Chapter 1488 Provocation

Guilin is located in the hinterland of southwest China, bordering the five provinces. It is the entire southwestern transportation hub. From Huzhou to Guilin, it is equivalent to spanning more than half of the country, from north to southwest.

The small county town where Ye Jian lived is located in a relatively remote location in Guilin, surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery.

At night, the entire small county was dark and there were no street lights.

Sitting in a room full of all kinds of food smells, Ye Jian bowed his head and looked at the boiling water that had just poured out of the thermos. A woman who was about 30 years old and had a slightly black skin fluttered and kept flying. Speaking.

Li Wei introduced himself to this young man, her name: Wang Gui.

The name is correct, but the identity has to be replaced.

Wang Gui, one of the big members of the mistress, was responsible for the contact between the small county and the mountain village, and timely reported the news that Li Wei had heard from the city to the big committee.

With two thin willows, she will blink from time to time when she speaks. She will know that she is an uneasy woman.

For the people, I was as enthusiastic as Li Wei. I saw Ye Jian came in for a second and then stunned it. Then the enthusiasm seemed to receive the guests. After a while, the martial arts made Ye Jian like the fairy, let people listen. My heart will be a little bit swaying.

From the entrance to the present, Ye Jianlian drank two glasses of water and did not stop.

When I met Ye Jian, I was so calm, let her boast that she couldn’t stand it, but she still had to pretend to be shy and took a sigh of relief to make her face look a little red.

The more she is like this, the lower the vigilance of Li Xin’s heart, and the provocative look of Wang Gui’s secret, there is a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wang Guiyi took advantage of the fact that he had been with the big committee for one year. He spent every day trying his best to put the storefront of Yuyang into his own hands, and did not succeed in making a good fortune on her head.

Pooh! I want to fight with my grandmother, Wang Gui, you are still tender!

Wang Gui, who was stunned by Li Xiao’s eyes and stalked a thorn, felt sullen from his chest. Unconsciously, even the smile on his face was a little stiff.

The powder on her face was a bit thick, and the corners of the eyes and the lip lines were seen in the yellowish light.

Pulling the corners of his mouth, the action took a slap in the face. “Hey, look at my memory. I haven’t forgotten to ask if you have dinner for so long. I definitely haven’t eaten. I have to go from the city to the county. Hours.”

Wang Gui is still a clever one. He did not immediately send out the fire in his heart and simply turned away from the topic.

Isn’t Li Wei saying that he wants to be hungry and bring in the “goods”?

Oh, it’s not as good as her intentions.

But she can’t really work hard with her. There is no way. Li Wei is the most trusted woman of the big committee. She still has to rely on her to make money in Yuyang. Even if she has an unclear relationship with the big committee members, she will not Dare to be in front of Li Wei.

Sven’s sipping the leaves of the water did not reveal the traces of the two people. When the light was in the motion, there was a slight darkness in the depths of the scorpion, and Wang Gui and Li Wei did not agree.

“I am not hungry, sister, are you hungry?” Li Wei, who bite his teeth in the dark, turned his head. Xiaoying Ying and Ye Jian said, “I have no appetite for a few hours in the car. I haven’t looked at my sister. Are you hungry?”

Wang Gui will be a good person in the children, hey, what?

Ye Jian, who drinks water, doesn’t have to say anything. He only needs to say a word. She smiles at anyone who smiles. It can easily provoke the emotions of two people who are not pleasing to each other.

Thank you for the blessings of the little goblins. It has to be busy for two days.

(End of this chapter)

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