Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 1478 - As long as you look up

Chapter 1478, as long as you look up

Through the rearview mirror. The white crane was full of good-eyed eyes, and he looked at Ye Jian with a bright and open look. When he saw Ye Jian’s smile in the mirror, he couldn’t help laughing.

He thought that he was like K7, looking forward to her arrival and expecting her to be their comrade.

He also finally understood why the comrades who fought together with Ye Jian would look forward to fighting with her again.

In her eyes, her expression and her talk, you will feel safe in your heart, safe to the battlefield, you can give your back to her.

The time to go to Huzhou is a bit far, although the four chattering chatters are not talking together, they need to maintain a certain amount of energy to deal with the dangers that will be faced next.

Four turns to drive, each person only needs to open for three hours.

Xia Jinyuan did not mention that Ye Jian can stay at rest without driving. They are the comrades who fight together, and they can share the same pains. They drive for three hours. Since they are responsible for their comrades, they can also fight with them without special arrangements. .

The night is deeper, and Ye Jian, who is responsible for driving in the morning, has entered sleep, breathing long, and the delicate and picturesque eyebrows even have a sweet smile, and completely enter the sleep.

The white crane in the front row has also fallen asleep. When Xia Shao, who waited for his girlfriend to sleep, sees the car and enters the tunnel. He quietly raises his hand and waits for the car to come out of the tunnel and leave the leaf that was originally sleeping on the window. At this moment Already falling asleep on his shoulder.

The Xia Major, who had finished the work, was satisfied with his eyes.

The three of them went to sleep, but some people took the elevator in a hurry with the coolness of the night, pressed the floor number that should be reached, and Ye Zhifan’s face was gloomy and clouded.

“What else in the big night has to come over now? Can’t you say it tomorrow? Yeh-Hsiang and his wife can have something urgent! In all likelihood, it is related to the old woman!” From the family to the hotel, Sun Dongqing The mouth has not stopped. “You have listened to me. If she wants me to take care of the old woman, there is no door!”

“You give me a warning, don’t let her cry, you are soft on this side, you treat her as a sister, but she can treat you as a brother? Never!”

“When I was young, I was looking forward to the troubles of our two husbands and wives. Did she still do less to provoke dissension? Are you not blaming me for anything? I am a big brother with her, and I want to solve this life. open.”

She was still talking about it, and she did not notice the twilight contained in Ye Zhifan’s face. Ye Ying looked in her eyes and her heart suddenly jumped.

I secretly pulled my mother and whispered: “Mom, have you said that you haven’t been tired for so long? You haven’t stopped from home to the hotel. Come here, do you want us to go back now? Don’t you say hello?”

The sound is getting lower and lower. “You didn’t see Dad feeling bad now? Well, you understand and understand your father?”

The daughter’s words, Sun Dongqing, have always been able to listen to the time, and heard that the nose is not light and heavy, and this has stopped.

Ye Zhifan now does not want to have any communication with his wife. He told her that there is no use for it. Apart from noisy and noisy, he can’t think of what she can do?

Occasionally, I’m smart, and I’m stupid afterwards.

(End of this chapter)

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