Chapter 1480 has been smashed, cool

Ye Ying’s reaction is bigger than anyone else on the scene. The more she grabs the DV camera, the more she will not use it. The lip is slamming her by pressing the function key above, so that she can press her fingertips. White.

How can it be! How can it be!

I accepted Ye Jian to go farther than myself, stand taller than myself, and finally adjust her mentality, why there are things that she can’t accept, why?

Ye Jian is now stronger than her, she recognized!

As long as you work hard, you will surpass her one day! The same will return to the past, so that Ye Jian is only like to hold his own share!

The results of it? The results of it?

Ye Ying not only has a pale face, but also has a madness in his expression. The whole person is in chaos and there is no normality.

After pressing for a long time, I didn’t see the video I wanted to see. Ye Yingmeng looked up and yelled at Ye Xiangxiang: “What broke! What to buy!”

“The loss is still a prospective college student, even a small video recorder will not be used.” Ye Xiaoxiang swept his face with a scornful look, and no elders sneered and said: “Nothing is worse than Ye Jian, in the end It’s stupid!”

“Smelly (婊) son, you give me a shut up!” Sun Dongqing, who defended his daughter, immediately jumped out, his voice sharply slammed back. “Smelly shameless, Yingying also called you aunt, you (female watch), I am! Not worth it!”

How can Ye Xiangxiang suffer this kind of insult, hear the words, and scream into the loud screaming, she rushed directly like the shrew, “Sun Dongqing, you “women” watch dare to swear me! I want to tear your rotten mouth!”

When I rushed over, I smacked up with Sun Dongqing, scratched my face, lifted my leg, and let Sun Dongqing, who didn’t think she would start, didn’t react and ate a few boring losses.

“Hey you? I am not only yelling at you, I want to beat you!” Ye Haoxiang, who has the upper hand, is so mean, and the wisdom of Mrs. Ye’s wife has not learned, and the swearing and stepping on the painful feet have been passed down: “Just you It’s no wonder that it’s a stupid thing to give birth to Ye Ying! It’s not as good as Ye Jian, but it’s still self-righteous! Want to compare with Ye Jian? There’s no chance in the next life!”

Sun Yaozu glanced at him and looked at Ye Zhifan with a sullen look: “Two brothers, don’t you care about the second? You are also a provincial cadre wife, how is it like a shrew?”

Said in the mouth, there is no point to stand up and persuade.

“Musk must also be disciplined, and Mom has no energy now, let the scorpion out of the management.” Ye Zhifan has nothing to persuade, fighting this kind of thing, huh, Sun Dongqing has always been.

No one thought of how crazy Ye Yi’s expression was at this time. She was mad and she was stepped on by the beggars. The last remaining sensibility along with Ye Xiangxiang’s phrase “I want to compare with Ye Jian? There is no chance in the next life! “It finally collapsed.

Her eyes were red and bloody, and her facial features were distorted. She looked at the room with a fierce and awkward look. The four adults did not pay attention to picking up two cups of soaked water and drinking near the leaf musk.

As Ye Zhifan thinks, Sun Dongqing will not let himself suffer from this fight.

I pressed Ye Xiangxiang to the ground and rode on her side like a horse. It was a great lesson to teach Ye Xiangxiang: “Want to play with the old lady, don’t polish your eyes and see who the old lady is! Dare to be full, you should tear your mouth like this. “”

Ye Xiangxiang is not a vegetarian. As long as her hands move, she can fight back.

“There should be a step on the leaf!! It’s as stupid as her mother…ah!”

The snoring suddenly became a sharp scream, and the forehead’s scented scented scented instinctively stunned his face and shouted: “Killing, killing!”

(End of this chapter)

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