Chapter 1491 Wishful Abacus

Once you let the police know that the big committee is trying to go abroad, don’t even want to leave!

It used to be not so serious. After killing the police officers, the days in the meeting have not been so good.

She has received several calls for ventilating letters, saying that the dark weather places in Yuyang City were investigated.

Never give up extra money! Wang Gui, can’t stay!

Killing the heart together, Li Wei’s face is a bit cold.

However, Wang Gui’s back to her did not find anything. She also had a small calculation in her heart. Li Wei is the most trusted woman of the big committee. It’s absolutely impossible to reveal some news in her mouth!

My eyes turned a few turns. In the end, because my heart was not practical, I could only smile and carefully inquire: “Do you have any news in the city? I am listening to the tone of the big committee members. It is really not very good. It is estimated that I will go abroad. “”

Li Wei can become the most trusted woman around the big committee, but what is the simple generation?

Hearing his words, he turned his eyes and said, “Wang Gui, Wang Gui, what bad ideas are you playing? I don’t know if the big members are going abroad, can you still hear them?” One does not believe The muzzle.

Don’t you know Li Wei? Did the big committee member want to take her out?

Wang Guixin’s abacus was set to “squeaky” and went abroad. She never thought about it. She only wanted to borrow money from the big committee members and then live her own little days.

She did not know that because of her own words, it led to the murder.

I heard that the big committee member said that he would go abroad. He also mentioned a “Mr. Charlie”. When he heard it, he knew that it was the name of a foreigner. Li Wei said that he did not know whether the big members would go abroad.

Lie to her? Or do you really know Li Wei?

Wang Gui, who was suspicious of the letter, used some chopsticks to fish the cooked noodles into the bowl. Li Yi, who was next to him, immediately took the chopsticks in her hands. “There are fewer spoons, do you really want to feed people? Wang Gui, you have to have a sense of opinion on me!”

“I can have any opinion on you, you become yourself!” Was twisted, Wang Gui simply ignored, and waited to see less than five noodles left in the bowl, Wang Gui slammed his mouth and snorted. The sentence “The most poisonous woman.”

She has always been cautious and she doesn’t want to care about her. How can she let a girl who has not been completely abducted to be completely fed, even if she is taken to the store, she will not let them eat.

The reason is very simple. This person is embarrassed. When she is full, she can toss, but she is the least toss.

“You really don’t know that the big members are going abroad? Li Wei, if you talk about the words, the big committee members will go out of the country, and the things he left behind can be bothered.” Waiting for Li Weiduan bowl to go out, not to die. Wang Gui of the heart suddenly asked again.

“I don’t know.” Li Yan, who had a hot face, crossed the twilight and replied coldly. This Wang Gui was afraid of being left alone. He took out the big committee members and said that if he had to deal with it, he would have to deal with it. Only one word can be made with the big committee members.

After two steps, I stopped and turned to Wang Gui, who was just squinting at herself. “She has a mobile phone in her hand, and she will find a way to get it.”

“Know know, let you put people here. I don’t like it. If you love to bring it to the mountains, you will take it to the mountains. I am still happy.” I caught a shape and there was no embarrassment. Wang Gui held her chest and covered her mouth. A look of reluctance.

Ye Jian, who had listened to the whole process, had already sat down, waiting for Li Wei to take their mobile phone away, but she did not intend to keep this mobile phone.

(End of this chapter)

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