old people. It is also the inheritance of a force.” You need to take every step with respect.”

The smile on the corner of Ye Jian’s mouth is deeper. “Yes, there is the ultimate goal of queue training to cultivate the discipline and obedience of the soldiers. Good military posture, strict military capacity, excellent style, strict discipline, majestic Military power, coordination of movements are inseparable from the training of the queue.”

“The boys are laughing now, I dare say they didn’t have the “Queue Order”, wait, the big meal is coming up.”

The sound is not too big, just enough for the boys who are closest to her to hear, the hot days, the boys in the high temperature of 37 degrees, only feel the coldness of the soles of the feet slammed up, and then rushed through the atrium. On the upper head, the whole person slammed a chill.

The contents of the queue order include general rules, queue command, queue action, etc. A total of 9 chapters and 65 articles and 5 appendices, quite a thick one!

The chills have not passed, and the sharp whistles of the scalp are screaming. The teacher’s serious, cold, steel-like voice is coming. “Give you ten seconds, 1, 2, 3, …” Only ten seconds, those boys who didn’t realize that the danger was coming were still not smiling, and the faculty’s eyes swept away, and the scalp of the boys was so painful as a steel needle.

(End of this chapter)

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