Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1441 - Calm down, Summer Major

Chapter 1441 Calm down, Summer Major

Ye Jian has never opened his eyes, as if he really fell asleep.

In fact, no, from her occasional trepidation can be seen, at this moment her mood again appears more fluctuating.

She has too many things that are inconvenient to say. I want to say, but I don’t know how to talk about it. I don’t know where to start. The secrets are only known to her, and she can only know it.

For those things, she only wants to solve it by herself.

After a long time, Ye Jane slowly opened his eyes, his mouth was working hard, and he told him with a smile that he was not too worried.

Xia Jinyuan saw a pain in her heart, and her current eyes made him familiar! Once, she also stared at herself with such a look.

There is deep sorrow and deep struggle. The scorpions like black slate seem to cover the dust of the light. Although they laugh, they only feel sad.

His girl, his little fox, what the **** are you… what can’t be said?

Seeing this kind of look again, Xia Jinyuan fully affirmed that Ye Jian’s heart has a huge secret that cannot be said to anyone, even he can’t say.

“It’s okay, sleep.” After a while, Xia Jinyuan smiled low, she didn’t want to say it, then don’t say it, those secrets hidden in the bottom of my heart are like a seed that has not yet sprouted. One day he will hear it.

The hand was held by him, and he could feel that he was comforting her with his own strength, and his gentle gaze was like a feather, gently stroking her chilly heart, inadvertently leaving herself warm. soft.

This softness makes her feel peaceful.

Ye Jane nodded docilely and closed his eyes.

The flight time was about three hours, enough for Ye Jian to sleep well. There was nothing to sleep with, but in the gentle and watery gaze of Xia Jinyuan, I felt that the peace of mind did not know when I fell asleep quietly.

G3 once again looked at Xia Jinyuan, and Meifeng gently picked it up. He asked with a mouth shape: “Things seem a bit tricky, you calm down, she will naturally say when she wants to say.”

Even the G3 saw that the little fox had something to worry about.

“I am not in a hurry, people are around, not afraid.” Xia Jinyuan replied, while raising his hand, a kiss in the G3’s gaze, gently kissed on the back of Ye Jian’s hand.

G3: “…” Pepper water came into my eyes, he wanted to wash with water! The cold is stimulated again!

The plane was ready to arrive at the Beijing airport. Ye Jian had already woke up when he landed. When the plane stopped, the crew had two flight attendants standing by the aisle to prevent the passengers behind from coming suddenly.

“Mom, what is broken, the same business barn, I have to wait for the people in front to go first!” Sun Yaozu’s dissatisfied voice faintly from behind, Ye Jian is very shallow hook, with a cold in the crew Under the leadership of the personnel, the plane will leave quickly.

When I got out of the airport, I was met by someone who was wearing a plainclothes.

Ye Jian did not take a car with Xia Jinjin and G3, but took a car with the army general Yang.

Fortunately, she also saw the scene, and when she got on the bus, she saw Yang’s flashing squadron, and Ye Jian quickly responded without forgetting the etiquette that should be there.

“Ha ha ha, Xiao Ye, am I scared you?” Yang Shaojian will see this, his smile is more amiable. “Long time no see, the longer the spirit, the more military!”

(End of this chapter)

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