Chapter 1507 False News

At noon, the sun was shining and glaring, and Ye Jian raised his hand to cover his own eyes, and also covered his eyes with a deep cold.

One of the middle-aged men was wearing a dirt-stained belt at the waist. This belt did not belong to him at all, but belonged to one of the sacrificial police officers. The murderer who killed them now is so arrogant.

The meeting was a silent temper. When the villagers asked a few words, she answered a few words and soon took Ye Jian away.

“Chen Jiafu’s younger brother, he asked me to take you home, not to go to the village again.” Fu will come over and look a little nervous, “Let’s go home soon, I will bring you out later.”

It’s been a long time, it’s already 11:30.

Ye Jian raised his eyes and looked directly at the two middle-aged men who were blocking the way. His eyes swept over the man with the belt. “Is the man wearing the belt a brother of Chen Jiafu?”

“It’s him, don’t look, let’s go.” The meeting was very scared, and even his fingers trembled lightly. “Hurry up, it’s dangerous to be stared at him.”

I haven’t walked to the home of the meeting, and I saw a few villagers standing outside the house and don’t know what to talk about. Seeing her come over, two very vigilant people stopped talking and immediately looked at themselves.

“Don’t worry about them, just follow me.” This time it became a meeting to protect Ye Jian, she felt that she had the responsibility to protect the young policewoman who saved herself.

Ye Jian did not tell his true identity, and the party always thought she was a policewoman.

The food has begun to smell, and K7, who is standing in the woods, smashes the biscuits and drinks the spring water in the mountains to solve the lunch at noon.

“There are a lot of dogs. There are four wolves in the village.” The voice of Xia Jinyuan came from the wireless headset, cold and cool, with a cold spring-like color. “A total of thirty-four households, each household has a dog, no Put them down and the action track is always exposed.”

Enough, it is called to every dog ​​to raise a dog.

The little fox was looking for four woven bags last night, it was not easy!

Holding the compressed biscuit in the right hand, the white crane with the left hand holding the telescope to observe the situation whispered: “What is the situation in Ye Jian? When is the medicine to be put?”

He observed that after half an hour, he had seen six earth dogs running over the fields. If they did not solve some of them, they would certainly bring certain difficulties to the operation.

Xia Jinyuan’s mouth, which looked down at the mobile phone text message, slightly evoked. “It’s already started. There will be news in the evening. The pigeons have joined the police, and the white cranes sent us the coordinates.”

One by one, the short message came over, Xia Jinyuan also responded quickly. “The preparation is ready. We are looking for a distance from the woven bag. You are responsible for finding the woven bag of the buried garden.”

“Well, at eight o’clock in the evening, I am responsible for guiding the line of sight.” Ye Jian, who received his reply, immediately returned to the past, and the exquisite appearance of Ming Hao was very tight, and there was a sigh of sorrow in the eyebrows. “Chen Jiafu was the first offender. The brothers participated in the case of killing the police. Li Wei was the main one, and the four big fish focused on arresting them.”

The first text message was sent out, and Ye Jian immediately edited the next message: “The firepower is temporarily unknown. After investigation, no weapons were found. It is suspected that the weapons provided abroad are false news. It is not excluded that Chen’s three brothers and Li Wei’s hands have Guns and ammunition are self-defense.”

Seeing this text message, Xia Jinyuan couldn’t help but look at the sight, false news?

(End of this chapter)

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