Chapter 1443 needs your attack

“The evil organization with the greatest social harm since the founding of the People’s Republic of China has created and disseminated various rumors that endanger social stability. It has repeatedly publicly delivered speeches, attacking the state and the government, and has purpose to organize the smuggling and distribution of a large number of books of the organization. Propaganda material.”

In the car, with the cold and cold of the majors, the temperature has dropped by several degrees. “This organization is not only in China, but also in foreign countries. The leaders you protect are the main person in charge of this case. ”

“According to intelligence, the organization has launched a series of assassinations to try to stop the investigation of them for the purpose of assassinating the person in charge. Ye Jian, once you take over the follow-up tasks, the danger is even more than the task you are carrying out in Pakistan. Big.”

It’s really big. The Pakistani side has a gun on the task and can shoot it at any time.

Domestically, the country can only shoot and shoot in extreme circumstances!

As the light source of the thin flashlight was turned off, Ye Jian’s expression was blinded by the street lamp outside, and she could not see her inner thoughts and could not see her thoughts.

In the past, there were tasks that were basically carried out along with Xia Jinjin, and it was also learned through his mouth.

What about this time?

Does Xia Jinyuan go together?

There is also a time issue. Slightly sinking, Ye Jian asked: “The generals, I only have seven days off, and I am afraid that there will be some inconvenience in time.”

It seems that she will agree, the general said: “You don’t have to worry about time, we will communicate with the school. If you think about it, I will contact the military and contact the local police.”

After the language was over, it took about two seconds, and the Major General asked Ye Jian. “Xia Jinyuan, they have already told you what troops they are in. Any thoughts?”

idea? Which aspect of the idea is it?

“Super elite troops.” Ye Jian smiled and replied, there is a longing for the eyebrows. “I am not afraid to laugh at you. This is my goal. I think every soldier will be proud of being able to enter such a force.” ”

It is a little different from what I expected.

He wants to ask her if she has any thoughts, fears, hesitations, etc., and she knows that she hears completely different answers.

The generals squinted at the micro-land, the golden branches and golden stars on the epaulettes crossed the shining golden awns in the swaying neon lights, and the generals turned to the body, so that they completely face the young cadets, he wants to see Does she really think so, is it really so fearless?

Ye Jian did not avoid the sight of the Major General and let him look at it.

The sound of the motor outside the car, the silence inside the car, not only the air seems to solidify, but the people inside the car seem to hold their breath.

The guards were not affected and drove well. After a long time, he heard the laughter of the Major General, and he was light and happy, and he was more happy than winning a battle.

“Good, good, good!” There is no more language. The Major General uses only the “good” of continuous stacks to express his happiness.

Such a female soldier, such a brilliant female soldier, a heroine is like this!

In another car, G3 said to Xia Jinyuan, who was sitting by the window: “The young general came over and ordered the leaves to be simple and independent, Q King, things are a bit unusual.”

He has smelled a dangerous smell.

Only Q Wang is looking at the old god, he still has some doubts whether he wants more, or else the Q king who is a boyfriend does not feel it, it is impossible to have no feeling!

(End of this chapter)

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