Chapter 1504 Skynet Recovery

Seeing that my parents are so obsessed with it, they will be so stunned, even if she is standing in the sun, but her body is covered with despair that cannot see the future, gray, lost her smile that she should have at this age. .

Cults have existed since ancient times. They are all the first elements of deification. The Church of the Lord God is not the first cult organization, nor the last cult organization, but it will never let it develop and endanger social stability.

Ye Jian looked at the back of Li Wei’s departure, his hands slowly became a fist, waiting for Li Wei, your days will not be too long!

Thirty households in the small village lived in the mountains and did not concentrate together. Apart from Chen Jiafu, there were six households, and the rest were retail investors.

“Chen Jiafu has a few brothers and sisters? Who are the most recent people? Who are the people who often appear in his family?” After learning how many people in the village, how many men and women, young and middle-aged, Ye Jian is paying attention to Chen Jiafu Case.

The information provided by the police is not detailed enough for the Snowy Brigade and Ye Jian. The criminals also have the primary and secondary points. The key points must be clear to prevent the fish from slipping.

The more I can finally talk to myself, the more clear the rules are. “There are two brothers and married to the two provinces, and Chen Jiafu ranks third. Going recently is his own two brothers, and everything will be done by them. Come out.”

“The second is Li Wei, and then the neighbors of the “Chen” who live near his home. The village head of the village is also surnamed Chen. He is his brother. What benefits are obtained by the village chief.”

The two men said that while they were walking, Ye Jian remained highly vigilant. Once someone approached the topic immediately, he reminded him that he would know that there were surprises in his eyes.

She did not feel that there were villagers behind her, and Ye Jian immediately found out when she was five or six meters away.

“You are so powerful, how do you know that you are following someone?” The heart was relaxed and the meeting was blinking, and his eyes were sparkling and he looked at Ye Jian. “You still know so far.”

Ye Jianxiao said: “Usually we will train, some people will definitely know immediately, they are not professional trackers, and they can be found far away.”

The meeting will be amazed and worshipped: “Then you must train very hard, you must be the best policeman in the police station.” If not, she will not let her go into the village alone.

Thinking of this, I will settle down a lot in my heart.

I can already see the century-old maple tree in the village. In the autumn, the maple tree has been yellowed, and the simple and quiet scenery makes Ye Jian stop.

It’s a great sight, but it’s a pity that the villagers who grew up in this land can’t see each other again.

“If you have to pay, you will have to pay for it, just like you are suffering now. If you encounter difficulties in the future, you can face it calmly.” There is only one main trail in the village, along which it can take the entire mountain village. After walking, the leaf simplification that comforts others is not blindly moving, but has a purpose. Every time I finish a place, I will draw the terrain and landform here.

Waiting until you stand in front of a stone monument, Fu will whisper: “You can’t go any further. In front, there is a road into the mountain. We can’t easily go out in the village. People outside can’t easily enter the village. What’s the matter? Everything must be approved by Chen Jiafu.”

(End of this chapter)

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