Chapter 1430

Fortunately, Ye Jian changed clothes very quickly. In such a small car, she still controlled the time within two minutes.

The sweaty uniforms are neatly folded, and the small military boots are replaced with sneakers, white short T, black slim cotton sweatpants, and a short hair that just happens to the chin. The whole person is refreshed to the cool breeze like the summer. It makes people feel refreshed and happy.

Ye Jian is a five-minded exquisite, eyebrow thick skin such as white porcelain glaze, bright teeth, cut short hair not only did not ugly her, but also her three features lining the three-dimensional exquisite.

Such a beautiful girlfriend ran to the military school of Yang Sheng Yin, and said something in his heart, G3 is somewhat worried about Xia Jinyuan.

The first time I encountered this kind of thing, Ye Jianrao was her psychological quality. At this time, it was inevitable that she was a little embarrassed, and her ears were slightly reddish, and her mouth was very calmly seated.

Xia Jinyuan looked at her in a slightly closed light, and then he faintly said: “The male soldiers and female soldiers will always encounter some inconvenient things, but special circumstances are handled specially, so don’t care too much.”

Ye Xiao, who was smirking on his face, looked up, just as he was locked up with his dark, dark shackles. There was no other emotion, only cold and serious.

Ye Jian subconsciously tightened his lips and converge his own emotions. After taking a deep breath, his eyes returned with a clear look. “Okay, I know.”

In a few seconds, she adjusted her mood and no longer squatted for the change of clothes in the car. As a part of the task, there is nothing remarkable.

Dressing a little anxious, the hair played a little messy, the cold summer of Xia Jinyuan thin lips slightly, suddenly reached out, the movement gently for her smooth hair.

“After the fall, the hair is easy to dry, and a better conditioner will be better.”


Ye Jianyan eyes, the style is a bit too bad.

The previous second was so serious, treating her as a subordinate. This second was so gentle, she was a boyfriend, and she couldn’t react.

Xia Jinyuan’s heart was softened by her shining eyes, and she retracted her hand and cleared her voice before she said something right. “After receiving the task, you need to protect a leader when you celebrate the National Day ceremony. You must not leave the whole process.”

Tomorrow is the grand celebration of China’s founding of the country, and it is also a military parade for the century. It is also a national celebration.

The ceremony was attended not only by the top leaders of our country, but also by international friends and national ambassadors. At this time, the garrison power reached the red A level, and the air power and army power were fully opened, and even the borders entered the operational garrison.

The leaders of the brief protection of the leaves have a very important political status in our country and often represent our country’s visits abroad to promote exchanges between China and other countries.

“When you play, you will be led by someone, and you will pay attention to the surrounding.” Here, Xia Jinyuan’s tone intentionally aggravated a few points, letting Ye Jian know that her main task is to “focus on the surrounding.”

Hearing an unusually simple leaf, his body became more and more cold.

“There are a total of three people accompanying the task leader, and you, no matter when, should not be more than thirty centimeters from the leader, and then accompany the leader to the next tower until the Zhongnanhai security guard takes over.”

“You can’t communicate with anyone during this period, and you can’t leave your room alone, and you will find an abnormal situation immediately.”

Also, there is, I have to code the code…, there is an update before 12 o’clock tonight. The typo looked late.

(End of this chapter)

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